All surnames in the tree

List of 93343 people and 51400 unique names Email me at argentina97 at (Eric Buchanan.) Do not send in SEO offers. I want to hear from people working on the same kind of ancestors. Please let me know if you see something I do not know in here. Hablo espaol bien. Jag pratar lite svenska. I have been serious about doing genealogy since 2001. I put this site up to let people find what they need for free. All names listed are at least 110 years old for privacy reasons. I am not publishing books nor papers. I did find it helpful to read adobe acrobat files to learn Old English and Middle English.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

"1st Lord Verdun" "Constable of Ireland" De Verdun ps "Beauclerc" "Beauclerc", "David" Davis "de Cambrai" "Ironarm" "King of Sjelland of Denmak" Klak "Lackland", "Longue-Épée" "of Gaunt" "Sans Peur" "THE FAT" of France "The Fearless" Duke of Normandy "The Great" "The Pious" "the Temporiser" "Tree-Hewer" Tretelgia

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&Durham} & Hertford &Leon

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''de Gernon'' de Meschines

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(Alberic) (Alice\ Countess Of Flanders (Aline) (Amaury) (Arundel) Arundelle (Bird) Hill (Bond) (Cecil) Syssell (Clifford) (Collingwood) De Selby (D.) (de) KEVELIOC (de Bourgone) (de Coucy) (de Courtenay) (de Erdington) (de Hereford) (de Moiz) (de Montfort) (de Mowbray) (Dentatus) (De Paris) (de Poitiers) (de Say) (Duke of Bohemia) (Edgiva) (Eticho ( Forbes) Forbush (Fulk) (Gaunt) _Montfort (Gaunt) Montfort (Geva) (Gray) Hutton (Gwyn) (Henri I) (Hohenstaufen) (Hutton) Lancaster (Ii) (Itta) (Jordan) (Judith) (King of Burgundy) (King of Cologne) (King of England) (King of France) (Knight, Sheriff of Cumberland,Member of Parliament) Redman (Lord of Trowbridge) (Maasgau) (Maud) FitzROBERT de GLOUCESTER (Mistress) (Mrs. Johannes Leer) (Navarre) (notes) (NÍ MORDA) UA TUATHAIL (of Chester) (of Denmark) (Of Maer) (of Savoy) (Of Soisson) (Pavie) (possibly) Waters or Walters (possibly Moore) (Regnier) (Rupert III) (SCAWYN) (Sir) (unknown) (unknown) Speed (or) Speede (Vicomte of Bayeux) (von Haspengau&# 00063;) (Whitbread) (William the Conqueror)

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,Capet , comte d'Artois , Ii

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--- ---- ----- ---rch

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. ... .2Louvaine

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11 14thGGF 1780 18 1 Beauclerc 1 de Montfort 1 Sanders 1st Earl of Kent 1st Earl of Pembroke 1st Lord Despenser 1st Lord of Glenorchy Campbell 1st of Essex, Justicar of England 1st wife of Visbur

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2nd Earl of Roscommon

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3rd Earl of Northumberland

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5th Countess of Salisbury 5th High Steward of Scotland

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< or <

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? ?? ?Darby ?Farley

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\ \\Jeffrey \ Count \Ct De Reimes\ \Drake \ 3 son \Flagg

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_ ____ _____

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A Aachen Aalesdottir Aaron Abba Abberbury or Adderbury Abbes Abbess Of Folkestone Abbetot Abbot of Crowland Abbott ab EINION Abell Aber Abercrombie Aberffraw Abernathy Abernethy ab Iorwerth Abitot Aboazar - Hermenegildo - ab Owain Ab Owain Gwynedd Abraham Abram Abrams Abrell ab Rhodri Mawr Absytsylt Ab Yr Arglwydd Acclom Achelly Achim Achyn Acken Ackerly Ackerman Ackland Ackley Acklome Ackworth Ackworth II Acre Acson Acton Acuto Acworth Acy Adair Adala Adalbert Adalbert Ii Adalbert III Count in the Zurichgau Adalberto ADALRICUS Duke of Alsace Adaltrude Adam Adam Fychan Adams Adams, Adams Jr. Adamson Adbelahide Adcock Adcocke Adda Addams Adderbury Adela Adelaid Adelaida Adelaide Adelaide A Adelaide A. Adelaide de Maurienne Adelaide Of Adelaide of Cominges Adelais Adelais Petronel Adelbert Adele Adelelme Adelhaid Adelheid Adelicia Adelidis Adeline Adelisa Ademar I Aderne Adiabene Adilsson Adiva Adoi David Adowne Adwige Adwige ( Avoise), Princess FRANCE Aebersold Aederne AEfthryth Aelfthryth Aelgifu Aella Aetheling Aethelwolf Aethling af Agder Afeild or Armfeild Affeton Affonsez Affonsez Princess Of Portugal And Algarves Afloed Aforde Afualo af Uppsala Agar Agard Agatha, Agborowe Aggar Aggie Agilofinger Agilofinges Agilolfing, AGILOLFINGE Agilolfinges Agilulf The Agilofing Duke Theodo I DeMeaux Agnaes AGNARASSON Agnarsson Agnasson AGNASSON King in Sweden Agnes Agnes Sybilla deFiennes Agnes Wood Agnew Agricola Agricole Agrippa I Agrippin Agrippine Aguiar Aguillon Aibley Aigle

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Aigle Aiken Aikenhead Aimard Ainge Ainsley Ainsworth Airls Eyre Airth Aithiling aka Ausbert METZ prob aka Alabaster Alamannia Alan Alan Iii Alanora Alardsdatter Alaric Albee Albeney Albini Alberica Alberiz Albert_ I Albertson Albertz Albha Albi Albini Albino Albon Albreda ALBRET Alburne Alby Alcock Alcorn Alda Aldam Aldane Aldatrude Alday Aldbrough Aldeberge Alden Alderete da Silva Alderice Alderman Aldersey Aldersley Aldin Aldis Aldiss Alditheley Aldithely Aldithley ALDITHLEY (AUDLEY) Aldiun Aldobrandeschi Aldous Aldred aldred) Aldrich (Mynne) Aldridge Aldrige Aldroenus Aldud Alduin Aldus Aleida Alemania Alemanie Alemanni ALEMANNIA Alemannien Alemenie Alencon Aleramici Alesberay Aleth Alexander Alexander Olafson Alexander Standish Alexios Aleyne Alfarinsdatter Alfgeirsson Alfgifu Alfheim Alfonsez Alfonsez Count Of Provence[ \ & Forcalquier] Alfonsez De Leon Alfonsez of Castile And Léon Alfonsez Princess of Castil e & Leon Alfonso Alfonso I Alfonso IX Alford Alford ( Alvord) Alford or Alvord Alfreton Alfsdatter Alfsdottir Alfónsez de León Alfónsez of Leon & Galicia Algautsdotter ALGAUTSSON Alger Algerine Algouleme Alheim Alianor Alianore Alice Alice Drake Alice of Saluces Alice or Judith Alice Spencer Aline Alington Alix Allan Allard Allard, Allardyce Allchurch Allcorn Allemania Allemanie Allen Allender Alley Alleyn Alleyne Allin ALLINGTON Allis Allison Allison or Ellison Allsop Allum Allyn ALLYN (ALLEN) Almaric Alariquez de Visigoths Almond Almor Almott Almy Alnou de Neuville Alo Alost Alost d' Alpa Alpaide Alpaide Heristal DeBruyeres Alphonsez Alphonso_ V Alphonso I Alpraham Alred Alreksdotter Alreksson Alreksson Rogaland Alsace ALSACIA Alsatia Alsleben Alsop Alston ALSÁCIA Altdorf Alton Altorf Altrude Alvard Alvheim Alvheim, queen of Denmark Alvord Alvord ( Alford) Alward Alywyn Amadeo Amadeoz Amalafrida Aman Amand Amanieu Amauri Amaury Seigneur MONTFORT Amaury Ambler Amboise Ambroise Ambrose Ambrosius Ames Amias Amice Amice DeCalverley Amie Borden Amiens Am LLawdd Ammon Amner Amorie Amory Amos Ampney Gloucestershire Hungerford Amptyll Ampurias Amsden Anarawd Anchisus and Earl of Hertford, Duke of Somerset Andechs An der Mangfall Andereson Andersen Anderson Anderton and Meaux De Champagne And N Andras Andras I Andre Andre de Conteville, Seigneur of Vitre Andre de Vitre Seigneur de Vitre Andrew Andrewe Andrewes Andrews Andrews, Jr. Andrews Andros Andri of Baudmon Andronikos Andronikos\ Emperor Of The Byzantine Empire Andrus Andrews Anes Angantyrsson Angel Angelina Angell Angelo Or Angell Angelos Angevin Angevin of England Angharad verch Maredydd Anghard Angielska Angilbert Homer de Ponthieu de Montreuil Anglachau Angleria Angouleme Angoulesme AngoulêMe Angus Anicius Anjou Anjou, d' ANJOU OR ORLEANS Anketil I Mallory Ann Ann Blount Anne Annequin Annes Annesley Anne Woodward AnneWydeville Annician Annis Anquish Ansbertus Ansell Ansgarde Ansigise Ansigise Anchises anschisus ansegisel anchiss Ansoud Anstrude of Neustria Anstye Anstyne Ansurez Anthenaise Anthony Antony Antwerp Antwerp) Anunsson Anvers Aoches Ap Ap Tewdwr ap. Meiric ap_ Madog Ap Adam Ap Adda Ap Aelan Ap Alser Apamea Ap Annlach ap Arthafad Ap Arthen ap ARTHUR Ap Beli Apblaidd ap Blaidd Ap Bleddyn ap Bleiddig Ap Bran ap Brochfael Ap Brochwel Ap Brockmael Ap Brychan Ap Byordderch ap Cadell Apcadell ap Cadifor " Fawr" Ap Cadivor ap Cadwagon Ap Cadwaladr Apcadwaladr ap Cadwgan Ap Cadwgon ap Caenog Ap Caradoc ap Caradog ap Ceidio Ap Ceneu ApCillin Ap Coel ap Corf ApCwnws Ap Cymon Ap Cymon- Ap Cynan ap Cynan Cylched ap Cynan, Brenin of Gwynedd Ap Cynana ap Cynfelyn ApCynfelyn ap Cynfelyn ap Cynfyn ApCynfyn ap Cynfyn ap CYNGAR Ap Cynvin ap Cynwrig ap Daffyd Ap Dafydd ap Dafydd Mathew Ap David Ap Dei Ap Dinawal Ap Dingad ap Dolffyn ApDolphyn Ap Dryffin ap Dyfnwall ap Dyfnwallon Ap Dynfwallon Ap Ednowain ap Ednyfed ap Ednywain ap Ednywain Blendew ApEdryd Ap Edryd ApEdryd ap Edward Ap Edwyn Ap Einion ap Einon Ap Einudd Ap Elfynn ap Elidir, Brenin of Ynys Manaw ap Elidr Ap Ellis Ap Elystan ap Endyfed Fychan ap Eunydd Ap Evan ApEvan AP Evan ApEvan ap Evan ap Eynion ap Griffith Ap Griffith Ap Gwilim Ap Gruffydd ap Griffith ap Rhys Price ap Griffydd ap Grono Ap Gronwy Ap GRUFFUDD ap Gruffudd ap Nicholas ap Gruffyd ap Gruffydd ap Gruffydd Maelor ap Madog Lord Bromfield ap Gryffyd Ap Grygenan Ap Gwaeddgar Ap Gwaethfoed Ap Gwaithfoed Ap Gwaithgenau ap Gwengy ap Gwenwynwyn Ap Gwergeneu ap GWERTHEFYR Ap Gwerystan ap Gwgon Ap Gwilim ApGwilim Ap Gwilim ap Gwilym ap Gwilym Fychan Ap Gwrgan ap Gwrgeneu ap Gwriad Ap Gwrystan ap Gwrystar Ap Gwylawr Ap Gwyn ap Gwyn, Ap Gwynedd Ap Gwynfyw ap Gwynnan ap Gwynnog ap Henry ap Henry Dwnn ApHowel ap Howel ap Hyfaidd ap Hywel ap Hywel " DDA" ap Hywel Dda Ap Hywell ap Iago ApIdnerth Ap Idwal ApIdwal ap Idwal ap Idwal Foel Ap Ieuan ApIeuan Llwyd Phillips ApIfan Ap Inethan ApInethan ap Iolyn ap Iorwerth ap Iorwerth Ddu ap Iorweth ap Iowerth Ap Ithel ap Ithel Gan AP Ivor ApJafeth Ap Jafeth ap James Ap Jarddyr ap Jenkin ap Jenkyn ap Jevan AP John ap John of Rhydarwen ap Jorwerth Ap Karwedh Ap Lago ap Leuan ap Lewis Apleyard ap Lleisan ap Lles ap Lles "Llawddeog" ap Llewellyn ap Llewelyn ApLlewelyn Ap Llewelyn ap Llowarch ap Lludica ap Llwelyn Ap Llywarch Ap Llywelyn ap Llywri Aplorwerth ap Lorweth ap Madawc ApMadoc ap MADOG Ap Mael ap Maelor Madog Ap Maenerch ApMarchudd Ap Marchudd Ap Maredudd Ap Maredydd ap Maredydd, Prince of Powys Fadog ap Mathew ap Maylog Ap Meirchion Ap Meredith Ap Meredydd Apmerfyn Ap Merfyn Ap Meurig ApMeurig ap Meurig ApMeurig ap Meurig Lloyd Ap Meyric ap Morgan Ap Morgan, Baron Morgan of Lanishen Ap Morgeneu ap Morien ap Morreidig or Moriddig ap Morudd ApNathan Ap Nathan ap Nicholas ap Owain Ap Owen ( Wan) ap Paen ap Parrie ap PEDR ap Philip Applebee Applegate Appleton Appleyard Applyn Apprillerd ap Rees ap Rhain, Brenin of Dyfed ap Rhoderick Ap Rhodi Ap Rhodi Mawr ap Rhodri ap Rhodri " Mawr", Prince of So. Wales Ap Rhodri "Mawr" ap Rhodri Mawr ap Rhydderch Ap Rhys ap Rhys ap Gruffudd ap Rhys Gryg ap Rhys, ApRiece Ap Robert ApRobert ap Robert ap Seisyll Apseisyll ap Seisyll ap Seisyllt Ap Sihtric Apsley Ap Tanged ap Teithwalch Ap Tewdr Ap Tewdwr ap Tewdys ap Thomas Ap Thomas Ap Gwilym ap Thomas Fychan ap Thomes Ap Trahaearn ApTrahaearn ap Trahaiarn ap Trahearn, Lord Pembroke ap Trevor ap Tudor ap Tudur Ap Tudwal Apulderfield Apuldrefeld Apuldrefield Apulia ap Wennowen ap Wenwynwyn ap William Ap Ynyr ap Ynyr " Vychan" Aquila Aquillion Aquino Aquit Aquitaine Aquitane Aqutaine Aragbon Aragon Aragon) Aragon Ii Aragón Araker Arangui Arbetot Arbetot ( Abbetot) Despencer Arbitot Arbour or Harbour Arbuthnot Arbuthnott Arcedekene Archaic Archbishop Of Rheims Archbishop of Rouen archchancellor the Empire Archdean Of Paris Archer Arches Arches I Archibald Arcis-Sur-Aube Arden ARDENNE Ardennes Ardern Arderne Arduinici Arelat Argantaël Argenaid Argenau Argengaid Argengau & Linzgau Argentine Argila Arglwydd Rhys Argyropoulos Argyros Ariminta Arles Arlette Arlington ARLOGIA ( Countess of Orkney) Armager Armagnac Armanger Armegar Armenia Armistad Armistead Armistead, Armit Armitace Armorer Armstrong Arnaldes Arnarson Arnaud Arnold Arnolde Arnoll Arnott Arnoul Arnouldus Arnouldus II Arntullie Arnulf Arnuph Arnyatt Aron Arpad Arrigo Arrochar Arrow Arrowsmith Arscote Arscott Arsende Arsic Arsinde of Rouerge Arsson Artbroke Artemie Arthafad Arthen Arthington Arthur Artois Arundel Arundel ( Arundell) Arundel ( Avenel) ARUNDEL] Arundel Fitzalan Arundell Arwystli Asbaldeston Ascania Ascanie Ascough Ascyllius Aseda Ash Ashawe Ashborne Ashbridge Ashbrook Ashburn Ashburnham Ashby Ashby alias Grendon Ashe Ashead Ashehurst Asheldon Asheton Ashfield Ashford Ashley Ashley-Cooper Ashley- Cooper Ashley Cooper Ashlock Ashmore Ashton Ashwell Ashworth Aske Askew Askewe Aslac Aspale Aspall Aspinwall Aspland Asseburg Asser Assheton Astarab Astarac Asti Astin Astine Astley Astley, Aston Asturias Astwood ASudemer Atcheson Athelfleda Atheling Atheling "The Pearl of Scotland Atheling, Prince of England Atherton Atheyn Atholl Athorton ATKENS Atkin Atkins Atkinson Atkinson Lyons Atkyns Atte Coke Atte Holt Attipsson Atwater Atweecke Atweecke Weeks Atweecke Wickes Atweeke Wicks Weeks Atwell Atwood Atwood II AUBE Auberee Aubigne Aubigny Aubigny Albini Aubnay Aubrey Aubrey\ Awbrey Aubrey\ Awbrey of Cantreff Aubrey de Vere Aubreye de Beaumont Abbess of St Leger de Preaux Aubri Aubury Aucher Auchinleck Auchterloney Auchterlony Audeley Audemer Auder Audley Audley (Aldithley) Audley, Audre Audunardottir Audunsson Auguste Augustus Auligny Aulnay Aulney Aumale Aumale Le Gros Aumary Aunay Aunsdotter Aunsson Aupais Auprando Aureavilla Aurelianus Auriate Ausbert Ausbertus Ausley Ausone Austen Austin Austin Eslick Austrasia Austrasia & Neustria Austregilde Austria AUSTRICUSE Austrigusa or Ostrogotha, Princess of the Gepidae Autun Autunois Auvergne Auvernge Aux Dents Auxerre Avaloine ; Alavoine Av Anjou Avant Av Burgund Av Danmark Aveline Avenal Avenel Avenel, Avenel Avenel av England Averie Averill Aversa Avery Avesnes Avinell Avita Avitus Av Navarre Avranches AVRANCHES DeChester Av Rom Av Schweinfurt Av Svebern Av Ungarn av Vatnarr Awbrey Awdlett Axtell AYALA Ayala Toledo Ayars Ayer Ayers Aylesbury Aylesworth Aylett Aylmer Aylor Aylsworth Aylward Aylwyn Ayre Ayres Ayscough Azagra Azevedo Aznares Aznarez

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Baalon Babb Babbington Babcock Babcock, Sr. Babenberg Babington BABSON Bach Bache Bacher Bachilor Bachman Backhouse Backhouse or Backus Backus Bacon Badcock Badcock or Babcock Baderic Badi Badlesmere Bagby Bagenal Bagg Bagge Baggott Baghilhole Baghill Baghot Bagley Bagnall Bagnell Bagot Baildon Bailey Bailey (Bayley) Bayles Bailey\ (Bayley) Bayles Bailie Baille Bailleul Baillie Baily Bainbridge Bainbrigge Baines Baird Baker Bakersfield Bakersville Bakewel Baladon Balbus Balch Bald Balden Kellogg Balderston Balderstone Baldlesmere Baldock Baldon Baldry Balducke Baldwicke Baldwin Baldwin, Baldwinbaudouin Baldwin Baudouin IV Baldwind Baldwin Fiennes Baldwin I Baldwin Ii Baldwin III\ Count Baldwin IV Baldwin IV\ Count Baldwin V Bales Balfaur Balfour Baliden Baliol Ball Ballard Ballard, Ballenger Ballet Ballie Of Dull Balliol Balliou Balliou or Barlow Ballon Ballou BALLS Balne Baltes dos Visigodos Balthes der Ostrogoten Balthus Baltimore Balun Bamfield Bampfylde Banaster Banastre Banastre Knight Bancestre Bancke Banckes Banco Bancroft Bane Banester Bangham BANGS Bangs or Banks Baning Banister Banke Bankes Banks Banks Oates Bankworth Bannatyne Bannd Banning Banningfield Banor Banyster Bar Bar- Le- Duc Bar-sur-Aube Barbarossa Barbatus Barbe Barbee Barber Barber or Barbour Barbosa Barbour Barbour or Barber Barbry Barbur Barburne Barburre Barby Barcalona Barcelona Barcelona & Urgel Barcelone BARCLAY Bardarsdottir Barden Bardolf Bardolph Bardoul Bared Barentyn or Barentine Barford Bargrave Barham Baribault Barkeley Barker Barker, Sr. Barkman Barksdale Bar Le Duc Barlee Barley Barley (Birley) Barling Barlow Barlye Barlyman Barnaby Barnake Barnard Barnard, Jr. Barnardiston Barnby Barne Barner Barnes Barnet Barnett Barnewall Barney Barnham BARNYSHE Baron Baron Brecnoch Baroness Bonville Baroness Douglas Baroness Granville Baroness Of Beaujeu Baroness of Compton Baroness Of Donzy Baroness of Dudley Baroness Of Tuscany Baroness Of Vaud Baroness Percy Baroness Stephens" Baron Montague Baron Of Abergavenny Baron Of Beaujeu Baron Of Botetourte Baron Of Donzy Baron Of Dudley Baron of Elmly Beauchamp de Baron Of Lucy Baron Of Montacute Baron Of Titchmarsh Baron Of Vaud Baron of Wem" Pantulf (3rd Cru) Baron Powys Baron Skipwith, Sheriff of Lincolnshire KS Barr Barrand Barratt Barre Barre or Bare Barret Barrett Barrington Barron Barron, Barrow Barrowclough Barrowcloughe Barrowe Barrows Barry Barsham Barstow Bar Sur Seine Bartelot Barter Bartholemew Bartholemew FITCH son1 Bartholomew Bartholomew FITCH son 2 Barthurst Bartlet Bartlett Bartley Bartlholomew Bartolomei Barton Bartram Barttelot Barttelott Barwarried Barwick Bascom Baseden Baset Bashall Bashe Basilia Basillia Basina Basing Baskervile Baskerville Basket Baskett Bass Basse Basset Basset ( Biset) Basset, Baron Bassett of Hedington, Justice Itinerant for King Basset or Biset Bassett Bassett Justicar England Bassettt Bassingbourne Bassingham Bassocke Bastard Bastembourg Bastemburg de Bertrand de Briquebec Basye Batail Batchedler Batchelder Batchelor Bate Batelle Bateman Bates Batetourt Bath Batharack Bathilde Bathurst Batt Battayle Batte Battele Battell Battelle Batten Battey Battile Battin Battin or Batyn Battisford Battle Battles Baty Baubeau Baudement Baudouin BAUDOUIN III Baudouin IV Baudouin IV Le Barbu Count of Flandre Baudouin V The Pious de Lille Comte deFlandres Baudouth I Baudouth Ii Baudry Bauge Baugency Baugh Baugh Jr. Baughman Baugé Baumann BAUMGARTNER Baur Bausan Baux BAVARIA Bavaria (Agilofinges) Bavaria) Baviere Bavière Bavária Bawden Bawdrep Bawdrip Bawed Bawker Baxter Baxter Harvey Bayam Bayard Bayeaux Bayern Bayeux Bayffield Bayford Bayford Chandler Dane Parmenter Bayhall Baylande Bayles BAYLESS Bayley Baylis Bayly Bayly( Alias Denslow) Baylye Baynard Bayne Baynes Baynham Baynton Bays Baysey Bazoches Beach Beachamp Beadle Beafort Beal Beale Beal Holloway Beall Beals Beaman Beamon Bean Beanes Jr, Beanes Jr. Bear Bearce Beard Bearde Beardsley Beare Bearn Bearse Beartoffe Beate Binniker Beatheam Beaton-Bethune Beatrice Beatrix Beatty Beauchamp Beauchamp (K8P6-94V0 Beauchamp 1st Baron Bergavenny Beauchamp Baroness Espec Beauchamps Dudley Beauclerc Beauclerc of England Beauclerc Plantagenet Beaucleric Beaudefort Beauford Beauforest Beauforf Beauforft Beaufort Beaufort, Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland Beaufort Beaufort Beaufort Countess Of Westmorland Beaufort II Beaugency Beaugency Beaugency Beaujeu Beaujeu Forez Beaumeis Beaumes Beaumonnt Beaumont Beaumont, Beaumont, de Beaumont-sur-Oise Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont Beaumont [ BEAUMONT] Beaumont and Beaumont Count Beaumount Beaupre Beauvais Beauvau Beaver Beavers Beavis Beayne Bebbstone Bebicca Bebington Bec Beching Bechyog Beck Becker Beckering Becket Beckett Beckh Beckingham Beckmann Beckwith Beconsal Beconsall Becraft Beddenden Beddingfield Bedell Bedford Bedingfield Bedlisgate Bedo Bee Beebe Beech Beedle Beene Beers Beesom Beeston Beet Beg Begga Begga) Beggue Begue Beichlingen Beieren Beignet Beilby Beist Beitson Beke Bekinsaw Belasyse Belcher Beldagsson Belddyn Belden Belding Belecher Belers Belesme Belgrave Belknap Belknapp Bell Bellair Bellairs Bellamy Bellasis Bellasyse Belle Belleme Bellemontensis Bellenden Bellentyne BELLERS Belleville Bellingham Bellmont Bello Campo Bellomont Bellomontensis Bellott Belléme of Bellême BELMEIS Belnap Belson Belt Belton Belvoir Belwood Belyn Belzai BEMAN Benauges Bench Bendal Bendall Bendenges Bender Bendew Bendoe Benedict Benet Benevento Bengtsson Beni Alfons Beni Gómez Beni Mamaduna Benjamin Ben Nehemiah David Bennet Bennett Bennett Porter Bennety Bennington Bennington\Bennett Bensen Bensley BENSLY Benson Benston Bent Bentley Benton Beota Bera Berchin Bere Berebger Berengar Berengaria Berengarius Berenger Berenger, Duke of Brittany Berenger de Provence Berenger de Senlis Berenger IV Berenger Vannes Bretagne Berengeur Berenguela Berenguer Berenguer, Berenguer I, Berenguer IV, Count of Provence Beresford Berford Berg Bergavenny Bergen Beris Beriwe Berkeley BERKELEY, DE Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley de BERKELEY FITZ THOMAS II FITZ MAURICE II Berkely Berkerolles Berkeston Berkhard Berkley Berkrolls Berley Bernake Bernard Bernard Count De St. Liz Senlis Berner Berners Berney Bernhard III de Dresden Bernicia Bernstein, von Berres Berrie Berry Berswinde Bert Bertagne Bertha Bertha Aldeberge Bertha Berthe NEUSTRIA Bertha or Bertrada II of Laon Bertha Queen of Italy Berthaud Berthe Berthold Berthrada Bertout Bertrade Bertrade, Countess of HOLLAND BERTRADE 'Bertha Broadfoot' of Laon Bertram Bertram, Baroness Milford Bertrand BERTRAND SAINT-ARNAUD Bertrand Count of Provence BERTRAND dit SAINT-ARNAUD Bertrand dit St- Arnault Bertrand I, Lord Lisle BERTRAND ST ARNAUD Berwickshire Besalu Besalú Besancon Besbeech Besbey Besbyche Besells Besouth Besse Bessee Bessey Bessiles Besson Betenham Bethal Betham Bethe Bethel Bethell Bethoc Bethom Bethonia Bethume Bethune Betotez Betsy Betts Betune Betuwe Beufort Beulac Bevan Bevans (ap Evan) Bevends Beverley Bevil Bevile Bevill Beville Beville or Buell Bevis Beytill BEZAUNE Bhretnach or 'The Briton' Biaose Bibb Bibble Bibby Bibs Bicke Bickerstaff Bickerton Bickett Bickford Bicknell Biddle Bidell Bidgau Bidnet Bifeld Bigberry Bigelow Bigg Biggars Bigge Biggers Biggs Bigland Bignet Bignett Bigod Bigod, Bigod, 2nd Earl of Norfolk Bigod Or Bigot Bigore Bigorre Bigot Bihar Bikerton Bilchilde Bilhildis Bill Billing Billingan Billing Princess of Saxony Billings Billingsley Billington Billiou Bills Billund Billung Bilung Bindon Binford Bingham Bingle Binnicker Binnie Binniker Biornsson Birch Birchall Birche Bird Birdseye Birge Birkbeck Birkin Birmingham Biron Birt Bisbee Bisco Biscoe Biset Biset, Biseth Bishop Bishop Hereford Bishop Of Bayeux Bishop Of Beauvais Bishop of Bourges Bishop of Durham Bishop of Exeter Bishop Of Metz Bishop Of Orleans Bishop of Tongres D' Aquitaine Bishop Of Treves Bishop Of Utica Bishop of Winche Bissel Bissell Bisset Bitnar BIZANTINA Bjarnarson Bjarnason Bjodaskalle Bjorn Bjorn King of Sweden Bjorn Olafson Bjornsson BJORNSSON KING O Björnsson Bjørnsson Blaatand Black Blackadder Blackader Blackard Blackburn Blackeburn Blackenden Blackett Blackeye Blackledge Blackman Blackmar Blackmer Blackmere Blackmore Blackstone Blackwall Blackwell Blackwell Or Powell Bladwell Blagrave Blaickland Blaidd Blaine Blair Blairquhan Blaise de Montaut (de Noe) Blake Blakee Blakely Blakeman Blakemore Blakeney BLALOCK Blanchard Blanche Bland Blandford Blane Blanford Blankenship Blankett Blanton Blashford Blauzahn BLAVERHAUSET or BLENNERHASSETT Blaxton Blaymore Blayney Bleasdale BLECHYNDEN Bleddyn Bledri Bledsoe ( Bletsoe) Bleiddig Bleiddud Bleja Blemmerhasset Blenerhassett Blennerhasett Blennerhasset Blennerhassett Blerick Blessing Blessis Blethin Blethyn Bletsoe Blevins Blewett Blewitt Blieskastel Bligh Blighe Blight Blish Bliss Blissard Blissard, the elder Blissared Bliss Blysse Blisse Blisworth Blithfield Blithilde Blizzard Blodgett Blois Blois & Champagn Blois-Dunois-Châtillon Blom Blomfield Blomiley Bloodworth Bloomer Bloomfield Blore Blosse Blossom Blott Blount Blout Blow Blower Bloyou Bloyou or Blochou BLUET Bluetooth Blum Blumenschein Blundel Blundell Blundy Blunt Blush Bluther Blynkere Blysse Blythe Blyzzard Boade Boardman Boatright Boatwright Boaz Bobbio Bobigny Bobo Bocking Bockland Boddenden Bode Bodenham Bodensee Bodfish Bodfish Jr. Bodlesmere Bodrigan Bodrugan Bodvarsson Boettiger Boggs Bogle Bohemia Bohon Bohun Bohun de Tony or Toeni Bois Bois l'Eveque Boiter Bolam Bolam [ Boland Bolany Bolbec Bold Bolebec Boles Boleslava Boley Boleyn Boling Bolles Bolles or Bowles Bolling Bologne Bolton Boltwood Bomd Bompas Bompasse Bon- Marquis Bond Bond Jr. Bondrib Bonefey Bonett Bonham Bonington Bonithon Boniton Bonkyl Bonne D'Ardennes BONNEL BONNELLE Bonnells Bonner Bonnington Bonsall Bonsell Bonum Bonum (Bourne) Bonville Bonwell Bony Bonython Books Boomer Boonclark Boone Boore Booth Booth, Boothby Booth Jr Boplande Borden Bore Borel Boreman Borgarhjort Borgogne Borgonha Borgonia Borgoña Boris Borland Borllete Born Borodell Borogiso II \ Aquitaine Borough Boroughe Borrel Borrell Borrell II, Borrington Borrows Borthwick Borwick Boshart Bosley Bosman Boso Boso de Autun, Bouquet VIII of Provence Boso Medici Margrave D'Arles Bosonid Bossman Bostick Bostock Bostocke Bostocke Or Bostock Bostock Or Bostocke Bostosk Bosvile Bosville Boswell Bosworth Boteler Boteler ( Butler) BOTELER (LeBotiller) Boteler Butler Boteler or Botiler Boteller Botenstein Bothe Botho vonSchwarzenburg Bothrude Botiler Botiller BOTILLER (BUTLER Botley Boton Botour Bottchild Botte Botterell Botting Bottisham or Boltesham Bottom Bottome Bottomore Bottoms Botts Botvil Bouchard Bouchelle Bouchier Bouchier Or Bourchier Bouge Boughton Bouillon Bould Bouldin Boulding Bouling Boulogne Boulogne (Eustaquio IV) Boulstrode Boulton Bounds Bourbon Bourbon- Burgundy Bourbourg Bourchier Bourdon Bourges Bourgogne Bourgogne de Chalons of the Holy Roman Empire Bourke Bourla Bourman Bourne Bourne, Bousquet Bouteiler de Senlis Bouteiller Bouteiller" Chantilly Boutelle Bouth Bouton Boves BOVES PERRONE Bow Bowater Bowchien Bowden Bowdon Bowdrop Bowen Bower Bowerman Bowers Bowes Bowett Bowie Bowker Bowles Bowlin Bowling Bowls Bowman Bowne Bowser Bowshin Bowyer Box Boyce Boyd Boyden Boye Boyes Boyington Boyland Boyle Boyles Boyleston Boylston Boynton Boys Boyse Boyville BOZEMAN Bozman Bozman (Bosman) Bozoune Brabant Brabant[ Limbourg] Bracebridge Bracewell Bracey Bracey or Bressey Brachwel Braci Brack Brackbrock Bracken Brackett Brackin Bradbent Bradbourne Bradburne Bradbury Bradell Bradfield Bradford Bradhurst Brading Bradish Bradley Bradshaigh Bradshaw Bradshawe Bradstreet Bradwen Brady Braen Braendli Bragança Bragg Braham Braide Brailesford Brailsford Brainard Braine Brainerd Braiose Braiser Braithwaite Braithwaitte Braken Bramall Bramble Brambley Brame Bramhall Bramley Brampshott Brampton Bramshot Bran Branas Branca of Portugal Branch Brancion Brand Brand (Brond) Brande or Browne Brandeston Branding Brandish Brandling Brandon Brandon Jr. Branley Brann Bransard Bransom Brantley Braos Braose Braose (or Brewes, Breus), BRAOSE BRIGUZE Brashears Brasheur Brasier Brasier Brazier Brasseur Braswell BRATTON Braunspath Braut- Onund BRAUT-ONUNDSSON Braut- Onundsson Braut Onundssonr Bray Bray, Braybroke BRAYBROOK Braybrooke Braye Braylesford Brayne Brazier Breachin Bread Breading Breasey Breazeale Brechin Brechin\ Knight Breck Breckenridge Bredbury Bredgeland Breecher Breed BREEDLOVE Breherval Breightmet Brein) Brelby BREME BOURDELAIS Brent Brenton Brepin Brereton Brereton Lord Brereton 4th BRESCHIN Bretagne Bretana Bretangne Breten Breteuil Breteull Bretschgau Brett Brette Brettell BRETUIL Brewer Brewers Brewester Brews Brewse Brewster Breye of Andover Breyton Briain Brice Brickerstaff Brickett Brico Bricquebec Bricquibec Bridell BRIDE Na Angus Angus Bridge Bridgeman Bridges Bridget Parris Parris (Ferrers) Bridgewater Bridgman Bridgwood Bridill Brien Brienne Brienne, de Brient Briggs Brigham Bright Brightman BRINLEY Brinton Briolay Briolé Brionis Brionne Brioquebec Briquebec Brisbane Brisco Briscoe Briske) of Bristol Bristow Britain Britanny Brite Britolio Britt Brittany Brittany\ Duchess\ Brittany} Britten Britton Brittone Brittony Briwere Broadax Broadley Broadnax Broadwater Broadwell Broase Broc Brochwel Brochwell Brock Brocket Brockett Brockhull Brockmorton Brodeley Broderwich Brodish Brodly Brodnax Brodrugan Brodwell Brogden Brokesby Brombie Bromeley Bromely Bromfield Bromflete BROMHALL Bromley Bromme Brompton Bromwich Bromwitch Bronay Brone Bronson Brook Brooke Brooke, BROOKER Brookes Brooke Sr. Brooks Broom Broomehead Brosse Broster Brothers Brotherton Broughton Broun Broune Brounker Brown Brown, Browne Brown Browne Browne Browne (Walker) Browne 11GG Browne III Brownell Browning Browning, Brownlowe Brown or Browne Brownson Brown Sr. Broxton Broyes Brricquebec Bruce Bruce, Princess of Scotland Bruen Bruerton Brugge Brumfield Brumley Brun Brundage Brundenell Brunehilde of SAXONY Bruner Bruno Brunonen Brunsdon Brunson Brunston Brunswick Brunulphe BRUS Brus, Bruse Brusessdatter Brusesson BRUSESSON (Earl of Orkney) Brushett Brusse Brussels Brussi, Regnvald's-dottir Bruyn Bryan Bryant Bryant, Brychan Brydges Brydw Bryson Buchan Buchanah Buchanan Buchannon Buchli Buchnell Buchner Buck Buckand Bucke Buckenan Buckenham Buckfold Buckingham Buckinghamshire Buckinham Buckland Buckley Buckley and Daventry Buckly Buckmaster Buckminister Buckminster Bucknel Buckner Buckton Bucton BUDE Budockshyde Budokshide Or Budockshide Buel Buell Buffington Buffum Bufkin Bufkyn Bugey Bugge Bulkeley Bulkley Bull Bullard Bullard BULLER BULLARD or BULLER Bullen Buller Bullmer Bullock Bulmer Bulstrode Bults Bump Bumpas Bumpas\Bompasse Bumpus BUNCE Buncker BUNCKOM Bundick Bundlasdottir Bunkall Bunker BUNNELL Bunting Burbage Burbank Burch Burchard burd Burden Burdet Burdett Burdick Burdine Burdon Bures Burford BURGANDY Burgandy Queen of France Burge Burges Burgess Burgess, Burgess Wheldon Burgh Burghersh Burgherst Burgh or Borrow Burgo Burgondes Burgoyne BURGUN Burgund Burgundians Burgundy Burgundy, Burgundy Galicia Burgundy Lord Morwick BURGUNDY Mrs. Burgundy of Pnthieu Burislavsdtr Burke Burkhard Burkhart Burleigh Burleston Burley Burlingame Burlington Burman Burnaby Burnap Burne Burnell Burnell, Burnett Burnham Burpee Burr Burrage Burre Burrell Burris Burriss Burrough Burroughs Burrowes Burrows Bursesson Bursley Burson Burt Burte Burt Jr. Burton Bury Busby Buscancois Bush Bushby Bushel Bushell Bushell or Bouchell Bushnell Bushrod Busli Busly Buss Bussel Bussell Busset Bussey Bustard Buster Buswell Butcher Buthune Butler Butler "leBoteler" Butler (Boteler) Butler) Butler, 3rd Earl of Ormond Butler Butler Butler Or BUTLER or BUTTER Butler or le Betiler) Butt Buttall Butter Butterfield Butter or Butler Butters Butterworth Buttery Button Butts Buxton Buys Bwwyn Bye Byers Byffen Byfield Byler Byles BYNARD Byne Byordderch Byrant Byrd Byrde Byres Byrom Byrome Byron Byrt Byrte Byrtt Byrum Byset Byshoppe Bythmann Bywaters Bywell Byzantine byzantine- komenos Byzantine Empire Bérenger

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Caball Cabaniss Cabot Cacclesfield Cade Cadell Cadell Ap Einion Cadell Deyrnllwg Cadeyrn Cadfan Cadforch Cadifor Cadivor Cadwaladr Cadwaldr Cadwell Cadwgan CADWGAN FAWR Cadwgon Cady Caen Caen Gloucester Caenmere Caenmore of Scotland caffinch Caffinche Caffinge Cagniart Cailly Cain Caine Cain or Kaighin Caithness Cakebread Calcliffe Calcoke Calcot Calcott Caldecot Caldecote Calder Caldwell Caldwelle Calhoon Calile Calixtus Calkins Call Calle Callen Callendar Callwey Callwoodly Calmady Calston Calthorpe Calthorpe of Seething Calthrope Calthrope of Burnham Thorpe Calveley Calverley Calverly Calvert Calw Calwell Calwodleigh Calwoodeigh Cam Cambe Cambell CAMBERNON Cambrai Cambria Cambridge Cameron Camoys Camp Campagne Campaigne Campbell Camper Camvil Camvile Camville Camville, de Canamore Canbie Candee Candler Candlesby Candos Canfield Canhiart Canmore Canmore, Prince of Scotland Canmore III Canmore Lord Home Canmore of Scotland Cannaday Canne Cannel Cannon CANNOWAY Cantalou Cantaloupe Cantalupe Cantel Or Cantelupe Cantelou Canteloupe Cantelowe Cantelupe Canterberry Canter Cater Cantilou Cantiloupe Cantiloups Cantilupe Cantilupe ( Caunt Cantilupe ( Cauntelo) Cantrell Canu Caolus Nibelung Caomhanach Capehart Capell Capels Capen Capenss Cape or Cope Capet Capet Van Valois Capet, of the Franks CAPET, Dieudonné Capet de Bourgogne Capet de Dreux Capet de France Capet II Capet Koning van Frankrijk Capet of England Capet of France Capet of Neustria Capet of the Franks Capet The Bold Capet van Frankrijk Capoue Capper Cappoen Capua Caput Caradoc Caradog Caratene Caratene deBurgundy Carbet Carbonopsina Carcassone Carcassonne Card Cardell Carder Cardiff Cardinall Cardinan Cardon Cardwell Care Carell Careton Carew Carew, Carewe Cooke Carey Cargill Carie Carill Carill Carryl Carinthie Carleton Carlile Carline Carlisle Carliste Carlo Carloman Carloman III Carloman of Italy Carlovignian Carlson Carlton Carlton De Sutton Carlyle Carman Carmichael Carmino Carminow Carminowe Carminowe or Carmynow Carminow or Carmynow Carnaby Carne Carnegie Carnegie, 5th Laird of Kinnaird Carnen Carney Caroligien Caroling Carolingen Carolingian Carolingian Miss Carolingians Carolingien Carolingien D' Aquitaine Carolman Carpenter Carr Carr, Karr, Kerr Carrachiolo CARRAWAY Carre Carreg Carrey Carrick Carriell Carrill Carrington CARROL Carroll Carr or Ker Carryl CARSEWELL Carson Carswell Carter Carter Sr Carthorpe Cartledge Cartright Cartwright Carus Carvell Carver Carwithe Cary Carye Caryll Cary Mr. CAS Case Casey Cash Cashe Casinghurst Casslen Castela Castelayn Castell Castellan Castelle Castelyn Castile Castile & Leon Castile And Lbeon CASTILE AND LEON Castile And Léon Castile Queen Of Leon & Castile Castilla Castille Castille and Leon Castle Caston Castro Caswallon Caswell Catalin Catalyne Catchpole Caterycke Cates Catesby Cathcart Catherine Catherine de Luxembourg Cathrope Catland Catlyn Catrin verch Morgan Catte Catter Cattilupe Cauble Caule Cauntelo Causine Cavalier Cave Cavendish Cavendish, Cawood Cayley Caynehoe Caynehooe Caynhoe Ceanmor Ceannsalach Cecil Cecilia Ceffinch Celie Celynin Cennetig Center Cerdagne Cerdicing Ceva Chabanais Chabbenor, Chabot Chabot- Vouvent Chabot-Vouvent Chabot Vouvent Chacomb Chadbourne Chadbourne, Chadburn Chadwick Chadwicke Chaffin Chalfont Chalke Chalker Challie or Challons Chalmer Chalmers Chalon Chalon- Sur- Saone Chalons Chalons-sur-Saone Chamber Chamberlain Chamberlaine Chamberlayne Chamberlin Chambers Chamois Chamond Chamonix and Bidgau Champagne Champagne) Champaigne Champayne Champe or Perrin Champernon Champernoun Champernowne Champion Champline Champney Champreys Chance Chancellor Of Ireland De Clare Chandas Chandler Chandos Chandoz Channon Chantilly Chaources Chapin Chaplain] Chaplaine Chaplin Chapline ( Ensign Royal Navy) Chapman Chapman 2 Chappel Chappell Chappel or de Capello Chapple Chapyn Charbanois CHARBENOIS Chard Charde Charlemagne Charlemagne Emporer of the West Charlemange Charles Charles I Charles II Charles III Charles III " The Simple" Charles Martel Charleton Charlton Charmley CHARMOND Charnells Charney Charnley Charnock CHARROUX Charteris Chartres Chase Chastellerault Chastillan Chateau-du-Loire Chateau- Gontier Chateau Du Loire Chateaudum Chateaudun Chateaugontier Chateau Gontier Chateauneuf Chatellerand Chatellerault Chatellerault De Turenne Chatillerand Chatillon Chatrauneuf Chaucer CHAUCOMBE Chaumois Chaumont Chauncey Chauncy Chaundeler Chaundeler de Oare Chaunois Chauntrel Chauvigny Chauviguy Chauviguy [ Chauvre" Chaworth Chaynay Che Cheadle Cheatham Checkett Cheek Cheek, of Pirgo, Essex Cheeke Cheeke (Cheke) Cheircliffe CHEKE Cheleton Chelles Chellingworthe Chelton Chenault Chenault Sr. Cheney Cheney (Cheyne) Cheney, Chennye Cherleton Cherlton Cherry Cherrye Chesley Chesney Chesshyre Chessman Chester Chestledon Cheteaudun Chetham Chetwood Chetwoode Cheverill Cheverston Chew Cheyne Cheyney Cheynye Chichele Chicheley Chichester Chichley Chick Chickering Chickery Chidderlegh Chidderleigh Chideock Chidioc CHIDIOCK Chidiocke Chidioke Chief Justice Child Childe Childebert Childebert III th NEUSTRIA the FRANKS Childebran Childebrand I Lord Perracy DeBourgogne Childers Childerston Childress Chileab Chiles Chilham Chillingworth Chilperic Chilton Chiny Chiodeswinthe Chipley Chipman Chisholm Chisholme Chism Chittenden Chitting Chitwood Chiverton Chlorus CHLOTAIRE II 'the Young' Choke Cholmeley Cholmlugh Cholmondelay Cholmondeley Cholmondy Cholwell Chouns Choyse Chrichton Chrisholme Christenstow Christian Christian Stewart Christie Christman Christofer Christy Chrodoare Chrodobertus Chrodobertus ( Robert) Chrodtrud Chrothais Chrotude Rotrude Chubbuck Chudleigh Church Churchill Churchill Jr. Churchman Chuselden Chutt CHYGWYN Chylde Chylton Châlons Chârtres Château-Porcéan Châtellerault Châtillon Ciarbin Cicely Cilburn Cilley Cillin Cilly Citania Clack Clack, Jr. Clagget Claiborne Clair Clairmont Clakre Clap Clapham Clapp Clara Clare Clarell Claremont Clarey Clark Clark Black CLARK CLARKE CLERKE Clarke Clarke Digby Clarke Villiers Clarkson Clarkson (Claxon Clary Clator Clauton Claverdon Clavering Clavering Constable of Cheshire, Lord of Clavering, 4th Baron of Halton Claxton Clay Clayborne Claye Claypoole Clayton Cleborne Cleburne Cleere Clegg Cleland Clelland Clement Clements Clench Clenche Cleopatre Clerand Clere Clerian Clerk CLERKE Clermont Clervaux Clesbye Cletherow Cleveland Cleves Cleyborne Cleybourne Clibben Clibborn Clibborne Clibburne Cliborne Cliburne Clife Cliffe Clifford Clifford\ Sir Clifford Baroness Scrope CLIFFORDSIR Clifton Clifton, Clinkscales Clintock Clinton Clippesby Clipsby Clitheral Clitherall Or Clitheroe Clitheroe Clitherow Clive Clodius Clodius \ Clodio Clodobert Franks Clododinde of the Franks Clodomer Clodulf Cloford Clopa Cloptan Clopton Close Clotaire Clothaire I Clothar II Franks Clothier Clotilde Clotsinda Franks Clotton Clough Clouter Cloverly Cloville Clovis Clowberrie Cloyes Clure Clutterbrooke Clutterbuck Clyff Clyve Clémence de Foix CMagnoD Coalburn Coates Coats Cobb Cobbe Cobbett Cobbs Cobeen Cobert Cobham Cobler Coche Cochran Cochrane Cock Cockaine Cockayne Cockburn Cocke Cocke or Cox Cockerel Cockerill Cocking Cockrill Cocks Cockshot Cockshott Cockshutt Cocroft Coddington Codman Codrington Coebourn Cofer Coffeen Coffin Coffin Jr Cogan Cogar Cogen Coger Coggan Coggeshall Coggswell Cogswell Coigniers Coiniers Cokayne Coke Cokefield Coker Cokesey Cokfield Colban, Mormaer of Fife, Justicair of Scotia Colbert Colburn Colby Colder Cole Coleborne Coleham Cole II Coleman Colendon Colepeper Colepepper Coleper Colepper Coles Coleville Coley Colier Coligny Colingwood Collace Collamer Collamor Collamore Collemore Colles Collet Colleton Collett Colley Colliar Collier Collin Collinge Collings Collingwood Collingwood (Bedenell) Collingwood (Esquire of Eslington) Collingwood of Elsington Collingwood of Eslington, High Sheriff of Northumberland Collingwood of Ethel Collins Colllyns Collwey Collwey Collwey Collyer Collyns Cologne Colpeper COLPEPPER Colquhoun Colquite Colston Colte Coltilde Colton Columbaris Columbers Colunches Colver Colvile Colvill Colville Colvin Colwell Colwick Com Combe Combell Comber Comberford Combes Combs Comegys Comet Comey Cominge Cominges Comings Commena Comminges Comminges I Comnena Comnene Comnenus Como Toscano Compton Comstock Comte de Anjou Comte de Blois Comte De Boulogne Comte de Brienne comte de Clermont en-Beauvoisis Comte de Fezensac Comte de Hiemois Duc de Normandie Comte de Laon Comte de Lommois Comte de Macon Comte de Namur Comte de Rethel Comte de Senlis Comte De Valois COMTE DE VANNES AND RENNES Comte De Vermandois De Senlis Comte DeBourgogne Comte deMontreuil Comte deSavoie Comte du Vexin, de Valois et d'Amiens ComtesseBurgundy Comtesse d'Aquitaine comtesse de Bar Comyn Conan Conan Iv Conant Conchis Concord Concubine Concubine # 1 Concubine 1 Concubine 3 Concubine] Concubine of Austrasia Conde Conde de Aragon Conde de Bretana Condé-sur-Noireau Cone Coney Conigsby Coningsby Connally Connaught Connell Connelly Connold Connolly Conolly Conqueror Conrad Conradine Conserans Constable Constance Constance of Portugal Constantine Constantinius Constantinople Constantinus Constantius Constantius II Constanza Consul Contab Contee Conterville Contess Palatine de Bourgogne Conteville Convers Converse Convin Conwall Conwy Conwy Vychan Conyers Conyers ( Sir) Conyers, Conyers Of Hornsby Coo Cook Cooke Cooke "Alias Carew" Cooke (married name) Cooke Carewe Cooke Jr. Cookesey Cooksey Cooledge Cooley Coolidg Coolidge Coombs Coon COON or MACCOONE Cooper Cooper Jr Coote Cope Cope(Coape) Copeland Copinger COPLESTON Copley Copplestone Jr. Coppyn Copton Sandys Corbeil Corbeill Corbert Corbet Corbett Corbeuil Corbic CORBIEL Corbin Corbit Corbman Corbucco Corbuceo Cord Cordell Cordrington Cordwell Corit Corley Corliss Cormett Corn Cornelious Cornelius Cornell Cornell, Cornewallis Cornhill Cornish Cornoille Cornouaille CORNOUAILLES Cornouville Cornstalk Cornwall Cornwallis Cornwell Cornwwll Corona Coronel Corprew Correia Corte Corwin Corwithen Cory Coryton Cossette Cossington Coswel Cotehele Coteland Cotele Cotes Cotesford Cotgreave Cotingham Cotta Cotterell Cottingham Cottington Cottise Cottman Cotton Cottrell Cou Coubaine Couch Couchman Coucy Coucy Boves Coucy Pinon Couer-en-Auge Couhe} Coules Coulston Council Count Count_ Of Luxembo Count De Brienne Count de Cornouaille Count de Laon Count de Poitou Count De Terrasson Count Dreux Count Du Maine Countenay Countess Countess Angus Baroness Umfreville Countess de Vexin Princess of England Countess Dunbar Countess Forcalquier Countess in Nordgau Countess of Countess Of Angouleme Countess Of ANJOU Countess of Auxerre Countess of Blois Countess Of Boulogne COUNTESS OF BURGUNDY Countess Of Burgundy And Macon Countess of Carrick Countess Of Chalons Countess Of Champagne Countess of Comminges Countess Of Cornvaille Countess Of Derby Countess Of Dreux Countess Of Dreux And Bar Countess Of Eu & Brionne Countess Of Evereux Countess Of Evreux Countess Of Flanders Countess Of Frohburg Countess of Gleiberg Countess of Glou Countess Of Hainault Countess Of Hainault And Emperess Of Constantinople Countess Of Holland Countess Of Ivry And Bayeux Countess Of Kent Countess of Laon, Queen of Franks Countess Of Lorraine And Toul Countess Of Marseilles Countess Of Neufchatel Countess of Nordgau Countess Of Normandy Countess of Norwich and Ryes Countess of Orleanes Countess of Orleans Countess Of Ponthieu Countess Of Provence Countess of Rennes Countess Of Rennes And Duchess Of Brittany Countess Of Ringleheim Countess Of Saint Pol Countess Of Salerno And Amalfi Countess Of Senlis And Vermandois Countess Of Strade Countess Of Thurgovie Countess Of Toulouse Countess Of Tours And Sandgau, Duchess Of Alsace Countess Of Vermandois Countess Provence Countess Stafford Count in the Rheingau Count Of Count of Abbeville Count Of Anjou Count Of Anjou And Angleria Count Of Arcis-Sur-Aube Count Of Auvergne Count Of Avalgau Count Of Avranches Count Of Ballenstrade Count of Barcelona Count of Baviere Count Of Bayeux Count Of Beaumont Count of Bologne Count Of Boulogne Count Of Boulogne & Lens Count of Bourgogne Count Of BRITTANY Count Of Burgundy Count Of Chalons Count of Dreux Count of Eu Count Of Flanders Count of Frisia Count Of Friuli Count of Gainais Count Of Geneva Count Of Gournay Count Of Guines Count Of Hainault Count Of Hainaut Count of Holland Count of Kennemerland Count of La Marche Count of Linzgau Count Of Lorraine And Toul Count of Louvain Count of Luxembourg Count Of Luxemburg Count Of Macon Count of Maine Count Of Melum Count Of Metz Count Of Meulan Count Of Montdidier And Roucy Count of Mortain Count of Namur Count Of Nifterlake Count Of Normandy Count of Paris Count Of Provence Count of Rennes of Cournouaille Count Of Rethel Count Of Rheims Count Of Ringleheim Count Of Roucy Count Of Savoy Count Of Senlis And Vermandois Count of Senlis Peronne and St Quentin Count of Thurgau Count Of Toulouse Count Of Tours And Sandgau, Duke Of Alsace Count of Troyes and Meux Count of Tuloise Count Of Upper Isar Count Of Valois And Senlis Count of Verdun Count Of Vermandois Count of Vernon Count Of Vinzgau Count Of Waldelevingau Count Of West Friesland Count Of Wetterau Count Ponthieu Countryman Count Toulouse Coupe Courci Courci, de Courcy Cournay Coursen Courtanneur Courtenay Courtenay, Courtenayay Courthope Courthopp Courthorpe Courtney Couserans Cousserans Coustances Couuntess of Savoy Covell Coventry Covert Covington Cowbaine Cowbron Cowbrone Cowdrey Cowgill Cowles Cowper Cowryd Cox Cox, Coxe Cox of Brame COX OR COCKE Coy Coyney Crab Crabb Crabbe Crabtree Crach Crackbone Crackenthorpe Craddock Craddocke Cradock Craft Craig Craik Craister Cralle Cramaaville Cramer Crampthorne Crandall Crander Crane Cranston Craon Crathorne Craugh Craven Cravens Craw Crawford Craycroft Crayford III Crecy Creech Creekmore Creil Creker Crenshaw Crepi Crepon Crepy Crequy Cresacre Crespin Cressener Cresset Cressett Cressey Cressingham Cressitt Cresswell Cressy Creswell Creting Crevecoeur Crevecour Crevequer Crew Crew-Vaughn Crewe Crews Crey Creye Creyke Crichard Crichton Crickett Criel Criketot Crimmings Crinan The Thane Crintus Neptu Criol Crippen Crippin Crisp Crispe Crispe 1st Crispe II Crispin Crisping Crispinge Crissey Crist Criswell Critchlowe Critz Crocker Crodoare Croel Croffe Croft Crofts Croke Croker Croker, Cromer CROMER Crowmer Cromwall CROMWELL Crook Crooke Crooker Cropen Crophull Croppenborry Cropper Crosby Croshaw Crosius CROSLAND Croslande Cross Crosse Crossingham Crosslaand Crossland Crossman Crouch Crounden Crow Crowder, II Crowe Crowel Crowell Crowmer Crowner Crowther Croxton Crpon Cruce Crump Crumpe Cruse Crutcher Crutchley Cruwes CRUWYS Crépon Críst Ct de Angoulême Ct de Flanders & Artoi Ct de Hainault & Holland Ct De Kyburg Ct De Limoges Ct De Luxemburg Ct de Metz Ct de Provence Ct de Roucy Ct de Savoie Ct de Toulouse CtofRheims&Roucy Ct Provence Cuaran Cudworth Cufley Cuhelyn Culceth Culcheth Culeheth Cullcheth Culledge Culliford Culpeper Culpepper Cumberworth Cummin Cummings Cummwd Cuncliff Cunedda CUNIGUNDE Cunliff Cunliffe x Cunningham Cuntz Cuntze Cupper Curd Cureville Curghey Curle Curles Curor Curror Curry Cursam Curson Curteis Curthose Curtice Curties Curtis Curtiss Curvo Curwen Curzon Cusacke Cushe Cushing Cushman Cust Custance Custer Customs or Custance Cutler Cutter Cuttle Cwnus Ddu Cwnws Cydifor Cyfeilioc Cyfeiliog Cyfnerth Cynaethwy Cynan Cynan "Garwyn" Cynan Veinad Cynddelw Cyndeg cyner cynwng Cynfelyn Cynfelyn Manofon Cynfyn Cyngen (Cynan) Glodryd Cynhaeddwy Cynvyn Cynwrig Cynwrig Sais Cynwryg Cyprus Czcibor Prince of POLAND

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d`Artois D`Autun d'Aachen d' Aangleterre D'Abbetot d'Abbetot De Normandie d'Abbeville Dabenham Dabinott d'Abitot d'Abrancis d'Acquitaine Dacre Dacre, Dacres d'Acton Dada Dade Daffyd Dafydd Dafydd ap Madog Llwyd Daggett DAgilofinges d'Agilolfinges DAGOBERT Dagsborough Dagsbourg Dagsburg Dagsdatter Dagsdotter DAGSDOTTER (Queen in Sweden) Dagsdotter of Vestfold Dagsdottir Dagsdsdr Dagsson DAGSSON (King in Sweden) Dagworth Dagysson da Hungria Daie d'Ailly D'Aincourt DAITHNESS Daiville D'aizenay Dakeney Dakney D' Albetot D'albini d' Albini D' Albini Aubigny D'albini De Toeni d'Albon d' Albon d'Albon D'Alby d'Alcaster Dale d'Alemanie D Alemanie d'Alencon D' Alencon D'Alencon D'Alencon De Warren d'Alençon Daley Dalingrigge D'Allemanie Dalliabye d'Alluye Dalrymple d'Alsace D' Alsace De Dijon DALSACE DESOISSONS d 'Alselyn D'altdorf d' Altdorf d'Altdorf d' Altdorf d'ALTDORF Dalton Dalyngridge d'ALÉMANIE d'Alémanie DAmal d'Amboise D Amboise D'Amboise Dame of Bavaria DeTrèves Dameron Dameron, Dameta D'Amiens D' Amiens D'Amiens D Amiens D'Amiens Dammartin Dammartin & Damp Damon d'Amorie d'Amory DAMORY Damoys Dampierre Dampmartin D'ampurias D' Ampurias D'ampurias Dana Danby Dancey Dancey- Dancy Dancy Dancy, Jr. d'Andech d'Andechs d'ANDECHS- MERANIE d'Andenne Dandridge Dandy Dandye Dane Danebod Danely Danes Danet Danford Danforth d'Angelica Dangerfield D'Angleterre d'Angouleme d'ANGOULÉME D'angoulème d'Angoulême d' Angoulême D'Angoulême Daniel Daniell Daniell de Anyers Daniels Daniels De Anyers Danish Earl d'Anjou d' Anjou d'Anjou D' Anjou D'Anjou DAnjou d'Anjou d' Anjou d'ANJOU D' Anjou d'Anjou D' Anjou D'anjou D' Anjou D'anjou >>> d'Anjou IV d'Anjou Sicile Danmark Dannett D'Annonay Danois Danpsdotter Dansson Dansy D'Anthenaise Danvers Danvilliers Danyell Danyers Danyers\ III Dapham DAPIFER D'Aqcs D'Aquine D'Aquino d' Aquino D'Aquino d' Aquino D'Aquino d' Aquino d'Aquino d' Aquino D'Aquino D' Aquitaine D'Aquitaine d' Aquitaine d'Aquitaine D'Aragon d'Arbetot D'Arbetot ( Abbetot) Despencer d'Arbitot Darcell D'Arches d'Archiac D'Arcy Darcy d'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy D'Arcy Darcy, Lord of Little Malden Darcy Jr. Darcy Knaith Gray Darden d'Ardenne D'Ardennes d'Arderne d'Ardres Dare Dareara Darel Darell Daresby Dargan D'argouges Dark Darknell d'Arles D'arles >>> d'Arles de Provence Darling Darmau d'Armenie Darnall Darnell Darnley D'Arques d' Arques d'Arques D Arques Duquesa de Normandia Darrel Darrell Darte D'Artois Darwin Dasachtach Da Salzburg da Saxham d'Ascanie da Suécia da Toscana Datter Av Kongen I Agder dau. of Henry of Darby dau ap Meredydd Daubeney Daubeny D'Auberville d' Auberville d' Auberville, D'Aubigni D'Aubigny D' Aubigny 3rd Earl of Arundel d'Aubigny, D'Aubigny Albini Daubney d'Audre dau Ednyfed Daughter daughter of Amlawdd Daughter of Robert Chrodobertus II D'aulnay Daulton d'Aunay d'Auney Daunley d'Aunou Dauntesey Dau of Olaf D'Aupois D'ausona d'Austrasia D'Austrasie d'Austrasie Mérovingiens D Autun d'Autun d' Autun D'autun D' Auvergene D Auvergne D'auvergne D' Auvergne d'AUVERGNE Dauvergne d'Auvergne Daux dAuxerre d'auxerre d' Auxerre D'auxerre d' Auxerre d'Auxerre d'AUXERRE ; WELF d' Auxonne d'Auxy Davenant D'avenant Davenant or Davant D'Avenel Davenport Davey David Davidge David of Hungary Davidson Davie Davies Daville Davis Davis Jr Davison Davisson Davis Sr Davlen Davlin D'Avranches Davy Davye Dawes Dawnay Dawney Dawney ( Dana) Dawson Dawtrey Day Daye Daysdottir D' Cambrai D'Conteville Dda Ddes Ddu DE de Arran de Ballon de Ferrers de la Haie de Lens De Meschines de Mortimer, de St. James de Totenais De 12 De 18 de 7th Earl de Aachen De Abernathy de Abernethy De Abitot de Abrincis De Agilofingere de Agilofinges de Aguillon de Aigle de Aimon de Aintree de Alancon de ALAYA de Albi de Albi, de Albini de Albini or d'Aubigny de Albon de Alby de Aldeburgh de Aldithley Deale de Alemania de Alemannie de Alencon de Alfonsez De Alfreton de Allenmagna DeAllerdale De Alneis de Alnou DeAlpram de Alsace De Alsace Bishop De Bourgogne de Altdorf De Alton De Ambia de Amiens Dean De Andeville Deane Deane or Dun De Angelca De Angilfinges De Angouleme de Angoulême de Angus Dean Jean de Anjou DeAnjou De Anjou Deans De Aquila de Aquitain De Aquitaine de Aquitaine, Count Du Poitiers De Aquitaine, Count of Poitou de Aquitane de Aragon de Aragón De Arbitot de Arches de Arcis de ARCIS-Sur-AUBE De Ardenne de Ardennes De Arderne DeArderne De Arderne de Arderne, Knight De Argentael de Argentein de Arhitot Dearing De Arles DeArles de Armenters de Arnoul De Arsic Dearth de Arundel de Ascaine De Ascyllius De Ashton DeAspale de Asti de Astley De Athelakeston de Atherton de Atholia De Atholl de Aton De Auanches de Auberville De Aubigny De Audithley (Audley) De Audley De Audley Touchet de Audley, Lord Audley De Aulney De Aumale de Austrasia De Austrassia DeAutun De Autun de Autunois De Auvergne de Auxerre de Avenal de Avesnes De AVORGUILA DeAvranches de Ayala de Baalon De Baalum De Baalun de Baalun, de Bacqueville, De Baddlesmore de Badlesmere De Baffie de Baggily De Baildon De Bailleul de Baladon De Baldlesmere de Baliol de Baliol, de Baliol, Balliol De Balliol De Ballon De Balts De Balun de Balún de Banastre De Banco de Bar de Bar le Duc, Comte de Bar le Duc De Bar Mousson De Bar- Sur- Seine De Bar-sur-Seine De Baraose de Barcelona de Barcelone DeBarden de Barden De Bardolf de Barton de Basing de BASINGHAM De Basse- Lorraine de Basse-Lorraine de Basse-Lotharingie de Basset De Bassigny De Bassingham de Bassingy De Bastembourg de Batail de Bataille De Baudement de Baudemont de Baudrimont de BAUGE De Baugency de BAUGÉ de Baumont De Baux de Bavaria de Baviera de Baviere de Bavière de Baviére de Bayeaux de Bayeux De Bayeux, De Bayley de Bayão De Bazougers De Beachamp De Beauchamp de Beauchamp, de Beauchamp  de Beauffe De Beauffoe De Beauffou de Beauford de Beaufort de Beaufort Plantagenet de Beaufort, De Beaugencey De Beaugency De Beaujeu De Beaujeu de Forez de Beaumnont De Beaumont DeBeaumont De Beaumont DeBeaumont de Beaumont de Beaumont , De Beaumont Countess Gloucester de Beaumont de Harcouart De Beaumont De Meulan de Beaumont II De Beaumont IV, de BEAUMONT LE ROGER de Beaumont or Bellmont de Beaumont or Harcourt de Beaumont sur Oise De Beaumont, de Beaumont, Vicomte de Beaumont De Beaumont- Sur- Oise de Beaumont-au-Maine de Beaumont-le-Roger de Beaumont-Maine, Vicomte du Mans de Beaumont-sur-Oise DeBeaupre De Beauvau de Beauvois de Beckering de Beckering I de Beckering II Debedeavon De Begod De Lacy de Beladon, de Beleme De Belesme De Belfoi De Belgica de Bella Aqua De Bellamont De Bellars de Belleme De Bellemont de Bellesme de Bellingham De Bellmont De Bellomont de Bellème de Bellême de Belmeis de Benauges De Bereford de Berenger de Bergo de Conteville de Berkeley de Berkeley, De Berkley De Bermingham de Berney deBerry-Walton De Bertram De Besalu de Besset De Bessin De Beston Beeston de Betham De BEUMONT De Beville De Bezai de Bezalu De Bezaune De Beziers de Bifield de Bigger de Bigorra de Bigorre De Birmingham De Bisege De Biset De Bispam de BLIECASTEL DE BLINGEL de Blithfield de Blois DeBlois De Blois DeBlois de Blois De Blois Ii De Blondville de Blore de Blua de Blundeville, de BOBBIO de Bobigny de Bockland de Bocland De Boclande de Bodrigan De Bodrugan De Bohum De Bohun de Bohun IV ( III ) de Bohun VIII de Bohun Vll De Bohun, DE BOHUN\ Earl Of Hereford De Bois DeBois de BOIS de Bois L'Eveque de Boissay de Bolam De Bolany de Bolbec de Bolebec De bolling de Bolougna et Ternois de Bolteby De Bolteux De bonnaire de Bonngau De Bonville DeBonville de Boone DeBooth de Booth Deborah de Boreland de Borgogne DeBorgogne de Borgona De Borgonha de Borgoña de Borgoña) de Borrell de Boston de Boteler de Botetourt De Botterell DE BOUBERS de Boucy de Bouillon de Boulogne De Boulogue de Bourbon de Bourbon, de Bourbon- Lancy de Bourbourg de Bourgagne de Bourges de Bourgogne DeBourgogne de Bourgogne de Bourgogne AKA de Vienne de Bourgogne Comte De Bourgogne De Auxerre de Bourgogne or of Burgundy de Bourgogne or Vere de Bourgogne de Bourgogne, de Bourgogne\ Cntss\ de Bourgondie De Bourgoyne DeBourgoyne DE BOURS de Boves De Boves Perrone de Boves- Perrone de Boys de BRABANT De Braci De Bracy de Bradeston De Bradshagh de Braibrock de Braine de Braiose de Braiose, 4th Lord of Bramber De Brampton De Brampton Baroness Kinlet de Brandeston De Braose de Braose, 4th Lord Bramber de Bray- Sur- Seine De BRAYBROOK De BRAYBROOKE de Brechin de Bredbury De Breidablik de Breightmet De Brelley de Brenton de Breos De Breose de Brereton De Bretagne de Bretagne "De Senlis" de Bretagne de Senlis de Bretagne de St. Liz De Bretagne, de Bretagne, Duc de Bretagne de Bretaña de Breteuil DeBreteuil de Breteuil de Brian De Bricquebe de Bricquebec De Briene De Brienne de Brienne or d'Acre De Brigenberg De Briguebec de Brimen De Briole de BRIOLLAY De Brionne De Brioquibec de Brioude de Briouse de Briouze de Briquessart De Britain de Briton Germany De BRITTANT De Brittany De Brittany( Bretagne) de Briwere De Broase De Broc De Brok de Bromflete de Bromhall de Bromley de Brotheron ( Plantagenet) De Brotherton DeBROWN De Browne de Browning De Broxton De Broyers Isabel de Broyes DeBroyes De Broyes de Broyes et de Chateauvilain De Bruce De Brumpton de Brus de Brus, de Brusse de Bryan de Bryttoun De Builli De Builly de Bukenhale De Bulkeley De Bulmer de Buonalbergo de Burgandy de Burgh de Burgh st Earl Ulster de Burgh, De Burghersh de Burgo de Burgo of Conteville de Burgo or Toursburg de Burgo, Count of Mortain de Burgogne De Burgondes de Burgondie DeBurgondie De Burgondie de Burgundians de Burgundy de Burneshead de Burstowe De Bury de Buscile De Busei De Busli De Bussei de Bussell de Bussey De Buzancais de Byron de Bâgé De Béziers De Caen DeCaen De Caen "The King's Son" de Cailly De Caisneto de Caithness de Calthorpe de Calveley deCalverley de Cambrai De Camcille de Camoys de Campo-Arnulfi De Camville De Canc De CANLERS De Cantelou de Cantelou, De Cantilupe De Canteloupe De Cantelupe de Cantelupe de La Zouche De CANTILOU De cantiloupe De Cantilupe de Cantilupe ( Cauntelo) de Cantilupe de La Zouche de Capello de Capet de Capet III de Capetian de Capua De Carbuceo, Baroness Beaudesert de Carcassona DE CARCASSONE de CARCASSONNE De Cardiff de Cardinam DE CARDINGHAM de Cardinham de Careassonne de Carinthie De Carlyle de Carrick De Castello de Castile de Castile- Leon de Castilla de Castilla y Leon De Castille De Caston de Cathcart De Cattilupe de Cauntelo DeCaus de Caux De Cauz De Cavalcamp De Cawarden de Cay Decca de Ceidio de Centeville De Centiville De Centville De Ceredigion de Chabanais de Chabannais de Chabot De Chacomb de Chacombe d'Echaffour de Chalfonte de Chalon de Chalons DeChalons De Chalons de Champagne De Chantemerle de Charleton de Charnells de Charros De Chartres De Chastellerault de Chastillon de Chateau du Loir De Chateau Porcien de Chateau- Gontier de CHATEAU-GONTIER De Chateaubriant de CHATEAUDUN De Chateauen De Chatellerat de Chatellerault de CHATILLON de Chatrauneuf De Chaucomb de Chaucombe DE CHAUCUMBE ( CHACOMBE) D'Echauffour de Chaumont de Chauvigny De CHAUVIGUY de Chaworth de Cheney de Cherleton DE CHERLTON De Chesney de Chester de Chetillon de Cheux de Choreleton de Chrodoberto de Châlons De Chârtres de Château-du-Loir De Château-Gontier De Châteaudun De Châtellerault de Châtillon V De Cimbres Deckard Decker De Claire de Clare DeClare de Clare Declare de Clare de Clare 2nd of Hertford De Clare de Saye De Clare of Gloucester and Hertford de Clare, de Clare, 2nd of Hertford de Clare, 3rd of Hertford de Clare, 7th of Gloucester De Clarke de Clavering De Clayton de Clere De Clermont De Cleve de Clifford de Clifford, de Clifford, Third Lord Clifford de Clifton De Clinton DeClotton de Clotton De Clèves de Cobham De Cobindon De Cocfelde De Cogan De Cognac de Coimbra De coimis De Cokayne de Cokesey De Coligny de Cologne de Cologne King of the Franks Ripuarians and Cologne De Columbers de Colunchis De Colville De Cominge de Commequiers De Comminges DE COMTE DE CHARTRES de Comyn or Cumyn or Comin de Conches De Conde' de Conde DE CONDE or HAINAULT de Conde-sur-Noireau de Conflans de Congeville De Coningsburgh Jr. de Constable DeContervill de Conteville DeConteville De Conteville DeConteville de Conteville de Contville de Corbeil DeCorbeil de Corbeil de Corbeil, De Corbet De Corbie de Corbie Abbot de Bobbio de Corbiel de Cormeilles de Cornauaille de Cornhill de Cornoaille de Cornouaille de CORNOUAILLES De Cornovaille De Cornvaille De Cornwall de Corona de Costello De Cotentin de Cotes De Cotesford De Cottingham De Cotton De Coucy De Coucy II, De Coucy IV, De Coughton de Countess of Pembroke De Courci De courcy de Cournouaille de Courtenay de Courtenay, Second Earl of Devon De Courtenny De Courtnay De Courtney de Craon de Crawford de Crecquy de Crecy de Crecy, de Creil de Crepi de Crepi Magnus De Crepon de Crepon de Bolbec de Crepon de Corbeil and Mortagne de Crepon, De Crepon, Sire De Crepy De Crequy De CRESPY en ARTOIS DeCressingham De Cressingham DeCressingham De Cressingham de Cressy de Creting de Creully de Creve Coeur De Crevequer de Crewes de Crichton De Criel de Criol de Criol, de Crispin de Croft De Cromwell De Crophull Decrow DE CRÉPY DE CRÉQUY de Crécy de Crépon de Crépon, de Crêpon de Culceth de Cunynghame De Curcy de CUSEAU de Dacre De Dagsbourg De Dagworth De Daiville De D'Alencon de Dammartin de Damoys de Dampierre de Dampmartin de Darrell of Sessay De Davenport D'ede De de 6th Laird of Towie de de Berkeley (de Barclay) de de or) d’Espagne de de Wotton, I Dedear de deAumale De Dehainault de DEHEUBARTH De Deine de Dene de Dent De Denton De Dependen de Desmond de Deuheubarth de Devereaux De Devereux De Didonne De Diestmachen de Diggeby de Dijon de Dinan De Dinham Dedoddescomb DeDoddiscombe DeDodescomb Dedomfront de Domfront de Domville de Donne De DONZY de Donzy ( de Semur) de Donzy I de Douglas De Douvers De Douvres De Dover de Dover, De Dovers De Downes de Drayton De Dreux De Driby de Dublin de Dudley de Dunbar De Dunbar of Douglas De Dunbar, 2nd Earl of Dunbar and Lothian de Dundas de Dunois de Dunstanville de Duras De Durbury DeDutton De Dutton De Dutton Vlll De Dyfed De Dynham DeDynham Dee De Earde de Earle de Eccles De Echyngham de Edgefield De Egerton DeEgerton de Egerton De Eland De ELEY DeEley Smythe de Ellington de Elmedon de Elmerdon de Elzas Deeming De Emmely De END De Engaine de Engayne de Englefield De Envermeu De Equisheim De Erdington de Ergadia Deering De Erleigh De Ernys De Esponsyni de Esposyni De Essex De Essex of Essex & Avon de Essex, de Este De Etherstone de Eu DeEure de Eure de Eure or Eure de Euxton de Everaux de Evereaux de Evereux De Everingham de Evermue De Evreux De Ewing De Ewrus de Ewyas de Eyncourt De'Eyncourt de Falais de Falaise de Falaise Chamberlain De Falaise De Conteville De Falsise De Falsom de Faslane de Faucigny De Faucomberge De Fauconberg De Fauconberge deFaunes De Fay De Faye De Feinnes de Feltro de Fenes De Ferenzac de Ferrars DE FERREOL de Ferreres De Ferrers de Ferrers, de Ferrers, Baron Ferrers of Chartley de Ferrers, Third Earl of Derby de Ferrette ( Von Pfirt) de Ferrieres de Ferriers De Fienes DE FIENNES de Fines De Fisacre de FISHACRE de FISHACRE _AKA: FISSACRE de Fitz Peter de FitzKetel De Flamville de Flanders De Flanders Countess Of Gand de Flandre de Flandres De Fleg De Flegg de Fleitel DE FLERS de Florennes De Foix de Folkington de Fontaines de Forcalquier De Forez de Fornus De Fougeres De Fougères de Foulhurst de Foulis De Fourgeres De Fourneux de Franace De France deFrance de FRANCE de France (Carolingian) de France (de Germanie) de France et de Coutances de France, Comte de Valois de Francie de Franconia De Franconie De Franken De Franks de França de Fresney DE FRESNOY De Freteval De Freville de Freyville De Friesland De Frimutel de FRIOUL de Frioul, De Friuli de Frodesham De Fréteval de Fulgyam De Fulton De furnel De Furnival de Furnival, de Furnival, Baroness Furnival de Furnival, Lord of Sheffield De Furnivall de Furnivalle de Fynes De Fézensac De Gael de Gael Waer deMontfort De Gaeta De Gai de Gainsborough de Gallo De Galloway De Gamage de Gamage, De Gand de Gand \ Castella De Gand Seigneur d' Aalst de Gandl de Gant De GANT ( GAUNT) de GARLANDE De Garlende de Gascogne de Gascogne and Aquitaine De Gascoigne De Gascony De Gatesden de Gatinai de Gatinais De Gatton De Gaul De Gaunt de Gaunt (Gant) De Geddinge de GELLONE De Genellestane De Geneva DE GENEVA & FAUCIGNY de GENEVE De Genevil De GENEVILLE de Geneville, DE GENOVA de GENÈVE de GENèVE DE GEORGES de Gepidae DEGEPIDES de Gernon de Gernons de Gevaudan de Gevaudun De Ghent de Ghisnes de Gievaudun De Giffard, Countess of Buckingham, Clare, Cornwall and Gloucester, Baroness Corbet De Gifford de Gimeges De Gisburn De Glamorgam de Glamorgan De Glane de Glanville de Gloucester De Gloucestor de Gobion De Goldington De Gometz de Gometz LAFERTE De Gometz- La- Ferte de Gorges de Gorham De GORING De Gornay de Gorram De Gothayte de Gouet De Gournai De Gournay de Gournay-en-Bray De Gourney de GOUY De Govis de Graham deGraham de Graham De Grahame de Grai De Grama... De Grandison de Grandison, de Grandmesnil de Grandmesnsel de Grandpre de Grandpré de Granmesnil De Granson de Grantmesnil de Granville De Gratton Degrave de Greene De Greinville De Grelle de Gremislaw de Gremtemesnl de Gremtmesnil de Grene de Grene de Boketon De Grenoble De Grentemesnil De Grentmesnelle de GRENTMESNIL de Grenville deGrenville de Grenville, de Gresley de Grey de Grey, De Greystock De Greystoke de Greystoke, DE GRIGNY de Gucy de Gueldre De Gueldres de Guernan De Guildford de Guillaume de GUINCAMP de Guines de Guines de Coucy de Guise d'Eguisheim De Guisnes DE GUISY De Gunton De Guzman De Guzmán de GWYNED de Gwynedd De Gévaudan de Gévaudan de Millau de Hainault de Hainaut De Hale de HALIBURTON De Halton de Ham De Hamaland de Hamerton, Knight de Hamilton De Hampden de Hampton de Hanmer De Harcourt DeHarcourt de Harcourt deHarcourt De Harcourt De Harcourt, Kt. de Harcourt, Sr. De Hardreshull De Harington De Harrington DeHarrington De Hart Dehart de Haspengau DeHastang De Hasting De Hastings de Hatfield de Haudlo de Haudlo, de Haute- Lorraine De hauteville De Hauteville De Siciliy de Hautville De Haverington De Haviock de Hawarden De Hawkswell De Haya DeHayden de Haydock De Haye de Haynaut De Heaton de Hebden De Hede De Hedersete de Hedersett De Heidmark de Heiress of Bolton de Helsby de Hepwall de Herdeburgh de Herdersete De Herdewycke de Hereford De Heristal De Heristal Princess of the Franks De Hersent de Herstal de Hertburn or de Wessington de Hertforth de Hesbaye de Hesdin De Hesketh De Hetherset de Heton De heubarth de Heyford de Hilaire De Hilarie DeHilton De Hilton de Hindley de Hindley, De Hoda De Hoese de Hohenstaufen de HOHENSTAUFFEN de HOHENSTAUFFEN, Barberousse de HOHENSTAUFFEN, le Borgne de Holand de Holand, First Earl of Kent de Holland de Holland, de Hollande de Holt de Holtby De Hommet de Hongrie De Hooton De Horion de Hornbach de Horton De Houghton DeHouston De Hoyvil De Hoyville De Hugleville De Hull de Hultin De Hulton De Humet De Humez De Hummet De Hundmund de Hungary de Huntingdon de Huntingfield de Huntington De Hyde de HYDON de Hythus de Hywis De Hywish Dei de I De I'Aigle Deicws Deighton dei Longobardi dei Longobardi Gundwald De incourt Deincourt De incourt de Ingham de Insula Deio de Ireland de Italia Deiville d' Eiville Deiville de Ivry de Japhe De Jarpenville de Jerusalem de Joinville de Julich de Juliers de Kale de Keith DeKeith de Keith de Kellet de Kellett de Kent de Kevelioc de Kevelioch de Keveliock De Kief de KIEV de Kingsley de Kirketon de Kleves de Knight de Knoville De Knowsley De Koln IV de KYBOURG de Kyme de La Aigle de la Austrasie De La Baroness Warde de la Bere de la Bere, de La Bern de la Brette de la Cerda De La Dalle de la FERTE de la FERTE-MACE De La Ferté- Millon de la FLÊCHE de la Flèche de la Flèche Maine De La Fontaine de La Forte de la Greene de la Grove de La Haie De La Halgh De La Haute March De La Haute Marche De La Hay de la Haye de la Haye, de la Hurne De La Hyde de la Hywis de La Lee de La Lynde de La Mar De La Marche De la mare de La Mare Guye de la Moore De La Perche De La Planches De La Plaunche De La Pole De La POMERAIE De La Pomeray de La Pomeroy De La Poyle De La Riviere de La Roche Guyon de La Roche- sur- Lognon De La RocheServiere De La See de la Sicambrian De La Suse De La Suze De La Tour de la Tour, De La Ware de La Warr De La Warr West De La Warre de La Zouch De La Zouche De LaAigle De labere De Lacey De Lacy de Lacy, DeLaEstcourt De LaFontaine De Laga DeLago de laHaye delaHayes de l'Aigle De LaLee delamare de Lambert Delamere De Lancaster de Landen Delaney De Langetot De LAngley De Langquetot de Langton Delano de Lanvallei De Laon de Laon of Italy DeLaPole de l'Aquitaine De Latham De Lathberrie de Lathom De lathom 1st Earl of Lathom De Lathom 2nd Earl of Lathom De Latimer de LAUFENBOURG- HABSBOURG DeLaunde de Launde De Laune de Lauretania Delaval De Laval de Laval, Seigneur de Laval de Laval, Seigneur Laval del Downes De le bere De Le Fontaine de le Franks de Le Warr De Le Zenne de Leare De Leaver De Lebarten Delecourt de Ledet DeLee De Leece de Leek de Legh DeLegh de Legh DeLegh de Legh De Leigh De Leinster de Lengespee De Lennox de Lens de Leon De Leon y Castilla De Leonne De Lestours De Leteham de Leuchars DeLe Veares De Lever De Levington de Lexington de Leycestre De Lezay De León del Friuli Del Holte de Lilburn de Lille, de Limbourg de Limesci de Limesi De Limine De Limoges Del imoges de Limoges DeL imoges de Limoges de Limoges, DeLincoln De Lincoln De Lincolnshire de Lindsay de Lindsay de Molesworth de Lindsay, Delis de LIsle Del Isle de l'ISLE de Lisle de L'Isle De L'Isle Bouchard de l'Isle- Bourchard de L'Isles- Bouchard Deliverance De Liz della Volta de Lluca d'Elmdemeden D'Elmedon del Mere De Loches de Lombardie de Lombardo De Lombards De Lombardy de Lomegau de Lomme de Lommois de Londoniis De Londonius de Londres de Longespec de Longespee de Longespée De Longspee de Longvilliers de Longworth de Holland x de Longworth Holland de Longwy de LONGWY-METZ de Looz de LORRAINE Delorraine De Lorraine de LORRAINE, le Beau Duc de Lotharingia de Lotharingie De Lothringen DE LOU De Loudham De Loudoun De Loudun de Louvain DE LOUVAINE de Lovain De Lovaine De Lovel De Lovetot de Lowdham De Lubech De Lucie De Lucy De Ludlow de Ludres de Lumley de Lungvillers de Lusigan de Lusignan de Lusignan, De Lusiqnan de Lutegareshale De Luxemboug de LUXEMBOURG de Luxembourg II & Millicent de Luxemburg DEL VASTO Delves DE LYON De Lyons de Lytton de Maasgau de Mablethorpe de Macclesfield de Macon de Maine de Mainwaring de Mainz De Malebisse de MALPAS DeMalpass DeMamersin de Manchester De Mandevill de Mandeville de Mandeville, De Maniers de Manvers de Manvers, Lord of Holme De Mar de MARCILLAC de Maria De Marischale de Marisco de MARISCO de CAPOUE de Markenfield De Markham de Marle de Marmersin De Marmion De Marmion, Jr. De Marseilles de Martel De martin de Masay De MASCY De Massey de Mathefelon de Maudit de Mauduit de Mauley De Mauléon de Maunby de Maurienne de Mauteby de Mayence de MAYENNE Deme de Meaux De Mechines De Meers De Mehum de Melgueil de Melun de Melun-Sottenghien de Menteith de Menteith of Strathgartney and Arran De Mentford De Meranie de Mercie de Merlay de Merleberge de Merley De Meroving de Mersebourg Demersseman De Merton De Meschimes de Meschine De MESCHINES de Meschines, de Mesckines De metrias de Metz De Metz Duke D Austrasia de Meuilant De Meulan de Meulan, Earl of Leicester De MEULENT De Meullant De MEULLENT de Meyenne de Middelton De Middleton de Milhaud De Milly Deming de MINSK DeMir Demmys Or Denis De Mobberly De Mobray De Moels de Moesia De Mohaut De Mohun de Moleyns de Molle de Molle of Durham de Molyneax De Molyneux de Monbelliard de Monceaux De Monceux De MONCHENSI de MONCHY De Moncontour De Mondoubleau de Monfort de Monfort-l'Amaury de Monreal de Montacute De Montagne De Montagu de Montagu ( Montacute) de Montagu ( Montecute) de Montague de Montaigne de Montalt De Montaqu de Montaucon de Montault de Montaut De Montbeliard de Montcavrei De Montchensy De Montdidier de Montdidier (de Ramerupt) de Montdidier et Ramerupt De Montdoubleau de Monte Gomer de Monte Gommeri De Monte Gummeri de Montefex De Monterolier De Montfaucon De Montferrat De Montfichet De Montfitchet De Montford de Montfort DeMontfort de Montfort de Montfort Evreux de Montfort IV de MONTFORT L'AMAURY de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester de MONTFORT- SUR- RISLE de Montgomery de Montgomery I de MONTGOMERY LANCASTRE de Montgomery- Lancaster de Montgommery De Monthermer De Monthery de Montifort DeMontiqu de MONTJEAN de Montlheri De Montlhery de Montlhery de Courtenay de Montlhèry De Montlhéry De Montlhéry I, de Montmirail de Montmirall de MONTMORENCI de Montmorency de Montocbleau De Montoire De Montor de Montpellier De Montrabé De Montreuil de Montreuil Bellay de Montreuil, de Montreuill De Montsoreau de Monville De MOORE De Morada de Moravia deMoray de Moray deMoray De Moreteyn De Moreville de Morewick de Morley de Mormaer de Mortagne de Mortaigne De Mortain De Mortain, Earl of Cornwall de Mortalgne de Mortemer de Morteyn de Mortimer DeMORTIMER de Mortimer de Mortimer, de Morton de Morville De Morvis de Morvois De Morwick de Moselle De Moss De Moulton De Mountchesney de Mountford De Mourray De Mouson De Mowbray de Muddyngwelle De Multon De Munchensy De Munchesni de Mundeville de Muneville de Muntifrichet De Muscegros de Mynyot deMyrrdin de Mâcon De Mézidon de Namur De Nanscutt de Nantes de Nantes, Duc di Spoleto de Nanteuil De Napton de Narbonne Dena Sinadenos de Navarra de Navarre Denby Dench de Nemours De Netherbury De Neuchatel De Neufmarche De Neufmarché de Neustrasia de Neustria de neustrie de Neustrie (Mérovingien) De Nevers de Nevill De Neville DeNeville de Neville DeNeville De Neville DeNeville de Neville De Neville 5th Barron and 3rd Lord de Neville, de Neville, 5th Baron Furnivall de Neville, Lord of Raby de Newburgh De Newburgh De Beaumont de Newmarch De Newmarche De Newmarsh D'Engaine den Gamle Denham Denis Denison Denison I De Nivelles Denman Denmark den Milde Eysteinsson, King of Romerike \ Vestfold Denne Dennes DENNIS Dennison Denny Dennys De Noers de Nogent de Nonant De Nordgau de Nordgau et Schweinfurth De Norfolk de Norlegh de Normande DE NORMANDIA De Normandie DeNormandie De Normandie De Normandie\ Werlac de Normandy De Normandy De Bruin Peche De Normandía De Northumbria de Northwode deNorthwode de Northwode deNorthwode de Northwode deNorthwode de Northwode, de Norville de Norvège de Norwich de Norwich, de Notton de Nova Mercato de Nove de Novo Mercato de Novo-Foro Densett Denshire Denslow Denson Denston Dent Dentatus de Crevecoeur Dente Denton de Nuestrie D'Envermeu Denys Denyson de Oberheingau De Oddingeseles De Oddingseles de Oddingsseles de Oeren De of Llandaff de Offaly De Ogle de Ohningen de Oilly, de Olly deOrbin De Orde de Orleans de Orléans de Orléans, de Orreby De Ostragoths De Ostrevant De Ostrogoths DeOtteley de OVERTON De Oxfordshire De Pace De Padley de Pakenham De Palatine de Pamplona De Pareds de Paris DeParis de Paris de Parthenay l'Archeveque De Passavant De Paston de Paveley De Payferer de Paynel De Peasfurlong De Pecche de Pecguigny de Peche de Pemberton de Pembridge de Pendegrast de Pendergast De Pennington de Perche De Percie de Percy De Percy - Deincourt de Percy, de Periton De Peronne de Peronne, Count of Vermandois de Perpoint De Perracy de Pesmes ( de Conflans) de Peto de Peveral De Peverel de Peverell de Peyton, Lord of Ufford, Lord Justice of Ireland De Piacenza De Pichard De Picquigny de Pidekeswell de Pierre De Pierrefitte De Pierrefonds de Pierrepont d'Epinal De Pipard de Pitres de Plaiz de Plantagenet De Plessis De Plessis De Normandie de Plessis, de Plumpton de Poher de Pointers De Pointiers DePoiters De Poitiers De Poitiers- Valentinois de Poitou de Polignac de POLOGNE de Pomeroy De Poncine DE PONCIUS de Pont Audemer de PONT- AUDEMER De Pont-Audemer De Pontasch de Pontaudemer de Ponteaudemer De Pontheiu de Ponthien de Ponthieu DePonthieu De Ponthieu de Pontieu de Port de Porthois de PORTUGAL De Potiers de Pouzauges de Powys DePoyne de Poynings de'Poynings "Baroness de'Chesney" De Poyntz De Preaux de Prendergast de PRESLES De preuilly de Prideaux De Proher De Prouville De Prouvy De Provence de Provence et De Gevaudan De Province de PRUM de Puiset De Pusshe De Pympe De Pyne de Pyntz de Péché Baron of Bourn de Péché Bourne De Pîtres de Pîtres, de Quincey De Quincy Dequincy de Quincy De Quincy II de Quincy, d'Equiqueville (de St. Vaast) d' Equisheim de Radcliff de Radcliffe De RADCLYFFE de Ralegh de Raleigh de Ramerput de Rameru de Ramerupt de Ramsay de Rancon De Rançon, de RAZES der Bayern Derby der Deutsche De Reddish De Redelsford De Lacy De Redvers De Redvers, 3rd Earl of Devon of Tiverton Castle de Reedham de Reims De Reinald de Remy de Rennes DeRennes De Rennes de Rennes Bayeaux I De Rennes x de Rennes, de Rethel De Reviers de Reynel De Rezes der Franken Der Franken Van Neustrie d'Ergadia De Rheims de RHEINFELDEN der Hunnen de Riddleford de Cogan de Riddlesford De Ridel de Ridelsford de Rie DeRie De Rie de Rie, Steward of Normandy De Rieux de Ringerike de RIVIERES De Riviers De Rixton Derleston Der Magyars der Moselle Derneford De Rocaberti De Rochefort de Rockley De Roddam De Rohan DE ROLANCOURT de Rollancourt De Rome De Romilly De Roos De Ros deRos de Ros DeRos de Ros De Ros (Sir) de Ros de Thweng De Ros or De Roos de Ros, de Ros, Steward of Holderness de Ross de Rouchy de Roucy de Rouen de Rouergue de Roumare De Roumigny de Roussillon der Saksen der Thuringen de Ruffa De RUISSEAUVILLE de Rumenel de Rumigny De Rumilly de Rus de Ruthyn Derwas der West Franken De Rye de Saarbrucken de SAARBRÜCKEN De Sable de Sablé de Saboia de Sabran de Sachsen de Sai de Saint Aubyn de Saint Clair De Saint Elizabeth de Saint Elizabeth Senlis De Saint Hilary De Saint John de Saint Leger de Saint Leger of Ulcombe de Saint Liz De Saint Lo De Saint Pierre de Saint Pol De Saint Sauvear de Saint Sauveur De Saint Valery De Saint Valéry De Saint Valéry II De Saint Valéry, de Saint- Clair de Saint- Clair de Basseneville de Saint- Saveur de Saint-Clair de Saint-Hilaire De Sainte- Maure De Saintes De SaintHilary De Saintonge de Salemsbury de Salford De Salian De Salins DE SALISBURY de Salisbury \ d' Evreux de Salmesbury de Salmesbury, de SALONAY De Saltonstall de Saluces de Salzbourg De Salzburg de Samlesbury de Sanchez DE SANCTO ALBINO (AKA ST.AUBYN) de SANCTO ALBINO (ST.Aubyn) de Sandford De Sandford II de Sanford De Sarcinville des Arvernes de Saumur De Saunford de Sauvian de Sauvigny De Saveur de Savoia de SAVOIE De Savona De Savoy de Saxe DeSaxham de Saxham De Say de Say I De Say Iv De Saye de Saye, des Barres des Breux Desbuissons des burgondes de Scarisbrick D'Eschaffou D'Eschauffon de Schelde de Schelde de Metz de Schwaben de Scotland DeScrope de Scudamore de Seagrave de Segrave de Segrave, De Semur De Semur en Brionnais De Senlis de Senlis (de Bretagne) De Senlis (De St. Liz) de Senlis de Valois de Senlis St Liz de Septimanie de Septimània de Sessay De Seton de Setun de Severus des FRANCIE des Francs des Francs (Meroving) des Francs d'Orléans Des Franken Des Gepidae De Shelton De Sherbourne de Sherburne de Shirburne de Siciles De Sicily Desiderate Desiderius de Silvester des LOMBARDS Desmarais Des Meschines Desmond Desning Or Dowsing Or Dowling de Sodington De Soissons DE SOLIGNY De Somer DeSomeri De Someri de Somerset De Somerville deSomerville de Somerville De Somery De Sondes De Sotterley De Souabe De Soules De Sours de Southworth de Souvigny Despaigne D'Espec De spencer Despencer De spencer Despencer De spencer Despencer de Spencer Despencer De spencer Despencer De spencer Despencer DE SPENCER Despencer De spencer DeSpencer De spencer Despencer (Spencer) De spenser Despenser de Spileman de Spofford De Spofforth De sposyni DESREUMAUX Des Roches Dessureau Des Suéve de St Amond DE ST ELIZABETH De St Hilary De St John de St Leger de St Liz De St Liz or Senliz De St Michael de St Sauveur De St Sauveur x de St Valerie De St VALERY De St- Walerie de St. Amand de St. Clair de St. Clair, de St. Clare de St. Hilary de St. Hillary de St. John de St. Lis de St. Liz de St. Liz Senlis de St. Martin de St. Michael De St. Pierre De St. Pol-sur-Mer de St. Quentin de St. QUINTIN De St. Riqiuer de St. Sauveur de St. Senlis De St. Valerie de St. Valerie de Haia De St. Valery De Stackpole de Stackpole II De Stafford DeStafford de Stafford de Standford de Standish de Stanford De Stanley de Stanton De Staunton D'este de Stigand De Stirling De Stockport de Stokes de Stourton D'Estouteville d' Estouteville D'Estouteville D'Estouteville, De Strathbogie De Strelley De Strickland De Stutevile De Stuteville de Stuteville, DE SUABIA de Sudeley de Suevi deSuevie de Suevie de Sulley De Sulli De Sully de Sulney de Sulzbach De Sutton DeSutton de SUTTON De Sutton Dudley de Sutton V, de Suévie de Swabia De Swillington de Swynnerton DeSwynnerton de Swynnerton De Sydenham de Sylva De Sylvester de Synadenos DeSynton de Tailbois De Tailefer de Taillebois De Taillebois- Hephall de Taillebourg de Taillefer de Talbot de Talbot, De Tallieres de Talvace De Talvas de Tancarville de Tancarvlle de Tankerville De Tanton de TATERSHALL de Tateshal de Tateshal, Sheriff of Lincolnshire de Tateshall De Tateshull de Tattershall De Teissier de Ternois, de Ternois et Bologne De Terrasson de Teyden de Teyes de Therouanne De Theydon de Thiern de THIERS De Thiers, de Thornton de Thorold De Thouars De Threlkeld DeThrelkeld de Threston De Thurgovie De Thuringes\ DE THURINGIA de Thursby de Thweng de Thwenge De THÉROUANNE de Tibetot de Tilli De Tillieris De Tilney de Tilton De Tingry de Todeni de Toeni de Toeni III. Lord of Flamstead De Toeni IV, de Toeni, de Toesny DETOLTHORPE de Tonebruge de Toney de Tongres de Toni De Tonnay De Tony De Torfulus De Torrington de TOSCANE de Tosney de Tosni de Tosny de Tosny, (de Toeni) Seigneur de Tosny de Totenais De Toteneis De Totleworth de Toulouse de Toulouse of Gellone de Bobbio de Tours DE TOURS DeCHARLES de Tourville ( or d'Harcourt) de Towneley DE TOXANDRIE de TOXANDRIE de FRANCIE de TOËNY De Toëny de Tracy DeTrafford de Trafford De Trailly De Trainel De Trave de Traves de Tregos De Tregoz de Tregoz, First Lord Tregoz de Tremain de Tremayne De Trevers De Treves DE TREVES DE BURGUNDY de Treves Duquesa de Austrasia de Tripon de Troghford de Troyes de Troyes, Comte d'Aumale de Trussebut De Trussell de Trèves De Tuberville de Tunbridge de Tunstall de Tunteia de Turberville De Turenne de Turin de Turingia de Turquerville de Turqueville De Turqueville et de Harcourt de Turville De Tuscany de Twistleton de Twyford de Twyne De Tybetot de Tyes de Tyldesley De Tyson D'Eu D Eu de Ufford De uias De Umfraville De Umfreville De Umfreyville de Upper Alsace Deurant D'eureux de Urgel de Urswick Deusing Deusing_ Or_ Dowli Deusing Or Dowli Deusing Or Dowling de Uta Waiet De Uzes de Vaast-Equiqueville de Valence De Valence Earl of Pembroke de Valenciennes De Valletort de Vallibus de Valognes de Valoines De Valoires de Valois De Valois, De Valois, Count De Vannes De Vassi de Vassy De Vaudemont De Vaudreuil de Vaux De Vaux De Strickland D'Eve de VEGENA de Veldenz de Venables DeVenables de Venables DeVENABLES de Venables De Vendome de Vendome, de Vendôme de Vendôme, de Venoix de Venoix Venuz de Venuz de Ver D'everaux De veraux D'Evercourx de Verdon De Verdun de Verdun Moselgau De Vere DeVere de Vere de Vere (3rd Earl of Oxford) de Vere I De Vere, De Vere, 7th Earl of Oxford D'Evereaix De vereau De vereaux d'Evereaux De vereaux D'Evereaux De vereaux D'Evereaux De vereaux D' Evereaux D'Evereaux, D'Evereux D' Evereux De vereux Devereux De vereux D'Evereux De vereux Devereux De vereux D'Evereux De vereux Devereux D'Evereux De vereux D'Evereux De vereux D'Evereux De vereux d'Evereux D' Evereux De vereux d'Evereux Devereux De vereux D'evereux De vereux d'Evereux De vereux d'Evereux De vereux III De vereux of Hereford D'Evereux Countess of Clonard de Vergy de Vermadois de Vermand De Vermandios De Vermandois De Vermandois De Normandie de Vermandois, de Vermandois, Comte de Troye de VERMONDOIS De Verney de Vernon de Vernon Avenel Lord Bourgogne De Vernon, De Veron Deveroys de Vertry- en- Perthois D' Everux De Vesci De Vescy De Vesey De Vespont de Vessy De Vestfold De Veteri- Ponti, Lord de Veteriponte de Vetulis de Vexin de Vieilles de Vielles DeVielles de Vienne de Villiers DeVine De Vintzau De Vintzau Vintschgau de Vintzgau de Vintzqua De Vinzgau de Vinzgouw Deviock de Vion de Vipont de Vitre De Vitrie De Vitré de Vitré-Aubroy de Vivonne de Vixin Devon de Von Thuringen De vorgilda De Voroys Devotion d'Evreaux D'Evreus d'Evreux D' Evreux D'Evreux D Evreux d'Evreux D' Evreux D'Evreux d'Evreux d'Evreux DEVROE Dew de Waer de Wafre de Wahsington de Waiet de Walchiville de Walcote de Walcott De Walden de Waldenbourg (de Bonnegau) de Walensis de Waleries De Waleton de Walland de Walton DE WAMIN De Wardley de Warenne de Warkworth De Warren De Warrene de Warrenne de Warwick De Washington De Wasseberg De Wassenberg, Count De Wasteneys de Waterville de Watsted DeWatville De Waurin De Waylond Dewe De Weaver De Weber De Welle de Welle, First Lord Welles De Welles de Welles, de Welles, Fourth Lord Welles de Wellom Dewes de Wessex de Wessington DeWest de West De Westerbourg De Weston de Westwick Dewey de Weyland De Whettenhall de Whitchester DeWhitechurch De Whitney de Whitsand de Whittington De Wideville de Widness De Wilbraham De Wilteshire De Winchester de Windsor de Wingfield De Wirley de WISIGOTHIE De Witney de Woer DeWolf DeWolfe De Wolston De Wolverton De Wolvey de Woodstock de Workesley de Wormegay de WORMSGAU De Worseley De WORSLEY de Worsley, de Wratham de Wrenroc de Wrokeshale Dew Sherrod D'Ewyas de Wychingham de Wydeville De Wydeville Sir de Wyhum d'Exoudun Dexter Dey de Yaroslavna Deye d'Eyncourt d' Eyncourt D'Eynecourt De Zahringen De Zouche De Zulpichgau d'Haristal D' Hauteville d' Hautpoul d'Hautpoul D Heristal D' Heristal d'Heristal D' Heristal d'Heristal d'Herstal d'Aquitaine d'Hesbaye d'Hiemois Dhu Verch di Apulia di Aquino Dibble Di Benevento di Buonalberga di Capua Dick Dicke Dickenson Dickensonne Dickerson Dickes Dickey Dickinson Dickinson the Colonist Dicks Dicksone di Como Die Dier Dieryck DIESSEN Dietrich (wo Bruno I Lord of Saxony) Assabrag Dietrich_ Iii di Frioul di Friuli di Fruili Digby Digby de Tilton Digg Digges Diggs Dighton di Gievaudun Digons di Ivrea Dijon Dike Dikes Diksoun Diksoune Di lecce Dillard Dillard Sr. Dillingham Dillon di Lombards Dilworth Dimmoch Dimon Dimond di Montescaglioso Di Montferrat Di Montferrato Dinawal Dinefwr Dineley Dingley DINHAM Dinsmore di Ostrogoths, Di Parma di Piacenza Dirck Dirk Dirkin Dirk IV, Count HOLLAND Di Salerno Di Saluzzo di Savoia Di Savona Disborough Disbrow Dishington di Sicilie D' Isle Bouchard Disney di Spoleto D'Issoudun D'istrie di Susa d'Italia d'Italie Dithmarschen Di Turin Diven Di Verticilio di Vincenza D'Ivree d'ivry d'Ivry, d' Ivry, d'Ivrée Dix Dixie Dixon Dix or Dicks Dixwell Diétrich d'Lorraine D'Marche Dmithmarschen d'Montdidier Dnfnwll Doak Doane Dobson Dockwra Docton Dod Doda Doda II, Clotilde or Chrodochild Ripuaires the Franks Regent Queen of the Franks Dodd Doddiscombe Dode Dodge Dodgeson Dodington Dodscombe Dodson Dodworth Doe d' Oeren d'Offaly (de Carew) Doggett Doil Dolbiar Or Dolebeere Dole DOLFFYN Dolfin Cumbria Dent Dolfyn Doling Dolings Dollard Dollings Dolman Dolton Domaldasson Domaldsdotter Domarsson DOMARSSON (Queen in Sweden) Domfront DOMHNAICH Dominus de Stanwell Domitilia DOMMARSSON Domnaill Domus Domville Don Donbabin Donbobbin Dondell Done Donington Donnchad Donne Donne Dwinn Donnell Donne or Dowe Donnet Donnett Donten Dotey Dony Donzy Dooley Doors d'Orange Doreward D'Orleans d'Orléans Dorman Dorman \ Cholondeley Dormer Dorothy Dorre Dorrett Dorrio D'ORSTROGOTHIE d'ORTENBOURG Dorvall dos Francos Doss D Ostrogothie d'Ostrogothie d'Ostrogotti Doterinde Doterinde (Joseph) Doty Doud Doudna Doue Dougherty Doughtie Doughtie (Duty) Doughtie\Doty\Duty Doughty Douglas Douglas, Douglas, Earl of Angus Douglas, Lord of Hermiston Douglas Lord Hermiston Douty Douvres Dove Dover Dovley Dow Dowdall Col. Dowie dowler Downam Downe Downer Downes Downing Downs Dowse Dowsing Dowsing_( Dowling Dowsing or Dowling Doyley D'Oyly Doyne d'Paris D'Pointers Drake Drake II (born Drake) Drake IV Drane Draper Draper III Drax Draxe Draycote Draycott Drayton Drengiamodur Dresser Dresser, Drysser Dreux Dreux, de Dreux Iii Drevianes Drew Drewe Drewry DrHeristal Driby Driffen Driggs Drinker Driskell Drivysidwn Drosu D'Rouncy Druce Druell Drummond Drummond, Drummond the Druyman Drury Drury of Besthorpe Drury of Hawstead Drury of Rougham Drury of Thurston and Rougham Drwynown Dryby Drycombe Dryffin Dryhurst Dryland d'Savoy Dss de Aquitaine D' St. Valerie D'talvace Dubcoblach Dublin du Bois Dubois Ducas Duc de Austrasia & Brabant Duc De Bernay Duc de Bretagne Duc de Lorraine Duchess of Alsace Duchess of Aquitaine Duchess of Austrasia Duchess Of Bavaria Duchess Of Benevento Duchess of Burgundy Duchess Of Capua Duchess Of Eastern Pomerania Duchess Of Gaeta Duchess Of Germany DUCHESS OF HESBAYE Duchess Of Naples Duchess Of Poland Duchess Of Swabia Duchess Of Wiltshire Duck Duckenfield Ducker Duckett Dudley Dudley or Sutton Dudson Duelli Duerck Duerson Duff Duffield D'Ufford DUFFORD Duflo du Franks Dug Dugdale Dugdall Duglas Dugsdale Du Hommet Du Ilium Duke Duke and Bishop of Naples Duke Burgundy Duke de Normandia Duke Of Duke of Albany Duke Of Alsace Duke of Bavaria Duke of Bretagne Duke Of Britanny Duke of Brittany Duke of Bucks Duke Of Burgundy Duke Of Capua Duke of Eastern Pomerania-Danzig Duke of France Duke Of Franconia Duke of Gaunt. Duke of Lancaster Duke Of Germany Duke Of Guienne Duke Of Lorraine duke Of Lower France Duke Of Lower Lorraine Duke Of Lower Lorraine And Count Of Brabant Duke Of Moravia Duke Of Normandy Duke Of Normandy 3rd Duke of Normandy) de Normandy Duke of Pomerania Duke Of Swabia Duke of the Burgundians & Franconians Duke Of The Burgundy Duke of the East Franks Duke of Upper Lorraine Duke Of West Franks Dulaney Duldham dumain Champagne du Maine DuMaine du Maine DuMaine du Maine DuMaine Dumbleton d'Umfravill d'UMFREVILLE d'Umfreville, DU MORTAIGNE Dun Dunbabin Dunbar Dunbar (Earl of) Dunborn Duncan DUNCANSDATTER Duncastle Dunckhorne Duncombe Duncourt Dundas Dundas Baroness Livingston.s Dundas Baroness Moncrieff Dun Erskine Dunes Dunham Dunham or Dinham Dunk Dunke Dunkeld Dunkeld (Dutchess of Brittany) Dunkeld, DUNKELD Ě Dunkhorn Dunkhorne Dunkon Dunlop Dunn Dunn or Done Dunois DUNSCOMBE Dunstanville Dunstar Dunsted Or Dunster Dunster Du Perche du Pleiss Du Plessis Du Plessis Mace du Plessis, Du Plessis- Macé Du Poiset du Puiset du Puy du Puy du Fou Durant Durbin Durbury Durd D'urgel Durham Durkee Durneford Durrant Durrent Durwin du Sauvigny Dutch Dutton Duval Duvall du Vexin Dux Duxford Duxford de Ashwell Duxia de Falaise d'Uzes Dwelle Dwelley Dwelly Dwight Dwnn Dyck Dyer Dyes Dyfnwal Dyfnwall Dyfnwallon Dyfnwallow Dyggvasson Dyggvisson Dyke Dykenson Dykensonne Dykes Dykonson Dymock Dymoke Dymonke Dymuta Dynasty, He Was Worshipped As A God, King Of Sweden, Freyr Dyneley Dynham Dynuta Dyott Dyson d´Anjou d´ Aumâle d' Évreux Dál gCais D’Espagne

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Eachann Eachard Eachus Eadgar Eadgifu Eadgyth Eady Eadyth Eagle Plume Stream Eairs Eakin Eakin or Akins Eakins Ealdgyth Ealdorman Of Wiltshire Eames Eanswythe EARDE Earl Earl Devon Earle Earle I Earlin Earl MORE Earl of Arundel Earl of Beaumont Earl Of Brittany Earl of Chester Earl Of Dunbar Earl of Essex Earl Of Hereford Earl of Hereford & Essex Earl of Kent Earl Of Kent And Bishop Of Bayeaux Earl of Leicester Earl of Lincoln Earl Of Meulan Earl of Norfolk Earl of Northumbria Earl Of Orkney Earl Of Paris Earl Of Richmond Earl of Ross Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Sogne Earl of Weymss Earl Or Orkney Earls Earl Salisbury Easley Easlick Eason East Easter Eastern Pomerania East Franks Eastland Eastman Easton Eastow Eastphalia Eastphalia War Leader Eastwick Eastwood Eaton Eatwell Eatwell or Yeatell Eauchus Eavanson Eavenson Eberhard Eberstein Ebetten Ebles Ebles I Ebrois Eccles Eccleshall Eccleshill Eccleston Echard Echingham Echtele Echyngham Eckele Eckels Eckhardt Ecternach Edd Eddowes Eddy Edelen Edelin Edes Edgar Edgar Atheling Edgcomb Edgcombe Edgcumbe Edge Edgecomb Edgecombe Edgecombe, Esq. Edgerton Edgitha De Northumberland Edgiva Edgiva of Kent Edhilda Edingham Edington Edith Edloe Edlow Edmeston Edminster Edminston Edmiston Edmiston Edmondson II Edmond EDMONDES Edmonds Edmondson Edmondsson Edmonson Edmonston Edmonstone Edmund Edmunds Edmundson Edney Ednowain Ednye Ednyfed Ednyfed Gam Ednyfed Llwyd Ednywain Edolph Edra Edred Edryd Edshaw Edw1) Edward Edward I Edward IV, King of England Edwards Edwardsdotter Edwardstone Edwin Edwy Eedes Efan Egbert Egdirsen egdirsson Egerton Eggleson Eggleston Egilsson Eginton Eginyn EGISHEIM Eglesfield Egleston Eidson Eifelgau Eigilwich Eilbeck Eiludd Einarsson Einion Einion " Fychan" Einion Fychan Einon Einudd Einws Eirian Eiriksdatter Eiriksson Eirkisson Eirsey Eisteinson Ekbert, Ela de Evreux Elaethwy Elam Elam Kannon Eland El Barboso King of Castile Leon Elder Elderken Elderkin Eldred Eldredge Eldred Leithfield Eldridge Eldrington Eleanor Eleanore Princess of Aquitaine Eleanor of Normandy Eleanor Plantagenet Elemund Eleonore Eleson Eley Elfgifu Elfgiva Elfleda Elford Elfrica Elfrida Elfridam Elfryth of England Elgan Elgar Elgiva Elgiva ( Eadgifu) of England Elgiva or Elfgifu Elidir Elinor Eliogarty Eliot Eliott Elise Eliseg Elizabeth Elizabeth) Elizabeth Clarke Elizabeth Moore Elizabeth Radcliffe ElizabethTilney Elizabeth Troutbeck Ellasdatter Ellderkyn Ellen Ellen Warren Ellerker Ellerton Ellia Ellice Ellington Elliocke Elliot Elliots Elliott Ellis Ellis II Ellison Elliston elllys Ellot Ellsworth Ellwyn Ellyson Ellyson or Allison Ellyson Or Elyson Elmes Elmley Elmy Elmye Elphaide( Chalpaida)( Alpais) Elphinstome Elphinstone Elsass-Metz-Lothringen Elsdon Elsey Elsey Or Elcey Elstrude Elswitha Elsynge Elvar Elver Elvin Elvira Elwal Elwall Elwell Elwin Elwyn Ely Elye Elyot Elystan Elzoth Embley Embree Emerson Emery Emina Emlen Emlenh Emma Emma (Avise) Emma of Austrasia Emma of France Emmons Emoine Emory Emperor Emperor Of Constantinople Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Empire Empress Of Germany Empress of Holy Roman Empire, Beatrix Empsom Empson Emund Emundsson en Bresse END Enderly Engain Engaine Enganine Engeham Engelberga of Spoleto Engelbert VONSCHWARZENBURG Engeltrude Engham England Englefield Engles englesen Engleys English Enguerrand Enna Queen of Leinster Ennes Enno Ennodius en Picardie Enrique I King of Castile Enriquez Entwisle Entwysell Envermeu Eochaid III Queen Of Scotland Eon Eonion Eoppa Eormenred EPARCHIUS Epperson Eppes Equisheim Equiville Crepon Erasmus Erbough Erdeswick Erdeswicke Erdington Ere Erelicia Ereleuva Erchiva Crelieva Erenfried I de Bliesgau ERGHOM Ericksdr Erickson Ericsdatter Ericsdottir Ericsson Erik Eriksdatter Eriksdatter, Eriksdatter Princess Of Norway Eriksdotter Eriksson Eriksson, King of Sweden, "Skøtkonung" Eriksson Queen of Sweden Erik Viii Erington Erisey Erlegh Erleigh Erle or Earle Erlinda Miss Ermengard Ermengarde Ermengarde, Ermentrud Ermentrude deClermont Ermiges Ermina Erneys Ernois Erpe Erskine ESLICK Espana Espec Espec Baron Espec of Biggleswad And Helmsley Esper Esposyni Essath Essex Essex} Estabrook Estcourt Este Estes Estey Estlake E'Stouteville Estouteville Estouteville Mrs. Estridsen Estwick Esty ETCHINGHAM Etchison Etenbery Ethelfleda Ethelgiva Ethelhilda Ethelstan Ethelstone Ethelwerd or Elfwerd Ethelwida Ethelwulf Etherington Etherstone Ethieus \ Adalricus Eticho Etichonen Etichonid Eticonides ETIENNE II Eu Eu & Brionne Eudes Eudes, Count of Blois Eudes I Eudes II Count de Blois Eudoxia Euer Eufemia Eugenia Picot Eulde Eulett Eulowe EUNYDD Euphemia Eupraxia ( Euprassia, eupraxis) Eure EURE (EWER) Eure Eure Eure or Ewer Eureux\ Evreux Eustace Eustace_ III Eustace I Eustachia Eutun Euxton Evan Evan Llwyd Evans Evans or Davis EVARTS Evat Eve De Roussillon Morvois Eveleigh Eveley EVELYN Everard Everaux Everdin Evereaux Evered Evered or Everard Everett Evereux Everhard Evering Everingham EVERMEU Evers Eves Evinges Evreux Ewell Ewens Ewer Ewing Ewyas Exilarch Of Jews In Babylon Exmia Eydmundsdatter Eyer Eyesteinsson Eylimasdatter EYLIMASSON Eyncourt Eynon Eyre Eystein Eysteinsdatter Eysteinsdotter Eysteinsdottir Eysteinsson Eystiensson Eyton Eyton or Eutun Eyvind Eyvindardóttir Eyvindarson Eyworthe Ezzon

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F Fabian Fabian\Fabyan Facuit Fadburn Fagge Fail Faillouel Fain Fair Fairbank Fairbanke Fairbanks Fairfax Fairfax, Fairfax, Chief Justice of England Fairfax, Esquire Fairfield Fairhair Fairley Fairlie Fairsbanck Faisseus Falais Falaise Falkner Fallawell Fallowell Falstaf Falstaff Fanney Fanning Farchar Farci Farcy Farewell Farguhar Farish Farley FARLEY alias Deane Farmer Farnfield Farnham Farnifold Farnsworth Farnum Farnworth Farquar Farquhair Farquhar Farquhar (Gray) Farquhare Farr Farrah (Althelred) Farrar Farrell Farrimond Farrington Farrington, Farris Farrow Farsi Faruhar Farwell Farwell II Fasciculus Richebourg Faslane Father to Fornjot Faucigny Faucogney Faucomberge Fauconburg Fauell Faukner Faulkner Faunce Fauquemont Fausta Favell Favnesbane Fawcet Fawcett Fawell Fawley Fawner Fawr Faxon Fay Faye Fayle Feake Featherstone Featherstonhaugh Feb Feher Feilding fejedelm Felde Felgate Felicitas Felix Fellow Fellowe Fellows Felpes Felt Feltham Felton Fench Fendall Fenes Feni Fenis Fenn Fenne Fentecoote Fentham Fenton Fentton Fenwick Fenwycke Fep Symond and Phillipe\ Thorenbury Ferber FERCH Ferch_aron Ferch_ Maredydd Ferch Aelgwn ferch Cadell Ferch Cadwaladr ferch Cynan Dindaethwy Ferch Cynfelyn ferch Cynwrig ferch Dafudd Gam ferch David ap Evan ferch Dyfnwallon Ferch Ednowain ferch Einion ferch Eynion ferch Gam Ferch Goronwy ferch Gruffudd Griffith ferch Gwallter ferch Gwilym ferch Gwyn ferch Henry ferch Henry Dwnn Ferch Hoedlyw ferch Huw Ferch Hywel Dha ferch Jenkin ferch John Sherborne Ferch Llewelyn ferch Llewelyn ap Iorwerth ferch Llywarch ferch Llywelyn ferch Llywelyn Ddu ferch Madog, of Powys Ferch Maredudd ferch Maredudd ap Henry Dwnn Ferch Maredydd ferch Mawr ferch Meurig ferch Osbern ferch Owain ferch Owain de Powys ferch Rhiwallon Ferch Rhodri "Mawr" ferch Rhodri Mawr ferch Siôn Eutun ferch Stephen Perrot Ferch Tewdwr Mawr ferch Tydyr FERCH WILCOCK CRADOCK Ferdinand Ferdinand I, " the CASTILE Fergant Fergent Fergus Ferguson Fermor Fernandes Fernandes de Zobra Fernandez Ferrall Ferrand Ferraris Ferrars Ferree Ferrel Ferrell Ferreol Ferreolius Ferreol SAVOY Ferreolus Ferrer Ferrere Ferrerrs Ferrers Ferres Ferrieres Ferrier Or Ferre Ferriers Ferrill Ferrington Ferriolius, 1st Ferriolius, the First Ferris Ferry Ferré Ferté-Mace Fetherstonebaugh Fetiplace Fettiplace Feuillevert greenleaf Fewox Fezenac Ffearnall Ffiske Ffyske or Fiske Field Fielder Fielding Fienes Fiennes Fiera Leras Fieschi Fieunes Fife Fifeshire, Scotland Ramsay Fight FiitzPiers FILBYE Filer Filgiers Filkes Filley Filton Finch Finche Fincher Finch Herbert FINDERN Fineaux FINEUX FINLAND Finley Finney Firmage First Firth Fischbach Fischer Fise Fish Fisher Fisk Fiske Fitch Fitgerald Fitley Fitley or Titley Fitlinge Fits_ Alan Fitton Fitz Fitz- Eustace Fitz- Geoffrey Fitz- Gilbert Fitz- Henry or Fitz- Harris Fitz-Henry de Lathom 4th Earl of Lathom Fitz-Herbert Fitz-James Fitz- Paine Fitz- Piers Fitz- Randolph Fitz- Richard Fitz- Roy Fitz- Walter Fitz- William Fitz_ Ernest Fitz_ Herbert Fitz_ Hugh Fitz_ John Fitz_ Richard Fitzalan Fitz Alan Fitzalan Fitz Alan FitzAlan Fitz Alan Fitzalan Fitz Alan Fitzalan fitz Alan Fitzalan Fitz Alan FitzAlan Fitz Alan FitzAlan Fitz Alan, FitzAlan, Fitz Allen Fitzallen FitzAnsculf FitzArkil Fitzbaldwin Fitz Baldwin Fitz Barnard Fitzbernard Fitz Bernard Fitz Berner FitzBerner Fitz Cocelin FitzCrinan FitzDolphin Fitz Dolphin fitz Duncan FitzDuncan Earl Of Moray Fitz Edmund FitzEdward FitzElfgar Fitzempress K FitzEon Fitz Ernest FitzFlaald FitzForne Fitz Geoffrey FitzGeoffrey Fitz Geoffrey FitzGeoffrey Fitz Geoffrey Fitzgeoffrey Fitz Geoffrey Fitzgeoffrey Fitz Geoffrey fitzgeoffrey FitzGeoffrey, Fitz Geoffry Fitz Geoffry de Rie Fitzgerald Fitz Gerald Fitzgerald Fitz Gerald FitzGerald Fitz Gerald Fitzgerald Fitz Gerald FITZGERALD FitzGerald, Fitzgerald de Windsor fitzgeraldwife Fitz Gervase Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert FitzGilbert Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert Fitzgilbert Fitz Gilbert Clare Fitz Gilbert De Clare FitzGilbert de Brionne FitzGilbert de Clare FitzGocelin FitzGodric Fitzgoffrey Fitz Goffrey FitzGozelin de Arcis FitzHammon Fitz Hammon Fitz Hamo Fitzhamon Fitz Hamon Fitzhamon Fitzharding FitzHenry Fitz Henry FitzHenry Fitz Henry FitzHenry Fitz Henry FitzHenry Fitz Henry FITZ HENRY De LATHOM Fitzhenry Queen of Scotland Fitzherbert Fitz Herbert FitzHerbert Fitz Herbert Fitzherbert Fitz Herbert Fitzherbert Fitz Herbert FitzHerbert Fitz Herbert Fitzherbert Fitz Herbert FitzHerbert Fitz Herbert Fitzherlewin FitzHerlwin FitzHolcroft Fitz Hubert Fitzhugh Fitz Hugh Fitzhugh Fitz Hugh FitzHugh Fitz Hugh FitzHugh FitzHugh de Rie Fitzjames Fitzjohn Fitz John Fitzjohn Fitz John FitzJOHN Fitz John Fitzjohn Fitz John FitzJohn Fitz John FitzJohn Fitz John Fitzjohn Fitz John Fitzjohn Fitz John FitzLangley Fitzleofwin FitzLewis Fitz Lewis Fitz Maldred Fitz Marmaduke FitzMarmaduke FITZ MAURICE Fitzmaurice Fitz Maurice Fitz Maurice Baroness Thomond Fitz Meurdach FitzMeurdach Fitz Miles Fitzmiles Fitz Miles FitzMiles Fitz Nichol FitzNichol, Fitznigel Fitz Nigel Fitznigell Fitz Norman Fitznorman Fitzodo FitzOrm Fitz Osbern Fitzosbern Fitz Osbern Fitzosbern Fitz Osberne Fitz Osbert Fitzosborn Fitz Osborne Fitz Otes Fitz Otho de Windsor, of Eaton, Keeper of the Forests of Windsor FitzOtto Fitz Otto Fitzpain FITZPAINE Fitz Paine Fitzpatrick FitzPatrick D'Evereux Fitzpayn Fitz Payn Fitz Pen Fitzpen FitzPen Phippen FitzPhilips Fitzpiers Fitz Piers Fitzpiers Fitz Piers FitzPiers Fitz Piers FitzPiers Fitz Piers Fitzpiers Fitz Piers Fitzpiers Fitz Piers ( De Mandeville) FitzPincheon Fitzpipers Fitzpons Fitz Ralph Fitzralph FitzRalph, Fitzrandolph Fitz Ranulph FitzRanulph FitzRaven FitzReynold Fitz Richard Fitzrichard Fitz Richard FitzRichard Fitz Richard Fitzrichard Fitz Richard Fitzrichard Fitz Richard FitzRichard ( Sheriff of Hereford) FitzRichard, Lord of Clare FitzRichard de Clare Fitzrichard de Falaise Fitzricharddeclare Fitzrichard Of Richard'S Castle FitzRichards FitzRobert Fitz Robert Fitzrobert Fitz Robert Fitzrobert Fitz Robert FitzRobert Fitz Robert Fitzrobert Fitz Robert FitzRobert Fitz Robert Fitzrobert Fitz Robert FitzRobert Fitz Robert 2nd Earl Gloucester Fitzrobert Of Gloucester Fitz Roberts Fitzroger Fitz Roger Fitzroger Fitz Roger Fitzroger Fitz Roger FitzRoger Fitzroger Constable of England Fitz Rogers FitzRoy Fitz Roy FitzRoy Fitz Scrob FitzSigulf Fitzsimon Fitz Simond Fitzsimond Fitzsiward Fitz Siward De Lathom 3rd Earl of Lathom Fitzstephen Fitzswain FitzSwaine Fitzswane FitzSwein Fitz Theobald FitzThomas Fitzuryan Ap Gruffydd FitzWalter Fitz Walter Fitzwalter fitz Walter FitzWalter Fitz Walter Fitzwalter Fitz Walter FitzWalter fitz Walter FitzWalter Fitz Walter of Gloucester Fitzwalter de Pitres FitzWalter de Windsor de Hastings Sherriff of Norfoll FitzWalter Fitz Flaad Fitzwalter Stewart FitzWarin Fitz Warin Fitzwarin Fitzwarine Fitz Warine FitzWarine Fitzwauter FitzWido Fitz William FitzWilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William FitzWilliam Fitz William FitzWilliam Fitz William FitzWilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William Fitzwilliam Fitz William V Fitz William, FitzWilliam, FitzWilliam de Greystoke FitzWilliam de Hastings Fitz Williams Fitzwilliams Fjolnarsson Fjolnarsson or Fjolnirson Fjolnnarsson, King of Svigtjod Sweden Fjordum Flagg Flagg or Flegg Flaidd Flaidd of Penl Flaitel Flaitell Flamdrensis Flamerselle Flamville Flandern Flanders Flanders Jr. Flandre Flandres Flatel Flavia Flaccilla Flavius Flavius Clemens Fleener Fleet Fleetwood Fleg Flegg Flegge FLEGG or FLAGG Fleitel Flemin de Biggers Fleming Fleminge Fleming ll Fletcher Flete Fliminge Flint Flinton Flippen Floier Flood Flore (Flower) Florennes Florentina Florenzia Flournoy Flower Flower (flor) Flowers Flowler Floyd Floyer Fluck Fludd Fluker Flynt Flynte Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus Foalkery Fobes Fodd Gustafdotter Foethus Fogge Foix Folcard Folger Foliot Foljambe Folkeroy Folkestone Folketon Folkington Folkroy Folkstone Folliott Follis Folsom Fones Fontaine Fontenoy Foord Foorde Foose Foote Foramand Forbes Forbush Forcalquier Forcee Ford Fordasson Forde Forden Forder Fordham Fordhayes Fordice Or Fordy Foreman Foreman or Forman Forest Forester Forez Forker Forker ( Farquar) Forman Formand Formane Forne Fornjotsson FORNJOTSSON KING Fornjotursson Kvenland Forrest Forrester Forsee Forside Forster Fort Forte Fortescue Fortesque Forth Forthe Fortune Foss Fosse Fossey Foster Fotherby Fotheringham Foton Foucher Fougeres Fougers FOULDE Foulds Fouleshurst Foulis Foulk Foulkeram Foulques Ii Fountain Fountaine Fouque Fourneux Fowell Fowhell Fowke Fowle Fowler Fowler, Fowler Jr. Fowler of Saxony Fowles Fownes Fox Foxe Foxston Frade Fraiser Fraizer France France" France I France King Of Frances Frances Clarke Francia Francis Francis Drake Franconia Franconie Francs Frank Franke Franklin Frankling Frankrig Franks Franks de Cologne Frans Frary Fraser Fraser, Sheriff of Stirling, 1st lord of Touch-Fraser Frasier Fraunces Fraunceys, Frazer Frazier Freathy Fredegonde Fredegunde Frederick Frederuna Of Ham Freebody Freeman FREESTONE Freethe Freethy Freke Fremingham French French Sharpham Frende Fresney Fret Freteval Frethie Freville Frey Freysson, Ynglinga Friar Friaul Fricker Fridleifsdottir FRIDLEIFSSON Fridliefsdottir Fridljorkt S Olafson Friedrich Friedrich I vonSwarzenburg Friedrichsdotter Friend Friesland Frimutel Frink Frioul Frisia Friskney Frissell Frith Fritwell FritzEmpress Friuli FRIULI II, Wife of Duke Frizzell Frizzle Froadsson Froane Froburg Frodasson Frode Frodesdatter, of Lejre Frognall Frohburg Fromond Frost Frostasdotter Frostasson Frostasson Tasson Frosti Froth Frowicke Frowyke Fruela Fruili FRUSTENDEN Fry Frych Frye Fryer Frysell Fryssell Fryth Fuchs or Fox Fuhrer Fulcher Fulford Fulk Fulkerham Fulkerson Fulkroy Fuller Fuller and John\ Lothrop Fullman Fullward Fullwood Fulmer Fulnetby Fulshaw Fulthorpe Fulton Funkhauser Funkhousa Funkhouser Furbish FURBISH or FORBES Furbush Furner Furneval FURNIVAL Furnival, Fursland Futhey Fychan Fydell Fygge Fyler Fynche Fyshe Fytch Fytche Fytes Fyton Fytz Férréolus

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G., 6th Lord Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland Gaab Gaar Gabb Gace Gachs Gadney Gael Gael_( Waiet) Gaeta Gaevauda Gage Gage ( Gach) Gager Gagnon Gaineau Gaines Gainesford Gainor Gainsford Gaitelgrima of Salerno Gaither Galbraith Galbreth Gale Galen Galicia Galightly Galindez Galland Galley Gallienne Gallion Gallman Gallo Gallop Galloway Gallt Melydon Gallup Galt Gam Gamaga Gamage Gamble Gambling Game Games Gamlett Gamm Gammertingen Gammon Gamul Gand Gandoldottir, Eiriksdatter or Ericsdottir Gandolfsdatter Gandolfsdotter Gandolfsdotter, Gandolfsson GANDY Ganelon Gannett Gano Gant Gant ( Fitzhardin GANT ( FITZHARDING) GANT FITZHARDIN Gant or FitzHarding Ganzelin Garard Garces GARCÉS Gardarige Gardiner Gardiner, Jr. Gardner Garfield Garland Garland, de Garlande GARLENDE Garlick Garnache Garnett Garneys Garnier Garould Garrain Garrard Garrat Garretson Garrett Garrett II Garrison Garrold Garsenda of Toulouse Garth Garthwright Gartland Garvin Gary Gascaigne Gasciogne Gascogne Gascoigne Gascoigne, Gascoigne I Gascoine Gasconigon Gascony Gascuña Gase Gaskill Gassage Gasson Gastinois Gatacre Gate Gater Gates Gather Gathorne Gathright Gattensby Gaul Gaunt Gaunt" GAuNt ( GHENT) GAUNT (GANT) Gaunt Montfort Gauthier dit Landreville Gauthier Landreville Gautier King of the Franks GAUTREK Gautreksson Gautsson Gavell Gavin Gavre Gawdy Gawdyn Gay Gaydon Gaye Gaylord Gaymer GAYNEAU Gayner Gaynor Gaynsford GE Geal Gedding Geddinge Gedge Gedney Gee Geere Geering Geiger Geldern Gelders Gellebrond Gellone Gendron JENDRAS Genebald Geneva Geneva [ Geneve Geneville Genf Genillin Genlin Genllin Genniles Gent Geoffrey Geoffrey d' Arques Geoffrey de Mandeville of Essex Geoffrey FitzGeoffrey de Mandeville of Essex Geoffrey I\ Count\ Mortagne Geoffroy Geoffroy I George George, Sr. Fitch George Beall Jr Gepidae Gepidæ Gerald Gerard Gerbera Gerberde Gerberga Gerberge Gerbig Gerbold German Germans Germany Germânia Gerneaux Gernet Gernon Gernon Guernan Gernor Gerold Geroud Gerrard Gerrett Gerrish Gerritdotter Gershom Gertrud Gertruda\ Princess\ Poland Gertrude Gertsson Gerulf Gervas Gerveys Gerystan Gess Gestyn-Efionydd Gethin Getton Geva Gevaudan Gevaudan MILHAUD Gex GGA GGF Ghent Ghent Gand gherardini Gherardini, Dominus de Stanwell Ghillebert Ghisnes Gibbert Gibbes Gibble Gibbon Gibbons Gibbs Gibbs I Gibson Gidding Giddings Gideon Gierom Gievaudun Giffard Giffard "Marshall" Royal Sergeant and Marshall to Henry I Giffard Baroness Strange Blackmere Giffard de Bolbec Giffin GIFFORD Gifford ( Giffard) Giffourne Giklman Gilbert Gilbert, Gilbert Morcock Gilborne Gilchrist Gildersleeve Gilding Gile GILES Giles Gyles Gill Gillam Gillebridesson, King of the Isles Gillespie Gillesple Gillet Gillett Gillette Gilliam Gillibrand Gilling Gill Jr Gillman Gillmore Gillot Gillott Gillpin Gillyat Gilman Gilpen Gilpin Gippes Girardid Girling Girlinge Girlington Gisburn Gisela Giselbert Gisele Gisgonelle D'Anjou Gist Gittens Gittings Gladding Gladice Glading Glaister Glam Glamorgan Glance Glane Glanville Glanwell Glascock Glass Glasscock Glastonbury Gleason Gleason Jr Gleiberg Glen Glendower Glenn Glenney Glen of Inchmartin and Balmuto Glinn Glitton Glocsester Gloff Gloucester Gloucester SHERIFFof---- Glover Glowfetter Gloyn Glyn Goare Gobaud Gobion Gocelin Goch Goda Godbold Godbolde Godbould Godby Goddard Godegisel of Geneva GODEHEUT Godffrey Godfredsdottir Godfredsson Godfrey Godfroi- De- Bouillon Godhjaltsson Godhue Godins Godley Godolphin Godred Godredson Godredsson Godshall Godslue Godwin Godwinsdattir Goff Goffe Gogan Golborne Golch Gold Goldborough Golden Goldesburgh Golding Goldington Goldney Gold or Gould Goldsborough Goldsmith Goldstone Goldthorpe Goldwell (Couldwell) Gollop Gollwyn Gollwyn ap Tangno Golofre Golwyn Gomes da Silva Gometz Gomond Gondebad of Vienne Gondemar Gondinque Goneld Gonson Gonthier Prince of the Franks Gonyeaux Gonyo Gonzales Gonzalez de lara González Gooch Good Goodale Goodale or Goodall Goodall Goode Gooden Goodenow Goodenowe Goodhue Goodie Gooding Goodloe Goodman Goodnow Goodrich Goodrick Goodricke Goodson Goodspead Goodspeed Goodspread Goodwin Goodwin, Goodwyn Goody Goodyear Goodyere Gookin Gooking Goold Goolsbury Gordan Gordon Gore Gorges Gorham Gorm del Gammel, Gormsdatter Gormsdotter Gormsen Gormsson Goronway Goronwy Gorre Gorsuch Gosfield Goshorn Gosling Gosnell Gosnold Gospatric Gospatric I Gospatrick II Earl of Lothian De Dunbar Gospatrick Mormear Dunbar Gossage Gosse Gossellive Gossett Goth Gothart Gothayte ( Gothart) Gothics- East Gothland Gotland Gotobed Gott Gouch Gouet Gough Gould Goulding Goulet GOUREY Gournai Gournay Gournay- en- brai Gourney Goushill Govan Governor of Flanders Govett Gowan Gowane Gower Goz Graaf Graaf von Henegouiven Grace Grach Graff Graf im Bonngau, Keldachgau und Bliesgau Grafin Grafin of Monchenthal Grafton Graf Von Altdorf Welfen Graf von Villingen Graggen Graham Graham, Countess of Menteith Grahame Graie Grand Duchess Of Kiev Grand Duke Of Kiev Grandison Grandpre Grand Prince Of Kiev Grandson Granges Granraude Grant Granthon Grantmesnil Granville Granville ( Grenville) Grapinell Gras Gratewood Gratwick GRATWICKE Graunt Grave graven van provence Graves Graves or Greave Gravit Gray Gray, Ancient Planter Graye Grayson Graystoke Graystone Grazbrook Grazebrook Great Great' Greatemesnil Greathouse Greathroed Great Poland Greave Greaves Greddyf Greeenleaf Greeke Greeley Green Greenacres Greene Greenehalgh Greenehaulgh Greenfield Greenhalgh Green III Greenleaf Greenman Green or Greene Greenville Greenway Greenwood Greete Gregg Gregorie Gregory Gregory 1502--1520 eng Gregory Mosby Greinville Greisbrooke Grelle Grelle (Gresley) Grelley Grenall GRENTEMESNIL Grentmesnil Grentmisnel Grenvile Grenville Grenville, Grenville or Gresham Gresley Gressingham Grevaudan Greve Grevill Greville Grew Grew or Grow Grey Grey, Grey de Ruthyn Grey du Ruthyan Grey Grey Greyhdour Grey of Heton Greystock Greystoke Greystoke, Greystroke Grice Gridley Grier GRIEST Griffen Griffin Griffing Griffis Griffith Griffith ap Llewellen Griffiths Griffiths ll Griffith Sr. Griffri Griffyn Grigg Griggs Grigsby Grim Grimes Grimesby Grimoald Grimsditch Grimshaw Grimsson Grimston Grimstone Grimthorpe Grimwood Grindall Grindreth Grinnel Grinnell Grinwood Grippsdotter Gripsdottir Griselda Grisgonelle Grissom Griswold Groce Grombridge Grono Gronw Gronwy Groom Gros Gross Grosse Grossvenor Grosvener Grosvenor Grout Grove Grovehurst Grover Groves Grow Grubb Gruff GRUFFETH Gruffudd GRUFFUDD ap MAdog Gruffudd ap Rhys Gruffudd Cadwgon Gruffudd Dueddwr Gruffudd Foel Gruffudd Fraslwyd Gruffyd Gruffydd Gruffydd( Gruffudd) Gruffydd ap Cynan Gruffydd Foel Gruffydd Gruffudd Gruyffyd Gryffydd Gryg Grymes Grys Grysell Grünewald Guaneau Guant Guard Gubium Gudbiorgsson GUDBRANDSDATTER Gudbrandsdatter Queen Ringerike Gudmundur Olafson Gudrodsson Gudrødsson Guedes Guedes ; O da Varzea. Guedes Godo GaLindes Guelders Guelders [ Gueldre Gueldres Guelf Guelph Guerin Guerin Of Poitiers Of Of Guernsey Guerrant Guertruy Guggell Gui Guia of Burgundy Guideschi Guiena Guigue I Count of Albon Guildford Guile Guilelm Guiley Guilford Guill Guillaume Guillaume I Guillaume II Guillaume IV Guillaume IV Count of Toulouse Guillaume IV\ Count\ Toulouse Guilliam Guilliaume Guinear Guines Guines Coucy Guinhilde Guisard Guiscard Guiscard de Hauteville Guise Guisnes Guisnes x Guldeford Gull Gulley Gulliver Gulson Gumm Gunard Gunby Gunde Mariz Gundioc\ Gunderic Gundobad Gundrada Gundred Gundredsson Gunnarsdottir Gunnarson Gunnarsson Gunnarsson Skute Gunne Gunner Gunnersson Gunnor Gunter Gunther Gunther King of the Burgundy Gurney Gurwant Guterres da Silva Guthrie Guto Gutun Guy Guy- I Guyban GUYE Guy II Count PONTHIEU Guînes Gwaeddgar Gwaethfoed Gwaethfold of Powys Gwaethford Gwair Gwalchmai Gwallter Gwalter Gwaring Gwedd Gweir Gwendy Gwengy Gwenllian Gwent Gwenwynwyn GWERGYNAN Gwernwy Gwerstan Gwerystan Gwidejm Gwilim Gwilym Gwin Gwion Gwlhafed Gwogan Gwrgan Gwrgant Gwrgeneu Gwrgn Gwrgunon Gwriad Gwrydr Gwylog Gwyn Gwynadd Gwyned Gwynedd Gwynfyr Gwynn Gwynnan Gylbert Gylbourne Gyles Gyllebrand Gylman Gymersdotter Gynder Gynkes Gyrlyngton Gyssinge Gytha

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Haakonsdatter Haakonsdoittir Haardaade Habluzel Habsburg Haccombe Haccombe [ Sir] Hackburne Hacker Hacket Hackett Hackworth Hadaway Haddes Haddock Hadeltrude Hadley Hadlock Haggard Haggerston Haie Hailault Hailey Hailson Hain Hainault Hainaut Hainaut Constantinople Flanders Haines Hairston Hairun Haithabu Haitley Hakett Hakonsdatter Hakonsson Halcot Haldane Haldansson Haldarsson Haldenby Haldensleben Haldimann Haldup Haldup Baron de La Haye-du-Puits Hale Hales Haley Halfal Halfdanarson Halfdanarsson Halfdanasson Halfdansdottir Halfdansen Halfdanson Halfdansson Halfdansson, Halfdansson King Halfdansson King In Vestfold Halfdansson of Scane Halfdasdotter Halfsdansdotter Haliburton Hall Hallard HALLE HALLET Hallett Halley Hall Jr. Halloway Hallowell Hals Halsall Halse Halsey Halsworth Halvansson Halvdan Halvdansdotter Halvdansen Halvdansson Halways Halyburton Ham Hamalant Hamant Hambleton Hambley Hamblin Hamby Hambye Hamelton HAMELYN ( ap) Hamer Hamerton Hamilton Hamlet Hamlett Penketman Hue Damporte Cheshire Lord Done Hamlin Hamm Hammelt Hammerton Hammerton x Hammon Hammond Hamon Hamond Hampden Hampshere Hampshire Hampson Hampston Hampton Hams Hamson Hanap HANBURY Hanchett Hancock Hancock - Turley Hancocke Hand Handcock Handridge Handy Haney Hanford Hanham Hankeford Hankford Hanks Hanmer Hannah Hannam Hannelly Hannum Hanover Hansard Hansford Hanson Hansonn Hansson Haperton Hapgood Happuch Harald Haraldsdatter Haraldsdatter Haraldsdottir Haraldsdoittir Haraldsdotter Haraldsdottir Haraldsen Haraldson Haraldsson Haraldsson, HARALDSSON KING Harbin Harbottle Harbrough Harby Harbyn Harcourt Harcourt ;[ Earl Of Leicester] HARCOURT De Beaumont Hardee Hardeknudsdatter Hardeknudsson Hardesty Hardi Hardin Harding Hardman Hardoin Hardrade Hardreshull Harduin Hardwick Hardwicke Hardy Hardy Garlick Hare Harecourt Haresfield Hargis Hargott Hargrave Harington Harker Harlackenden Harlakenden Harlan Harland Harleston Harleve Harley Harlow Harmadik Harman Harmer Harmon Harner Harnison Haroldsdotter Queen Of Denmark Harold VII Harpeden Harper Harpole Harpur Harrdradde Harrington Harrington or Haryington Harris Harrise Harrison Harris or Harry Harrock Harrude Harry Harry or Harris Harrys Harryson Harsard Harssant Hart Harte Hartford Hartill Hartinge Hartis Hartop Hartpole Hartshorn Hartshorne Hartwell Harty Harvell Harvett\Hawett Harvey Harville Harward Harwardene Harwin Harwood Harwyne Harzgau Hascourt Hasding des Obodrites Haselhurst Hasell Haseltine Hasewell Haskell Haskins Hasler Hassard Hassell Hasset Hastang Hastinges Hastings Hastings, Hatch Hatche Hatcher Hatfield Hathaway Hathoway Hathway Hatt Hatton Hauchin Haudlo Haudlo, Haugh Haughey Haukeston Hauri Hauskett Hausklifr, Haute Haute or Hawte Hauteville Hauton Havard Havarsdotter Havarsdottir Havarsson Haven Havens Haver Haversham Haversson Haviock Havlive Hawarden Hawardene Hawberk Hawes Hawise Hawke Hawken Hawker Hawkes Hawkesworth Hawkins Hawkredd Hawksworth Hawkyns Hawlett Hawley Hawte Hawxhurst Hay Hay, Haya Haycock Hayden Haydock HAYDON Haye HAYES Hayes Hickman Hayford Haynes Haynes Or Haines Hays Hayton Hayward Haywood Hazard Hazel Hazelhurst Hazeltine Hazelwood Heacock Heacocke Head Headey Headington Headley Heald Heald (Heird) Heald or Heath Heard Hearle Hearn Heath HEATHERLY Heaton Heawood Hebbeden Hebden Hebster Heche Heckington Heckstall Hedd Hederson Hedewige Hedge Hedge Sturgis Hedmark Hedvige Hedwig Hedwig Of Hedworth Heer van Amboise En la-Tour-de-Pierre Heever Heidrekdatter Heidrekesson Heidreksson Heiford Heigham Heijden Heil Heilin Heilson Eldson Heilwich Heimbach Heinrich Heiress Heismois Heiton Helde Hele Helen Abernethy Helfdansdatter Helgadatter Helgasdatter Helgasson Helgerdotter Helgesdotter Heligan Helion Heller or Helder Hellesby Hellesby Lord Quisty Helliwell Helm Helmann Helme Helmes Helsby Helyas Helyon Hembline Hemengale Hemenhale Hemenway Hemertin Heming Hemingway Hemmingway Hempnall Hempstead Hen Henchman Henchman III Hend Henday Henden Hender Henderson Hendley Hendly Hendricks Hendrickson HENEAGE Henegouwen Henel Henery I Henley Henman Henmarsh Hennegau Hennel Hennessy Hennington Henri Henrie Henri I Henrik II De Limburg And D'Arlon Henriques henriquez Henrok Henry Henry- I Henry_ I Henry_ Ii Henry I Henry I Beauclerc Henry I King of England Henry II Henry of Portugal Henry of Sicily Henry Percy , Earl Of Northumberland Henry Sir Of Worfield, Henry Vii Hensley Henson Henwyn Hepburn Hepburn of Hailes Herbauges Herbelles Herbert Herbert (or Herbert Finch) Herbert, Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke Herbert Finch Herbert Iv Herbert or Finch Herbrandsson Herbrass, Baroness,Morgan Hercey Herculius Hercy Hercye Herd Herdert Herefor Hereford HEREFORD AND ESSEX] Hereward Herewarde Herfastus Hergest Heribert) Toulouse Hering Heristal Heristol Heriz Herleva Herman Herman - Hermanszen Hermanni Hermant Hermengarde Hermentrude Hern Herndon Herne Heron Heron Pine Herraudsdatter Herrick Herries Herring Herrington Herrmann Hersinda Herstal Hersuinda Hervey Herward Hesbaye Hesclarton Heselarton Hesilden HESKETH Hesketh, Heslarton Heslerton HESS Hetfelde Hethe Heton Hetton Heveningham Hewes Hewet Hewett Hewishe Hewit Hewitt Hewlett Hewlings Hewson Hexstall HEXT Hextall Hey Heyburn Heyd Heyden Heydon Heygatt Heynes Heyton Heyward Heywood HF Hialmthersson Hiatt Hibberd Hibbs Hibelet Hickman Hicks Hiddlesdale Hide Hieme Hiemois Hiesmes Hiesmes Vagena Hiethra Higate Higgenson Higgins Higginson High Sheriff of Yorkshire Hightower Highway Higley Hiland HILARY Hilbert or Hibbert Hild Hilda Hildabrant Hildebrant Hildebrante Hildebrante, Hildeburg Hildegard Hildegard, Countess of ANJOU Hildegarde Hildegarde, Princess of FRANCE Hildericsdatter Hildibrandsson Hildouin Hildouin II\ Count Hildreth Hildyard Hill Hillard Hillary Hilleary Hillersdon Hillery Hilliard Hillin Hillings Hillire Hillman HILLS Hilpe Hilpold Hilton Hilton, Hiltrude Hinchley HINCHMAN Hinckes Hinckesman Hinckley Hincksman Hind Hinde Hindley Hinkesman Hinksman Hinsdale Hinshaw Hinton Hippon Hirdref Hirsh Hiscokes Hitchcock Hix Hizer Hjaldursson Hjalmsthersson Hjalmthersson Hlodverson HLODVERSSON Hlodvirsson Hoadley Hoar Hoare Hoball or Woolball Hobart Hobbs Hobert Hobren HOBSON HochBurgund Hockaday Hoda Hodbroddsdotter HODDER Hodge Hodgekinson Hodges Hodgkin Hodgkins Hodgkinson Hodgkyns or Hoskins Hodgshon Hodgson Hodilowe Hodsoll Hodson Hody Hoedlyw Hoel Hofmann Hogan Hoge Hogg Hogge Hoghton Hoghton Or Goughton Hoghton Or Houghton Hogley Hognasson Hognasson Dagsdatter or Dagsdottir Eysteinsdottir Hohenstaufen Hohenzollern Hoisington Hokenhull Jr. Holand Holand) Holanda Holbache Holbook Holbroke Holbrook Holbrooke Holcomb Holcombe Holcot Holcroft HOLDEN Holder Holdich Holdroide Holeman Holford Holfsson Holland Holland, Earl of Kent Holland, Jr. Holland, West Friesland Hollande Hollander Holland Jr. Hollaway Holley Holliday Hollingshead Hollingsworth Hollis Hollister Holloway Holloway\ Holley Holly Holman Holme Holmes Holms Holohan Holstien Holt Holtby Holte Holti Holton Holtum Holuns Holy_ Roman_ Empir Holy Roman Holy Roman Emp Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Empir Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire Princess Holy Roman Hastings HolyRoman Empire Holywood Homan Homden Home Hommet Hommet ( Humet) Honchine Hone Honeychurch Honeywood Honford Honor Honywood Hoo Hood Hoode Hook Hooke Hooker Hoope Hooper Hoopes Hoord Hooten Hope Hopkin Hopkins Hopkinson Hoppath Hopper Hoppin Hoppringle Hoppuck Hopton Hopwood Hord Horlbeck Horlfsdatter Horn Hornbach Hornbuckle Horne Horner Hornton Horrocks Horsefall Horseley Horsey Horsfall Horsham Horsley Horslie Horton Hosey Hoskins Hoskyns Hosmer Hotham Hotofle Hotofte Hotot Houchin Houchine Houching, Hough Houghton Houghton (divorcee) Houlston Houlton Hounsler House House of Bamburgh House of Gorm "the Mighty" House of Gunn, Hald & Y'linge House of Hald House of Plantagenet Houston Houstoun Hovel Hovenden Hoveringham Hovey How Howard Howarth Howchin Howe Howel Howelett Howell Howell " Pickhill" Howes Howland Howlat Howle Howlet howlett Howorth Howse Howtinge Hoxie Hoxsie Hoy Hoyt Hoyville Hraereksson Hrimnir Hroaldsson Hroarsson Hroerekr Hrolf Hrolfsdatter Hrolfsdatter Countess Of More Hrolfsdottir Hrolfsson Hrollaugsdatter Hrollaugsson Hrolsdottir Hrothildis Hubbard Hubbard Hubord Hubbard or Hobart Hubbard Scott Huber Hubert Hubleton Huchen Huchinson Huchison Huckins Huckle Huckstep Hucksteppe Hucstepe Huddesfield Huddie Huddleston Huddlestone Hudson HUET Hug Hugessen Hugh Hugh) Hugh, Hughe Hughes Hughes or Little Hugh I Hugh Iv Hugh Le Despencer, Earl of Winchester Hugh Magnus ( Hughes " The Great") Hugh Munpincun Hugh The Great Hugh Ulric de Saxony Hugleville Hugon Hugonide Hugues Hugues III Huitt Hulbert Hulcher Hulet Hulett Huling Hulings Hulins Hull Hulley Hulme Hulse Hulton Hulton de Lever Humber Humbert Humbert III Humble Hume Hume or Home Humfriestone Humphrey Humphrey Weld Humphry Humphryes Hunchback Hundardottir Hundarson Hundersson Hundevad Hundley or Risley Hundolfsson Hundson Hune Huneburg Huneric Hungary Hungary and Croatia Hungate Hungerford Hungerford Brydges Hungerford of Heytesbury Hungington Hunking Hunnicutt Huns Hunsaker Hunt Huntbach Hunter Huntingdon Huntingdon & Northumbria Huntingfield Huntington Huntington Princess of Scotland Hunt Jr. Huntley Huntley Gordon Hurdidge Hurdman Hurlbut Hurlebatte Hurleton Hurlie Hurne Hurst Hurste HURTON Huse Husee Husse Hussey Hussey, Knight Hutchens Hutcheson Hutchings Hutchins Hutchinson Hutton Huw Huw "Gwyn" Huxley Huyberts Hwfa Hwgan Hwlcyn Hyandson Hyatt Hyde Hyde or Iyde Hyder Hydon Hyfaidd Hylton Hymeid Hymerford Hymeyt Hynaf Hynde Hynscliffe Hyrst Hytchenson Hythus Hywel Hywel Caerllion Hywel Dda Hywel Penrhyn Hywel Y Pedolau Hywis Hårdråde

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I I, I. Iago I Balthes. Ibbotson Ibelin Ibrook Iceland Ida Ida D Eu Iddenden Iddon Galed Ide I de Brioud I de Paris Idel Idell Idley Idnerth Idropp Iduberga Idumea Idwal Idwallon Idye Ienof Ier DE BOULOGNE Ier de Frioul Ier le Vieux Landen Ierwerth voel Ieuaf Ieuaf ap Cadwgon Ieuan Ieuan " Fychan" Ieuan Fychan Ieuan Goch Ieuan Llwyd Ievan Ifor Ifor ... Ifor Bach Ignew Igor i House of Piast II II, II Auvergne II de barcelone Ii De Mortimer, II de Portugal Ii De Quincy II de rouergue Ii De Say II DeBeaumont II deSaumur II DUKE OF THE FRANKS III III \ de Montdidier Iii De Multon III of Piedmont Iii Van De Elzas Ii Of Altdorf Ii Of Bohemia II of Bonngau Ii Of Toulouse II SPENCE II Taillefer Ii Von Schweinfurt Ii Wade Ijams Ijams Duvall Ildegonde or Hildegonde, Iles or Lles or Ellis or Elyis Illingworth Ilsley Imhild Imma im Maasgau Maasgau Imman Immel Ince Inchmartin INCONNUE Info INGALDESTHORPE Ingoldisthorpe Ingalls Inge Ingeborg Ingebyorg Ingelger Ingelram 11 de Fennes Ingelrica Maud of England Ingels Ingels Jr. Ingeltrude Ingen Maloguala Ingeramme Ingeramne Ingern Ingersoll Ingham Inghen Mail Coluim Ingibiord Ingildsson Ingjaldsdotter Ingjaldsson Ingjaldsson (King of Vermaland) Ingland Inglebert Ingleby Ingleram Ingles Ingleton Inglis INGOLD Ingolfsdatter Ingomera Ingonde Ingpenny Ingraham Ingram Ingram 1st Viscount Ingronde Ingunde Ingvarson Ingvarsson Inheritrix Iniguez Iniquez Injaldsson Inkersall Inkfordby Inman Innes Inscho Inscoe INSCOE INSKOW Inscore Inscow Inskoe Insula InTaggart O'Beolan in the Moselgau Inu Ioe Iolo Iolyn Iorwerth Iorworth Iowcws Irby Ireland Irelande IRELAND O'Toole MAC DONNCUAN Ireson Ireton Irish Irmengarde Auvergne d Irmina Von Ohren Irving Isaac Isaacke Isaac Woodward Isabel Isabel Calverley Isabella Isabel Peck Isack Isar Isard Isbel ISBELL Isbult Isenburg Iseult Isham Isham, Isle Isle Bouchard Isle Of Man Isles Islesworth Isley Isobel Isobel_ Clare Issitt\Issett Isted Iszzard Italia Italiae King Italie Italy ITALY\ Ithel Ithel Fychan Ithel Gam Ithel Howel Ithel Vychan Iv Ivarsdottir Ivarsson Ivarsson, Earl of More IV Count of Margrave of Provence, Duke of Narbonne Iv De Burgundy Iv De Montfort IV de Valery Iveri Iverson Iversson Ives Ivo De Newmarche Ivo Pantulf Ivott Ivrea Ivry Ivy Iwardby IX- France IX deBohun IX Pouitou IX Smythe Izard Izod Izord Izyaslav

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J.L. Jack Jackson Jacob Jacobs Jacobssen Jacobsson Jacocks Jacques Jacson Jaffray Jaggarde Jagger Jakob Metz Jaligni James James Davis Jameson Jamison Jane Janes Janney Japasaw Jardfielde Jardine Jarman Jarombir Jaromir Jaroslavich Jaroslavna Jarrell Jarrett Jarvis Jasper Jaudrell Jay Jaye Jaynes Jean Jeanne Jefferie Jefferis Jefferson Jeffrey Jeffries or Dandridge Jeinson Jelfe Jelffe Jelliman Jelly Jenat Jenaway Jenawaye Jenckes Jenkens Jenkes Jenkin Jenkin (de Frankton) JENKINS Jenks Jenne Jennet Jenney Jenning Jennings Jenny Jenny Or Jenney Jensen Jentilman Jenyns Jephson Jepson Jergens Jerman Jermyn Jernegan Jernigan Jerningham Jerningham JERUSAL Jerusalem Jervys Jesse Hardy Jessup Jeston Jeukes Jevan Jewell Jewkes Jiménez Jiménez Leon Jiménez of Aragon Joan Joan Sutton Joan De Thornton Joan Drake Joan FITCH daughter 1 Joanna Joanne Joan Princess of Wales Jobson Jocelyn Jocunda Olafsdatter Jodrel Jodrell Johansdotter Johanson John John Angell John Clarke Johnes John FITCH son 2 John I John Jr. Downe John Martin John of Gaunt Johns Johnson Johnson, Johnston Johnstone Johnstonne John Sutton (Lord Dudley K.G.) John Thwaites Joigny JOINVILLE Jokulsson JOKULSSON (King Finland) Jokulssonn Jolley Jolye Jonason Jonathan Dresser Jones Jones-Bostick Jones or John Jonsson Jordaine Jordan Jordanne Jordon Jorundsdatter Jorundsson Jorwerth Joscelin Josceline Joscelyn Joseph Joseph Borden Joseph Ellis Joslin Josline Josseline Josselyn Joslin Joudrell Jourdain Jourdaine Jourdan Joy Joyce Joyes Jr. Jubble Judd Judea Judiarch Judicael Judith Judson Judyta de Poznan Jugdale Juliana Juliers June Juneau ou Jouineau Jung Junkein Jurdain Jurdaine Juson Jewson Justin Juston Jutland Jutland and Zealand Jutta

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Kaeplleli Kaeppeli Kailway Kale Kamaterina, Kane Kankey Karasdatter Karasson KARASSON KING IN Karl Martel Kastilien Katherine Hubbard Katherine Huddlesfield Katherine Hutchinson Katherine Trafford Kaufman Kautz Kay Kaye Kayle Keable Keach Keale Keate Keats Kebell Keble Keeble Keen Keene Keeran Keeter Kehrer Keighley Keilsdatter Keiner Keiser Keith Keith, Duchess of Albany Keith, Master of Marischal Kelke Kellaway Keller Kellet Kelley Kellogg Kellok Kellond Kellorray Kelloway Kelly Kelsey Kelso Kelvedon Kelway Kemeye Kemeys Kemmell Kemmellmarch Kemp Kemp (Clothier Eubanks Thomas) Kempe Kempe of Olantigh Manor Kempson Kempton Kemys Ken Kendal Kendall Kendrick Kendrick Kenrick Kenerley Kenion Kenison Keniston Kennard , Kenner or Kennoe Kennedy Kennerly Kennidie Kenning Kennon Kenny Kenrick Kensham Kenswick Kent Kenward Ker KERDESTON Keresforth Kerley Kerr Kerrich Kerridge Kersdale Kerslake Kervile Kerwin Kessel Ketchum Ketillsdottir Ketilsdatter Ketilsdottir Ketilsdóttir Ketilsson Kettell Ketterick Kevelick Kevelioc De Meschines Earl Of Chester Kevell Kew Kewley Key Keyes Keys Keyser KG Kibbey Kibblewhite Kibourg Kidd Kidder Kieth Kiev Kighley Kighly Kilborn Kilbourn Kilbourne Kilcher KILHAM Killinglie Kilner Kilpatrick Kilpek Kimball Kimble Kimbre Kimbrough Kimsey Kinbrough Kincaid Kincheloe Kinchen Kindar Kinderick Kinersley King King De Denmark King De Wales Kinge KINGHAM King In Sweden King In Uppsala Kingman King of King of Aquitane King of Austrasia King Of Austrasia & King Of Brittany King of Burgundy King of Burgundy and Austrasia King Of Castile King of Castile and Leon King of Colgne) Marcomir I Merovech Eastern Franks King Of Cyprus King Of Deheubert King of Denmark King of Engand King Of England King of France King of Francs King of Franks King of Germany King Of Gwynedd KING OF HUNGARY King of Italy King Of Jerusalem King of Leinster King Of Leon King Of Lethra King Of Lombardy King Of Metz King Of Navarre King Of Norway King Of Powys King of Ringerike, Duke of Angria King of Saxons King Of Scotland King of Scots King Of Sicily King of Swden King of Sweden king of the burgundians King of the Danes King Of The English King of the Franks King of the Isles King of the Lombards King of the Sicambrian Franks King of the Suevi King Of The Swedes In Varmland Ingjaldsson King of the Visigoths (Thervingi) King of the West Franks King of Thomond King Of Toxandrie King of U Muiredaig King Of Wessex King of Worms Kingsbury Kingsley King Stephen Kingston King Theodoric I The Great of Italy and the Ostrogoths Kinkey Kinn Kinne Kinnersley Kinney Kinnicutt Kinriksdottir Kinsey Kinsman Kinte Kinwelmarsh Kirby Kirk Kirkbride Kirkby Kirke Kirkener Kirketon Kirkham Kirkiner Kirkner Kirkton Kirridge Kirrie Kirtland Kiskees Kitchell Kite Kitson Kittrell Kjallaksdottir Kjarlaksson Kjarvalsson Kjavralssdatter Klack Klacksdatter Klak Halvdansson Klees Kleess Kleve KNAP - KNAPP Knapp Knapp I Knatchbull Kneeland Kneeland Graves Knevelt Knevet Knevett Knghtley Knighley Knight Knightley Knightly Knight Ockol Knight of Althorp Knighton Knivett Knoll Knolles Knollys Knopp Knott Knotting Knovill Knoville Knowesley Knowler Knowles Knowlton Knowseligh Knowte KNOWTS KNOX Knt Knudsson Knut Knyffe Knyvet Knyvett Knyvett IV Knýtlinga Kolle Koln Komnena Komnene Kong Konig de Thuringer Konigl Koonce Kresen KRICKENBECK Księżniczka z Polska Kuenzi Kumans Kumens Kundigonde Kunkle Kunrat Kunrat l Kunrbat Kuntz Kuntze Kuntzli Cunitz KVENLAND Kyddell Kydder Kyffin Kyme Kynaston Kynge Kyrk Kyrton Käser Köln

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L Abbe l'Abbe la Bere La BON Lacey Lacey Nigell Lacey Powdige Lachier Lacie Lackland Lackland Plantagenet la Coeche lacon Lacy Lacy Joinville Ladbrooke Ladd Ladislas IV King of Hungary Ladoux-LaDue Lady Corona van Adlington Lady Leicester Countess Of Leicester Laeder Laferte- Gaucher Laferte-Gaucher Laferte- Gaucher Lafferty La Fond La Fort la Forte LAGO Lagodius La Haie La Haye Lahngau Laican L'Aigle Laigle L'Aigle l'Aigle, Laignel Lake Laker Lakin Laman La Mar La Marche la Marischale La Marquise Lamb Lamball Lambard Lambart Lambe Lambert Lambert, LAMBERT of Boulogne & Lens Lamberton Lambertson Lamboll Lamborn Lamborne Lambton Lamden Lamerant la MESCHIN La Meschine Lammacraft Lammerant Lamont Lamontagne dit Laleu LAMORE Lamp Lamphere Lamplough Lamson Lamtbertus Lamthertus Lancashire Lancaster Lancaster ( Lankester) Lancaster Jr Lancaster Sr Lancaster Sr. Lancelotsson Landell Landen Lander or Lauder Landers Landford Landon Landrum Landry Lane Lane (Leene) Lang Langdale Langely Langetot Langford Langhan Or Langherne Langley Langlois LaChapelle Langobardi Langrell Langston Langton Langworth lanham Lanier Lanion Lankford Lannerey Lanphere Lansdale Lante Lantersee Lantersee or Lanteroot or ( Lawter) Lanti Lanvallei Lany Laon Laon Q Laon Queen of the Franks LAPERCHE ST JEAN Lapham Lapisland la Pole La Pomeroy Lara Larcom Large La Riviere Lark Larkin Larraun Larrence Larsen Cock Larsson Larwalaw Lascelles Lashley Lasling Lassels Lassy LATCHFORD Latham Lathberrie Lathom Lathrop LATIME Latimer Latimer, 2nd Baron Latimer of Braybrook Latta Lauder Laughlin Launce Laundon Laurence Lautenberger Laval Lavardin Lavelis Lavell LAVELL ........ Lavell Of Titchmarsh Lavoine Lavoine Avaloine Alavoine Law Laware La Warr la Warre Lawe Lawes Lawles Lawrance Lawrence Lawrence? Laws Lawsdale Lawson Lawtie lawton Laxfield Lay Laye Layland Layman or (Lyman Layton La Zouch LaZouch la Zouch la Zouche LaZouche La Zouche LaZouche la Zouche LAZOUCHE La Zouche LaZouche La Zouche LaZouche La Zouche laZouche La Zouche LaZouche la Zouche La Zouche (Bisset) La Zouche Baron La Zouche, la Zouche, Lord of Ashby Le_ Boteler Lea Leach Leacock Leadbeater LEADBETTER Leader League Leak Leake Lealand Leaming Le Anjou L'Earge LEARNED Learwood Leatham Leaver Leavitt le Barbetorte Le Barker Le Baron le Beauchamp Le Belward Le Bigod LeBird Le Bird Le Blanc Leblond LeBlount le Blount LeBlount Le Bon LeBon Le Bon Le Boteler LeBoteler le Boteler LeBoteler Le Boteler le Botiller LeBotiller Le Bourcq Le Bref Le Breton le Bruen Le Brun Le Bruyn le Butzllen Lecce LECCO Le Chaundeler Leche Leck Leckie Lecky Le Comte Gondebald De Meaux le Conteville Le Danois le Dapifer de TANCARVILLE Ledbetter Ledbrooke LEDBROOKE ( LADBROOKE) Le De Spencer Le Debunaire Leder Ledes Le Despencer leDespencer Le Despencer LeDespencer Le Despencer LeDespencer Le Despencer Le Despenser LeDespenser le Despenser Ledet Ledgarde Ledsinger Lee Leece Leech Leeche Leedes Leeds Leer Le Espec Leet Leete LeFaineant Merovin le Fainent ( Do Nothing) Leffingwell Le Fleming le Fort Le Fort (" le Frison le Gentyl Leger Legg Legge Legh Legh, Legh or Venables Le Goff le Gosse Le Goz le Goz d' Avranches le Grammarie Legrand Le Grand Legrand le Grand Le Gras Le Gros Lehmann Le Hunt Le Hunte Leicerster LEICEST Leicester Leicster Leigh LEIGHON Leighton Leinster Leister Leith Leithfield Leitshe LeJustice Lekapene Lekapene, Lekapenos Lekapenos, Leland le Latimer LeLord Le Lorraine Leman le MARESCHAL MARSHALL Le Marshall le Meschin Le Meschines Lemoges Lemon Lendon Lennard Lennox Lens Leogena Leon Leon & Castile Leon and Castile Leonard Le Petit le Petit Boulogne Le Pieux le Plaunce Leplose Leppert ler de Frioul le Rechin Leroux Leroux Richmond Le Savoy le Scope Le Scot Le Scott Le Scrope LeScrope le Scrope LeScrope Le Scrope le Scrope, Leslie Lesmond L'Espec le Spencer Lester LeSTRANGE Le Strange LeStrange Le Strange L'Estrange le Strange L'Estrange Le Strange LeStrange Le Strange L'Estrange Le Strange Le Strange of Blackmere Le Strange, Lestraunge Le Straunge Leszek Lething Lethra Lethwick Le Tort le Tricheur` loi de Blois Lettlye Letton Leuan Leuchares LEUCHARS Leuck Leusii Leutharius Leutwinus Levan Levelis Levenach Levenax Leventhorpe Lever Lever (de Lever) Leverage Leverson Levesque Levett Le Vieux Levingstone Levington Levinthorpe Levis LEVY Le Wake Le Waleys Lewell Lewellyn Lewen Lewes Lewes Sharpless Lewin Lewis Lewknor Lewre Lewyn Lewys Lexam Lexembourg and Ley Leyborne Leyburn Leyburne Leycester Leygard Leyman Leyton Lezay Le Zouche LEÃO León Liake Liegarde Lietaud Liewlyn Light Lightfoot Ligyard Lille Lillibridge Lillie Lilly Limbourg Limburg Limoges Lin Linche Lincoln Lincscombe Lindley Lindsay Lindsey Lindsey 11 Lindsey Sr. Lindsley Linfield Linge LINN Linnel Linnell Linton Linzgau Lippencot Lippencott Lippet Lippincot Lippincott Lippitt Lipponcott Liptrot Liptroth Liscombe Lisham Lisk l'Isle Lissours Lister Liston Litchfield Little Littleberry Littlebury Littlechild Littlefield Littlehale Littler Litton Liudolf Liudolf I Liudolfing Liutwin Livermore Liversage Livesay Livesey Livingston Livingston Boggs Livingstone Livingstone Boggs Liz Lizzie Llandilo Llawd Llawr Lleisan Lleision Llers Lles Llewallyn Llewellin Llewelllyn Llewellyn Llewellyn" Llewelykn Llewelyn Llewelyn ( Wales) Llewelyn Aur Dorchog Llewlyn Llewys Llowarch Llowdden Lloyd Lloys Lluca Lluddica Lludocaf Llwarch Llwch-Llawen Llwch-Llewen Llwyd Llyarch Llychwr Llydocca Llywarch Llywelyn Llywelyn Eurdorchog Llywelyn Fawr Llywelyn Fychan Lnu Lnu (Flinton) Lobdell Lobdell (investigate This Name) Lobden Lobs LoChapel Lochow Locke Locke Hermins Locker Lockey Lockhart Lockhart of Bar Lockwood LOCOCKE Lodbrock Lodbrok Loder Lodge Loes LOFDASSON Loftus Logan Logan of Grugar and Restalrig, lord High Admiral of Scotland Logenhae Logie l'Oiseleur Loiterton Loker Lomax Lombard Lombardi Lombardia Lombardie Lombards Lombards Duchess of the Teast Lombardy Londespee London Londres Lone Long Longberch Longe Longespee Longespee, Second Earl of Salisbury Longespie Longespée Longfield Longford Longhick Longley Longsepee Longshanks Longshoe Longspee Longspee (Longsword) Longspree Longstreet Longstruther Longsword Longuespee Longville Longwell Longworth Longworth de Lever Longworth Holland Longwy Longwy-Saargau-Metz Lonie Looke Loomis Loon Looz Lop Lora Lorcain Lord Lord Bramber Lord Cardigan Lord Copeland Lord Douglas van Hermiston Lord Dudley Lord Hepburn... Lord Hermiston Lord Hungerford Lord la van Regis Lord Leuchars Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Knight of the Garter Lord Montague Lord Mounteagle Lord of Andrinap Lord of Anglesea Lord Of Beauchamp Lord of Bourne Lord Of Burnell Lord Of Castres Lord Of Clermont Lord Of Commercy Lord of Dudley Lord Of Faucigny Lord Of Gex Lord Of Greystoke Lord Of Harcourt LORD OF LORNE AND INNERMEATH Lord Of Lutegareshale Lord of Lyme, Leigh Lord Of Monthuel Lord Of Pontefract Lord Of Shakelach Lord Of Sydenham Lord Of Vignory Lord Of Wigmore Lord Pevensey Lord Snitterfield Lord Welbourne Loreto Loretto Loring Loritello Lorraine Lorraine de Alsace l'Orseleur Lortis lorwerth Losell Loston Lothair Lothaire Lothari Lothier Lothringen Lothringen (Lorraine) Lothringen Blieskastel Lothrop Lothrup Loubet Loudham Louis Louis I DeAquitaine Louis II Louis Ix Louis VII Louth Louthe or Lowth Louvain Louvaine Lovain Lovaine Lovayn Lovayne Love Loveday Lovedaye Lovejoy Lovel Lovel, Lovelace Lovell Lovestick Lovet Lovett Lovett or Sackville Love Wentworth Loving Lovingott Lowden Lowderham Lowe Lowellin Lower Lower Alsace Lower Lorraine Lowery Lownde Lownes Lowry Lowther Loyd Lubech Lucas Luce Lucerne Luch Luci Lucia Lucie Luck Lucombe Lucretia Lucy Lucy, Lucy Lucy Ludden Lude [Beaumont] Ludlow Ludlowe Ludovic Boyle of Bidney Ludwell Ludwell? Ludwell Ballard Luellin Lugg Luidolf Luins Luitgard Luitgarde Luman Lumbart Lumber Lumber Lombard Lumisden Lumley Lumm Lumpkin Lumsden Lund Lunde Lundie Lundin Lundin IV Lundolph Duke of Saxony Lunel Luneville Lungvillers Lunn Lunsford Lunsford of Battle Lunsie Lupis Avranches Lupton Lupus Luscombe LUSIGNAN Lusignan de Brien Lusignan X Lusk Lusthead Lutegareshale Luther Lutterell Luttrel Luttrell Luttrell de Dunssteret Luvetoft Luxemborg Luxembourg Luxembourg Maas Luxemburg Luxemburge Luxenburg Lyddall Lyford Lygon Lyles Lyman Lyme Lymings Lymnar Lynch Lynde Lyndley Lynley Lynn Lynne Lyon Lyon & Forez Lyons Lyster Lyston Lytle Lyttle Lyttle or Lytler Lüttich

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M- Huntinhdon M... Maasgau Mabb Mabbett Mabbs Maber Mabry Mac_ Jordan MacAlpin Mac Alwyn mac Archill MacArkil Macarkill MacAykfrith Macbrude Maccane Macchone or Mackoon Macclesfield Mac Conchabair Maccone MacCoon MacCoone MacCoone or Coon mac Crinain MacCrinan Mac Dabid mac Dabíd mac Dhonnchad, MacDomnaill Remair MacDonal Macdonald Mac Donald MacDonald MacDonal Fitzroland MacFergus Mac Donart mac Donnchada MacDonnell Macdougal Mac Dougal MacDougal MacDougall MacDougall, of Ergadia and Lorn MacDougal of Galloway macduff MacDuncan Mac Duncan MacDuncan MacDuncan, mac Dunlaing O'Caellaide Mace Maceachen MacEanric (d'Avenal) Mac Eth MacEth Macey MacFarlane MacFEARGHAL mac Fergus mac Gilla Comgaill Ó Tuathail Mac Gille Críst MacGillebride MacGillpatrick MacGillvray MacGowan MacGregor MacGylocher Machan Machell MacHeth Machman Mac Jordan Macjordan Mac Jordan Mack Mackay Mac Kay MacKay MacKay of Bighouse MacKenneth MacKenter Mackentire Mackenzie Mackgahye Mackie MacKintire Mackintosh MacKone or Cone Mackson MacLachlan Maclean MacLellan MacLeod Maclin MacLochlaninn MacLoigsech O'Morda MacLorcain Mac MaelDounagh Mac Malcolm MacMaldouen MacMaudac mac Maíl Choluim Mac Murdoc MacMurrough mac Nuallain Macomber Macon Macon of Burgundy Macoon Macoone MacRory MacRory of Butte & Arran MacSomerled MacSteward MacTaggart MacTaggart de Ross Mac Urb MacWaltheof Mac William Mac William (Isibéal nic Uilliam Macworth Macy Madbury Maddadson Maddock Maddox Maddyson Madison Madle Madoc Madocks Madog Madog Llwyd Mael Maelgwin Maelgwn Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd Maelog Maelog Dda Maelog Dda ap Greddyf Maelor Maenyrch Maer Maers Maffet Magma Magnus Magnus [ Magnus Crepi Magnusdatter Magnus De Crepi Magnusson Magnusson, Magoun Magruder Magson Maguire Magyars Mahaut DeFiennes Mahony Maidstone Mailly Maine Maine Gatinais Mainwaring Maisterson Maitland Maitsted Major Makepeace Makin Malbank Malbis Malcolm Malcolm II Maldouen Maldred Malefaunt Malehearbe Malenfant Malephant Malephant of Upton Malet Malet} Malham Malin Mallage Mallet Mallett Mallory Mallory, Malmaynes Malone Malory Maloue Malpas Malps Malston Maltby Maltravers Malwyn Mamaina Maminot Man Man, Manasser Manasses Manbrut Mancer Manchester Manderville Mandeville Manfield Mangfall Mangopeesomon Mangus Maniors Mankin Manley Mann Manners Mannes Manneson Manning Mannock Mannours Manofon Manor Mansel Mansell Mansfield Manskin Manson Manspile Mantel Mantell Mantes Mantfield Manton Manuere Manvers Manvers, of Holme Manvers Manwaring Manwaring2 Manwering Manworthy Maples Mar Marbury Marcatrude March Marchaant Marchant Marchante Marche Marchese Of Savona Marché Marcianilla Marcis Marconair Mare Maredudd Maredydd Maredydd Wynn Maredyyd Mareschal Margaret Margaret verch Maredydd Margaret Wideville Countess of Arundel Margates Margery Margor Margrave Margrave Of East Saxony Margrave Saxony Margravess Of Vohburg Margravine Margrevess of Montferat Marguerite Mariarte Marie Marie - Matie Marimon Marin Mariner Marion Maris Marisco Mark Markenfield Markham Markinfield Marle Marledge Marler Marly Marmaduke Marmion Marmyon Marney Maro Marple Marquerite Queen of Navarre Marquess of Tuscany Marquis Marquis de Barcelona Marr Marrant Marrett Marrierd Marriot Marrow Marsead Marseille Marsh Marshal Marshal, Marshall Marshall ( Fitzjohn) Marshall [ Marshall Tillett MARSHAL of Pembroke Marsham Marshe Marshfield Marstead Marston Martel Martel, King Martell Martel of Austrasia Marten Martha Martha Denny Martiau Martin Martinez de Silva Marton Martyn Marvin Marvois Mary Marye Maryl Maryuge Mary Vayle Masay Mascall Masey Mashburn Mask Maskell Masnilwaring Masodik Mason Mason II Maspret or Muspratt Massadar Massey Massey Aux Dents Massey Jr. Massie Massy Mastall Master Masters Masterson Mastin Matfred Mathaney Mather Mathew Mathew Mathew Mathews Mathieu I Mathilda Mathilde Matilda Matilda de St Hilary Matildat Matilda Verch Gospatric Matlack Matlock Matson Matsson Matsted Mattes Matteson Jestenberg Mattewaye Matthew Matthew Borden Matthews Matthiasson Mattson Maubray Maud Maud de \ Camville MAUD DEFIENNES Maude Maude), Countess Maudit Mauduit MAUD VON RINGELHEIM Mauleon Maulever Mauleverer Mauley Mault Maulten Maulverer Maunby Maundy Maunsell Maunsell, Maur Maurienne Mautby Mauveisin Maverick Mawle Mawr Mawtby Maxey Maxfield Maxwell May Maye Mayence Mayenne Mayer Mayes Mayfield Mayham Mayhew Maynard Mayne Mayo Mayor Of The Palace Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia Mayor of the Palace,Austrasia Mayor Of Toledo Mays Mayse Mayson Mazuré or Mazuret dit Lapierre Maçón Borgoña Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda McAlister McAllister Mcalpin Mcalpin Gregor McAlvaine McAlwaine McArthur M'Cay McBRIDE McCall McCanless McCann Mc Cann McCann Mc Cann McCann Mc Cann Mccann Mc Cann McChristen Mcchristian Mc Clanahan McClellan McClellan-Webb McClelland Mc Clelland McClelland McClelland I McClendon McClernan McClintock Mc Clure McClure McCone Mccord Mc Cord McCord Mc Cord McCord Mc Cord Mccord Mc Cord McCord Mc Cord McCord Mc Cord Mccord Mc Cord Mccord Mc Cord McCowle McCrea McCrystn McCubbins McCullough McCutchen McDaniel Mc Domangart McDonald Mcdonald de Galloway McDonald Worcester McDougal McDowell McDuncan, McElroy McElvaney McElwain McEntire McFarland McGehee McGlaughon McGowan McGrady McGrew McInlay Mc Intire McIntire McIntosh Mckenzie McKinle McKinley McKinney McLaflin Claflin McLauchlan McLean McLellan McMahan Mc Mahan McMahan McMillan Mcmurrough McPherson Mcrory Mc Siward-The Dane McTaggart of Ross McVay McVey Meacham mead Meade Meadows Meales Meapham Mearing Mearns Mears Meaux Mechines Mechtilde Meckeral (De Glamorgam) Medania Medburne Medcalf Meddow Medici Medley Medway Medãs Meears Meech Meekins Meek or Wheeler Meeks Meeks Jr Meen Me'en Meese Meeze Meggs Megie Mehun Meigs Meilir Meirchion Meirs Meisinger Meissen Melan Melbank Melendes Melendez Melford Melisende Mellen Mellent Mellento Mello Mellor Mellott Mellows Melthrope Melton Meltone Melum Melun Melville Menbyle Mendenhall Mendes Mendoza Menefee Menendez Meneteith Menshull Menteith Mentieth Menwn Menzies Meopham Merbury Mercer Mercia Merclesden Mercy Merdalls Mere Meredith Meredydd Meredydn Meredyoo Meredyth Griffith Meret Merett Merfyn Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr Meriadoc Meriam Merick Meriet Merifield Meringe Meritt Meriweather Meriweather Stith Meriwether Merlay Merleberge Merley Merogais Merovee Merovigian Merovigian Pss Meroving Merovingia Merovingian MEROVINGIEN Merovingiens, Merret Merrett Merriam Merrick Merrifield Merrill Merriman Merritt Merrylls Merryls Merryman Mersebourg Mertain Merton Mervin Mervingian Mervyn Mervyn Marvin Merwydd Merylls Meschin MESCHIN EARL OF CHESTER Meschines Meschines, Mesnilwarin Mestereau Metcalf Metcalfe Metcalf Jr. Metham Metz Metz, Metz De Nivelles Metzgau Meuillent Meulan Meulan) Meulan DeBeaumont Meulant Meulent Meullent MEUNTHERMER Meurdach Meuric Meuric Merrick Meurig Meurig Ap Dyfnwallon Meverell Mewlan Mewye Meye Meyenne Meyer Meyers Meynell Meyric Meyrick Michael Michel Michell Michelle deFiennes Mickel Middelton Middlebrook Middle Friesland Middlemore Middleton Midelton Midlemore Mieceslas Mieceslas\ Prince\ Obotrites Mieceslasdatter Mieceslausdotter Mieszkowna Milano Milbourne Milbury Mildenhall Mildmay Miles Milford Milhaud Militon Mill Millard Millars Miller Milles Millett Millington Millins Milliton Mills Millsted Millward Millwaye Milne Milon II de \ Brai Milstead Milsted Milton Milward Minge Minor Minors Minot Minshall Minshull Minton Mirabeau Mirebel Mirfield Mirriall Miss Mister Mistress Mistuisson Mitchel Mitchell Mitt Mix Mixer Mnu Mobberley Mobberly Mobley Mochental Modburlegh Modeford Modena Modena & Canossa Modor Moel Moezel Moffett Moha Mohaut Mohum Mohun Moir Mold Molde Mold or Mould Moles Molesworth Moleyns Molina Molineux Molle Mollenax Molley Mollineux Mollings Molyneaux Molynes Molyneux Molyns Momford Monaco Moncada Monceau Monceaux Monchesney Monck Moncrieff Mondeford Mondy Monford Monfort Monifitchet Monington Moniz Monk Monke Monmouth Monomacha Monomachos Monomaco Montacute Montagne Montagu Montagu ( Montacute) ;[ Baron Montagu] Montagu (Montacute) montagu) Montague Montague, de Montague \ Montacute Montagu Montagu Montagu or Montacute Montagute Montaigne Montaigu Montalt Montanolier Montaqu Montaut Montbeliard Montbelliard Montbéliard Montdidier Montdoubleau Monte Monteagu Montecute Monteit Monteith Montes Montescaglioso Montesclaglioso Montfaucon Montferrat Montferratt Montfichet Montford Montforrat Montfort Montfort ( Evreux Montfort (Evreux) Montfort, Montfort [ Montfort\ IV Montfort de Epernon Montfort d'Evreux Montfort L'Amaur Montfort l'Amaury Montfort Montfort Montfort or Evreux Montgomery Monthermer Monthery Montibus Monticute Montigny MONTIMER Montlhery Montmorancy Montmorency Montmorot Montor Montoro Montpellier Montpensier Montpesan Montpeson Montpesson Montreuil Montreuil-Bellay Montrevault Montsoreau Monville Monypenny Moody Moon Moor Moore Moore ( Bellow) Moore, Moore, II Mooring Moorman Moravia Moray Moray of Bothwell Morcarsdotter MorCarson Mordant Mordaunt Morden More More) Morel Morell Moresby Moreton Moreville Morey Morf Morgan Morgan, Morgan Phillips Morgeneu Morialmez Moriarty Moriceby Morison Moriton Morkin Morley Morleyn Morley or Norleigh Mormaer Morrice Morris Morrish Morrison Morriss Mors Morse Morselle Mortagne Mortagne du Puy du Fou Mortaigne Mortaigne, Mortaigne\ [ Earl Mortain Mortecute Mortemer Morteyn Mortimer Mortimer, Mortimer, Coutness of Warwick Mortimer, de Morton Morudd Morus Morven Morvill Morville Morvyll Morwick Mosa Mosbey Mose Moseby Moseley Moselgau Mosella Moselle Moselle ( Maasgau)-- Mosell I Moses Mosher Mosley Moslin Moss Mossell Mossman Mossmann Mostyn Mother Moton Mott Moubray Moucy- en- Beauvaisis Mould Moulsdale Moulson Moulthrop Moulton Moundeford Moundford Mounford Mounsel Mount Mountcheney Mountchestney Mountenay Mounteney Mounteneye Mountfitchet Mountford Mountfort Mountney Mountrey Mourning Mousson Mowbray Mowbrey Mower Mowry Moxworthie Moyer Moyers Moyle Moyne Moyns Moyns (Moyne) Moyns or Moyne Moyra MP Mrs Mrs- Charles Mrs- Herbert Mrs- Lothaire Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Bosworth Mrs. De Clare Mrs. Dunk Mrs. John de Fiennes Mrs Algaut Gautreksson Mrs D' ARBITOT Mrs Elizabeth Mrs Henry De Fleg Mrs John Mrs Peche Mucel Mucil Muddigwelle Mudge Mudgett Muelent Mueri Muette Muffin Mugerauer Muir Mulcan Mulford Mulkey Mullican Mullikin Mulliner Mullington Mullins Mulloy Mulsho Multon Mumbie Mumford Mumforde Munchensi Munchensy Munchesny Munday Munderford Mundford Mundy Mungeam Mungean Munn Munson Muntfichet DeGreinville Murdac Murdac, The Mormaer Murdae Murdaugh Murdoc Murdock Mure Muredoch Murff Muriel Murphy Murray Murrough Musard Muschamp Muschet Musegross Musele Musgrave Musick Muskett Musprat Muttleberie Mybreie Mychell Mychell\Michell Myddelton Myddleton Myers Mygatt Myles Mylinton Mylnye Mylwaye Myn Mynn Mynne Mynne Or Minne Mynors Mynter Myrick Myrrdin Myrrffun Mytton Mâcon Mérovingiens de Prum Móir Möller Müller

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N N. N... N. N N.N N. N. Na. seg. os Naeriki Naill Naisshe Name Namur Namur [ Nanfan Nanks Nanscoyle Nanscylis Nanseglass Nansiglos Nantaquaus Nantes Napier Naples Naples & Sicily Naples And sicily Narbonne Nascien Nascien II of Septimania Nash Nasmyth Naso Nathan Natronai Naughton Naunton Navarra Navarre Navogles Nayle Naylor Nb Neal Neale Neathery Neaves Neckias Nede Nee Need Needham Needhani Neeld Neelder Nef Neff Nefia Nefja Nehemiah Neild Neiniad Neish Nelloms Nellons Nellson Nelson Nelsson Nelthorpe Nemanja Nesbit Nesle Nesse Nesta Netherbury Nethersole Netherton Netherton Masterson Netterville Neubourg Neuchatel Neuchâtel Neuemarche Neufmarche NEUMARK Neustrasia Neustria NEUSTRIA & BURGUNDY Neustria Saint Amalberge of Neustria Neustrie Neustrien Nevelle Nevers Nevil Nevile Nevill Nevill, Neville Neville, Neville Duchess Neville of Latimer Nevinson Nevja New Newall Newbern Newberry Newbill Newbold Newburg ( Earl Of Warwick) Newburgh Newby Newcomb Newcombe Newcomen Newcote Newcourt Newdigate Newell Neweman Newenham Newgate Newhall Newland Newlin Newman Newmarch Newmarche Newport Newsam Newsom Newsome Newton Niall Nialsdotter Quee Nibert Nibley Nichelson Nicholas Nicholl Nicholls Nichols Nicholson Nichomacha Nickerson Nicklin Nickols Nicolas Nicols nic Uilliam Niederlothringen Nielle Nifong Nigell Niger Niger Foleschamp Nightingale Niles Nils Nilsdotter Nimmo Nin Niniane Nisbet Nisbett Nivelon I Nivelon Ii Nixon Njalsdatter Njordsdotter Njordsson nn Noatun Nobb Nobel Noble Nocher I Nocton Nodes Noe Noel Noel x Noers Noers, Noewell Nogent Nokes Noleth Nomaiden Nonsiglos Nooks Norbury Norcott Norcott I Norcut Nordgau Nordgau & Schweinfurth Norfolk Norge Norgraves Norleigh Norley Normady Norman Normandie Normandy Normandy) Normandy [ Normandy de Eu Normandy I Normanica Normanville Normer Norreys Norrie Norries Norris North Northam Northeim Northend Northhampton Northrop Northrup Northumberland Northumberland BERTRAM Northumberland} Northumbria Northumbria" De Latham North Wales Northwode Northwood Norton Norvell Norville Norway Norway Princess of Kiev Norwich Norwich, Norwood Notham not known Notre- Dame Nott Nottingham Notton Novavilla Nove Noverey Novgorod Novo Nowell Nower Nowlands Nowy Noyes Noyes Jr. Noyon Nuchols Nugent NUN] nun at Fecamp Nunes Nunes Velho Nunez Nunez de Guzman Nunnely Nurse Nuthall Nuttall Nutter Nutting Nycksone Nye Ní Domnail Núñez de Barbosa

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Oakes Oakley Oakley, Jr. Oakley, Sr. Oakman Oards Obaldston O'Beolan Obertenghi Obotrite Obotrites Obotrites Queen of Sweden O'Brian O'Brien Obrien O'Brien O' Brien O'Brien O Brien O'Brien O Brien O'Brien O'Brien na Ossory O'Bryan O'Byrne O'Caellaide O'Connor O'Conor Oda Odba Odding Oddingeseles Oddingsells Odgiva Odinel Odingsells Odinsson Odom O'Domnail ODomnail Odon Odonic O'Donnell Oeding Oeren of Of Buckingham Of Folkestone Of Gaunt OF VERMANDOIS of Acre of Agilofinges of Albon of Alemannia of Alemannia, O'Fallamain of Allemania of ALLERDALE Of Alsace of Althorp of AMIENS of Angouleme of Angus of Anjou of Anjou (and of Touraine) of Aquitaine of Aragon of Arles of Arles, of Armenia of Arundel of Astley of Atherington of Aumale of Aumale, of Austrasia of Austrasia Merovingian of Austrasie Of Avalgau Of Avaranches Of Ayala of Babenberg Of Bamburgh of Barcelona of Bavaria of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empress Of Bayeux Of Beaujeu of Belleme of Bellême Of Benevento Of Berk of Besalú Of Blaxhall of Blois of Bohemia of Boulogne & Ghent of Brabant Of Brabant & Louvain of Bretagne, of Britain of Britain, of Brittainy of Brittany Of Briwere of Brotherton Of Burgundy of Burgundy de Macon of Byzantium of Cairbre King of Leinster Ireland of Callendar of Capau of Capua of Carcassonne of Cardigan of Carinthia of Castile Of Castile & Leon of Castile and Leon of Castile, Queen of Navarre of Castille of Chalon of Champagne of Chester of Chiny of Châlon, Of Colchester of D. of Dagsbourg of DALHOUSIE of Danpsted, of Denmark of Devon Of Domfront of Dover of Dunbar of Dunbar DeDunbar Of Echingham of Edmund of Egisheim Ofeigsdottir Ofeigsson of Engern of England of Essex of Essex; Second Viscount Hereford Of Eu Of Evereaux Of Evreux of Falaise of Fife of Filton of Flander Of FLANDERS of Flanders, Offley Of Forcalquier of Fornjot Of Fortis of Foumont, Sir of France Of France Capet of France, Of Franks Of Friuli Of Fuili Offutt Offyn of Gaeta of GALICIA of Galloway of Gaunt of Gaunt Plantagenet, Duke of Lancaster of Gaunt. Duke of Lancaster of Geneva of Geneva,De Burgundy of Germany Of Ghisnes of Gievaudun of Gleiberg of Gloucester of Gloucester and Hertford of Gloucester, of Grapfeld Of Greystoke of Guelders of Hainault Of Harcourt of Hastings of Hauteville Of Hereford Of Hereford And Essex of Heristal Of Heristal Landen Of HERSTAL Of Hesbaye Of Holland of Hungary Of Huntingdon of Huntingdon, OF HUNTINGDON] of Ibelin Ofiegsson OF ISCOED of Istria Of Italy of Italy of Lombardy of Ivrea of Ivrea of Jerusalem Of Jutland & Zealand Of Kendal of Kent Of Kiev of Kvenland O'Flaherty Of Lancaster Of Landen of Landen, Of Laon of latium of Le Mans of Leicester of Leinster of Lennox of LEON of Leon & Castile of Leuven of Limoges of Line of Linlithgow Boggs Of Longobardians of Lorraine of Lotharingia of Louvain of Louvain Toxandrie of Louvaine of Lower Lorraine of Lubech of Lusignan Of Luxembourg of Luxemburg of Maldred of Mantes Countess of Mantes and Meulan of Mar of Maurienne Of Mayenne Of Meissen of Mellent of Mellersta Of Melum of Menteith of Menteith, of Menteith, Countess of Menteith of Menteith, Heiress of Mercia of Metz Of Mondidier of Monteith of Montferrat of Montfort Of Montgomery of Montreuil of More Of MOSELLE of Munster of Naas of Namur of Naples of Narbonne of Navaree Of Navarra of Navarre of Neustria Of Neustrian Of Nevers Of Newbold of Nordheim of Norm of Normandie of Normandy of Normandy de Percy of Normandy, of North Wales of Northumberland of Northumbria Of Norway Of Nottingham Of Nottinghamshire Of Obotrites O'Fogurty Of Orkney of Orkney Islands Of Orleans o Forte Of Paris of Paris, Count of Paris Of Parsua of Pembroke, Herbert of Perracy of Poitiers De Percy Ticio of Poitou of Poland Of Poland, Queen Of Denmark of Ponthieu of Portugal of Portugal, House of Burgundy Of Pottenstein Of Powys Of Preuilly of Provence of Provence, of Prüm of Pskov Of Rameru of Reims of Rennes, Of Ricimer Of Roeskilde of Rome Of Roucy of Rouen Of Rudheath Of Russia of Salic Franks of Salins of Salisbury Of Salver of Sandford of Savoy of Saxony of Scotland of Scotland, Ninth Earl of Huntingdon of Senlis of Shaftesbury Of Shropshire of Sicily of Smolensk of Soissons of South Wales Of Speyer of St. Pol of Suffolk Of Surrey Of Swabia Of Sweden Of Sweden, Of Varmland, Of Vesforl-In-Norway, King of Tatshall Oftey of The of the Alemannians Of The Burgundians of the Franken Of The Franks of The Franks of Orleans Of The Gatinais of the Holy Roman Empire of the Lething, King of Lombardy Of The MOSELLE of the Obotrites of the Ostrogoths Of The Rugen of the Salian Franks of the Septimania Midi of the South of the Suevi' D' Allemanie of the Thüringians (Liething) Of The Uplands of the Visigoths of the Visigoths (Valia) Of Thorpe Arnold of Thouars of Thurgovie of Thuring of Thuringia Of Toulouse of Toxandrie of Traves Of Treves of Trier of Troyes of Turenne Of Tuscagne of Tuscany of VA of Valois Of Verdun Of Vermandois Of Vestfold Of Vestmar of Vienne Of Vikings of Vion Of Wales Of Walia of Warwick Of Warwickshire of Wessex Of West Hallam Of Woodstock of Woodstock, First Earl of Kent of Worms of Wormsgau Of Wrwck of York of Yorkshire Og Ogden Ogdin Ogilby Ogilvie Ogilvy Ogilvy the Second of Auchlevyn and Boyne Ogilvy van Deskford Ogive Ogle Oglesby Oglivy o Grande dos Ostrogodos Ogstoun O'Hara ohn O'Hyne Oilfield Okebanke Okenbanke O'Kennedy Okeover O'Key Olafdottir Olafsdatter Olafsdotter OLAFSDOTTIR OLAFSDOTTIR, of SWEDEN Olafsdottir Algutsson Gautreksson, Olafsdottor Olafsen Olafsson Olafsson King of Man Olavsdotter Olavsson Olcutt Old Oldcastell Oldcastle Oldfeild Oldfield Oldham Oldis Oldys Oliphant Oliver Ollyver Olmstead OLMSTEADT Olmsted Olof Olofsdotter Olofsson Olt Oltigen O' Mahoney O'Malley Omer O'Morda O'More OMuiredaig O'Neil O' Neill Oneslow Ong Onion Onley Onslow Onthank O'Nuallain Onundsson 111 OOLAF O'Olaf Oostrefelle Orablis Oram Orchard Orchyard Ord Ordgarsdotter Ordonhes Ordoñez Ordway Oreby Orenge Orestilla or Fruili - Queen Or Gloucester Orkney Orkney Hlodvirsson Orlamünde Orleans Orléans Orme or Mon Ornold Ornwalys Orpe Or Pinner O'r Porth Orreby Orrell Orrick orris Orton or Wayte Osbaldeston Osbaldston Osborn Osborne Osborne d Arques Osborne d'Arquez Osborne Gatley Osbourne Osburh Osburn Oseville Osgood Osmand Osmond Osseville Ossory Ostragoda Ostrigotha Ostrogoth Ostrogothie Ostrogoths Ostrotoths Ota Ota l Oteley Otgiva Othelhildis Otis Otlay O'Toole O' Toole O'Toole Ottarsson Otto Otto I Ottonian Otto William ou Chlodion Oudelant Ou DeVitré Ou Itta Schelde Oulton Outbanks Outeria Ovenden Overstreet Overton Overzee Owain Owain Cyfeiliog Owain Dwnn Owain Gwynedd Owberry Owen Owen ( Owen (bowen) Owen? Owen Queen of Powys Owens Ower Owings Owres Oxenbridge Oyley Oylimeson Oyly

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Paar Pabenham Pablo Prydyn Pabodie Pace Packard Packer Packston Paddock Paddy Padley Paen Paepin Paes da Silva Paes ou Alderete Paez da Silva Pafvelsson Pagan Page Pagenham Paget Pagett Paggett Pagnel Pagnell Paige Pailhars Paine Painter Paip Pais Pais da Silva Pake Pakeman Pakenham Pakington Palace Palatine Palatine Rhine Palatino Palfrey Palgus Palifriman Pall R Olafson Palmer Palmes Palmeter Palmetter Palmis Palsted Pamplin Pamplona Pamunkey Pancefoto Panckhurst Pankhurst Pannecoucque Panter Panther Pantolph Panton Pantulf Papham Paphes Papia Paquet Parcus Pardee Parepoint Parham Paris Parish Park Parke Parkeman Parker Parker II Parker Sr. Parkhurst Parkinson Parks Park Sheriff of Cornwall Parkying Parkyng Parmenter Parmesey Parnall Parnell Parr Parr; y Parran Parris Parrish Parris or Ferrers Parrott Parry Parrye Parryn Parrys Parsons Parsons II Partelow Parten Parthena Netherly Partridge Partryge Parys Pascal Pasgen Passelewe Passmore Paston Paterson Patishall Paton Patraic Patram Patrician Patrick Patrick III, Earl Dunbar Patrick of Salisbuty Patshull Patswell Patsy Patten Pattenden Patterson Patteshall Pattishal Patton Pauendcroft Paul Paule of Preuilly 1 Paulet Paulett Paulinus Paulsdotter Pauncefort Pauncefote Paupauwiske Paveley Pavia Pawley Pawson Pawthorne Payet dit St. Amour Payn Payne Paynel Paynter Payton Peabody Peace Peacock Peak Peake Peakes Pearce Pearsall Pearsole Pearson Pease Peasfurlong Peaslee Peasley Peaslye Peaters Pecche Pecche of Bourne Peche Pechey Peck Pecker Peckering Peckham Pedrez peek Peeke Pees Peesley Pegler Pegnitz Pegram Pehrsdotter Peirce Peke Pelaez Pelesholle Pelham Pellam Pellet Pemberton Pembridge Pembroke Pembroke) Pembrugge Penbroke Pendergast Pendergast, de Pendergrass Pendleton Pendons Pendragon Penellick Penfield Pengelley Pengersick Penhalow Penilles Peniston Penistone Penllyn Penn Pennaliggan Pennell Pennie Douglas Penniman Pennines Pennington Pennock Penny Pennyston Penquite Penros Penrose Penry Penson Penthievre Penticost Penton Penyston Penystone Pepin Pepin d'Heristal Pepin Ii Pepin III 'the Short' King of the Franks Pepin le Bossu King of Bavaria & Lombardy Peplesham Pepper Peppit Perault Perault Duchene Perche Percie Percival Percy Peredur Peregrinus Perez de Traba . Perfarch Perham Periam Peridord Perient Periente Perigord Periton Perjent Perkes Perkins Pernel Peronde Peronne Perracy Perracy & Autun Perrault Perrault Chateaugay Perrault Turbal Perreault Perreault or Perrot Perreault or Perrot dit Guertin Perrett Perriman Perrin Perrone Perronell Perrot Perrow Perry Perry (Baucom) Perryn Pers Pershall Persis Person Perverel Perwicke Pesmes Pestwyche Peter Peter Blossom Peters Petit" Petley Peto Petre Petronilla Petronille Pett Pettie Pettingill Pettis Pettit Petty Petty Hill Peverel Peverel de Nottingham Peverell Peverell Peverell Peverill Peyto Peyton Pfirt Phalloppe Phelps Phelps Phylppes Phesse Phettiplase or Phillips Philagrius Philberd Philbrick Philip Philip I Philip II Philip III Philipott Philippe Philippe_ III Philippe I Philippe I King of France Philippe II Philippe III Philippe III King of France Philipps Philips Phillip Phillipe Phillipe I KING of FRANCE Phillip I Phillippe August Phillipps Phillips Phillips, Phillups Philpott Phinney Phinny Phippen Phippen Jr Phipps or Vaux Phylppes Phylyppes Piast Picharell Pichet Pichford Pickering Pickett Pickles Picot Picquigny Pidcock Pidduch Pidge Pierce Pierce Sr Pierpoint Pierpont Pierreopnt Pierrepoint Pierrepont Piers Piersey Pierson Pietruszak Pieux Pigatt Pigeon Piggot Piggott Pigot Pigott Pike Pilcher Pile Pilkington Pill Pilos Pinakel Pincen Pincerna Pinchard Pinchbeck Pinchon Pincin Pinckney Pinder Pinke Pinneo Pinner Pinney Pinon Pinson Pious Pious" King Of Pious Emperor O Pipard Piper Pippen Pippin Pippin Carloman I King of Italy Pippinid Pippin III le Bref the Short King of France Pitcher Pitchford Pitkin Pitman Pitres Pitson Pittard Pittet Pitts Pitts Or Petts Pix Pixe Place Placida Placidia Placy Plais Plaise Plaisted Plaiz Planetganet Plantaganet Plantaganet - Duke Of York Plantagenent Plantagenet Plantagenet Lady of Arundel Plantagenet (Warenne) Plantagenet (Warren) Plantagenet , Plantagenet, Plantagenet, Princesa da Inglaterra Plantagenet ;[ Count Of Poitou] Plantagenet ;[ Princess Of Wales] Plantagenet De Gatinals Plantagenet De Warenne Surrey Plantagenet De Warrenne Plantagenet III, Plantagenet Miss, De Warrenne Plantagenet Princess of England Plantagenet x Plantagenet x le Bon Plantagent Plantagenêt Plantagnet Plantangenet Plantard Plantard I, Plantulf Plasse Plaster Platagnet Platangenet Plater Platt Platte Plaunche Player Pleasant Pleasants Pleasants or Mortimer Pleasley Plesley Plessington Plessis Plessis, Plessis-Mace Pleys Plimpton Plott Plowden Plugenet Plumb Plume Plume war Plummer Plumpton Plymton PocKoo Podiebradius Pogue Poher Poindexter Pointers Pointiers Poithieu Poitiers Poitiers-Valentinois Poitou Poitou Poitou Poklinhorne Poland Pole Poley Polhill Polla Pollard Polle Polley Pollio Polly Poloke Polotsk Polotzk Polwheile Polyslinch Polyslinche (Poleslithe) Pomerai Pomerania Pomeroy Pomroy Ponce Ponchard Pond Pons Ponser Pons Of Toulouse Pont Pont Audemer Pontchieu Pont De L'arche Pont De L'Arches Ponteaudemer Ponthi Ponthien Ponthieu Ponthieu & Montreuil Ponthiew Pontus Pool Poole Poor Poore Pope Popei or Poppa Popham Popia Popley Popponid Poppy Pore Porhoet Port Portage Porteous Porter Porterfield Porteus Portugal Post Pother Pottenger Pottenstein Potter Pottinger Potts Poulin Poulter Poulton Pountney Pouthien Poutler Povel Nielsson Povelsson Povey Powatan Powel Powell Power Powers Powhatan Powhatan Cornstalk Powhaten Powhaton Powhatta Powhattan Powis Powlden Powles Powless Pownce Pownell Powrish Powthatan Powyes Powys Poymings Poyner Poynings Poynings Knight Poyns Poynton Poyntz Pranch Pratellis Prater Prather Pratt Pray Preaste Preaux Prebble Preble Predeaux Preisig Premyslid Prence Prendegest Prendergast Prentice Presbury Prescott Preshull Presland Pressene Preston Prestwich Preuilly Price Prichard Pride Prideaux Prideux Pridyas Priest Prime Prince Prince- England Prince England Prince of Prince of Bihar Prince of Denmark, Chief council to Rollo --- Prince Of Dreveianes Prince of Eng Prince of Eng. Prince Of England Prince Of England And Wales Prince of France Prince Of Metz Prince of Obotrites Prince Of Powys Prince Of The Obotrites Prince Of Wales Prince of Wales, Gwynedd, and Powys Wenwynwyn, Lord of Snowdon Princess Princess\ Princess of Princess Of Aquitaine Princess Of Aragon-Valencia-Majorca Princess Of Bavaria Princess Of Bretagne Princess Of Builth Princess Of Burgundy Princess of Denmark Princess Of England Princess Of Flanders Princess Of FRANCE Princess of Germany Princess Of Gleiberg Princess Of Hungary Princess Of Italy Princess Of Lombardy Princess Of Lothringen Princess Of Metz Princess Of Montfort Princess of Navarra Princess Of Normandy Princess Of Poland Princess of Salerno Princess Of Savoy Princess Of Scotland Princess Of Soissons Princess Of South Wales Princess Of The East Princess of the Franks Princess of the Holy Roman Empire Princess Of Thomond-Munster Princess of Thuringia Principe de Villena Pringle Prinses van Rugen 37th GG Prior Prise Prisett Pritchard Pritchett Pritchley Probianus Probinus Proctor Proger Proir Promise Prossar Prosser Proudlove Prouvy Prouz Provence Provence, and DeBurgundy Provenza Prower Prudden Pruett Pruitt Prussia Prydeaux Prye Pryme Prynne Pryor Pudney Pudsay Pudsey Puffer Pugh Pughe Puiset Pulesdon Puleston Pulford Pullan Pulle Pulleyn Pulleyne Pulliam Pullman Pulton Puncybee Purchase Purchase, Purchase, Jr. Purchis Purden Purdon Purefey Purefoy Purifoy Purley Purnell Purrier Pursley Pury Pusey Putnam Putney Putt Puttenham Puttocke Pychford Pycke Pye Pyeatt Pygot Pyle Pyme Pympe Pyn Pyncheon Pynchon Pyne Pynk Pyntz Pyper Pyttock P°Tres PÉRRAULT Pérez de Traba Přemyslid

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Qn. of France Qorverth Quecche Queen queen goth Queen of Aragon Queen of Austrasia Queen Of Castile Queen Of Castile & León Queen Of Castile And Leon Queen Of England Queen of France Queen Of France And England Queen of Franks Queen Of Ireland Queen of Italy Queen Of Jeruselem Queen Of Metz Queen Of Munster Queen of Navarre Queen of Norway Queen of Paris Queen Of Scotland Queen of Sweden Queen of the Franks Queille Quekes Quenell Quenhill Quentin Questead Questenberry Questenbery Questenbury Questionbury Quetche Queuille Quick Quicke Quincey Quincy Quincy de Quincy Earl Of Winchester Quine Quingampe Quingaphe Quinn Quintin Quitchie

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r RACKELS Raclos Radbartson Radcliff Radcliffe Radclyffe Raddiffe Raddon Radegonda Radford Radmell Radnor Radwell Raffe Rafin Ragdale Raglan Ragnaldsdatter Ragnarsdatter Ragnarsson Ragnetrud Ragnhild( Hilde) Ragnhildis RAGNVALDSDATTER Ragnvaldsson Ragvaldsdatter Ragvaldson Raimodis ( Raymonde) Raimond Raimond Berenger IV Raimond II Raimúndez Rainer Rainer I Rainolds Rainsborough Rainsford Rainsworth Rait Raitt Rakestraw Rakington Raleigh Raley Ralph Ralph Mobberley Ralston Ram Raman Rambergent Rambo Rambo Conestoga Rameru Ramerupt Ramery Ramires Ramirez Ramiriz I Ramiro Ii Ramnulfids Ramsay Ramsdell Ramsey Ramírez of Navarre Ramón I Rancin Rancom Rancon Rand Randall Randdall Rande Randes Randle Randlf Randolf Randolph Randolph, Randolphe Randversson Randversson King In Sweden Ranger Rankin Ranney Ranney ( Raney) Ransdall Ransden Ransom Ranulph_ II Ranulph II Raoul\ Rene I Raoul I Raoul I De Beaumont Raoul II Rasor Rasse Ratcliff Ratcliffe Rathbone Rathbun Rathien Ratien Raven Ravens Ravenscroft Rawley Rawlings Rawlins Raworth Rawson Ray Raymond Raymond II Raymond of Portugal Raymundez Rayner Raynes Raynesford Raynsford Raynton Raynward Razes Razès Rea Read Reade Reader Reading Read Jr. Read or Rede Reams Reape Rebecca Rebecca? Rechin Recksrodt recorded Rector Redburga Redburh (Redburga) Redcomyne Redding Rede Redford Redham Redman Redmayn Redmayne Redshaw Redvers Reed Reed IV Reed Comegys Reede Reeder Rees Rees, Reese Rees Price Reeve Reeves Regensburg Regent Regent Normandy de Montgomery Regenwaldsdatter Regewaldsdatter Reginar Reginopycrha von Aachen, Regis Regnaberga Theodelinde Princess Princess deBurgundy Regnault Regnier Reichardt Reid Rei de França Rei de Gwynedd Reignaldsdatter Reignaldsen Reimes Reims Reims I Reina De León Y Castilla Reinald Reine consort de France Reinell Reinhold Relf Remelle Remick Remigius Remington Remmington Rempston Renaud Renching Renchinge Renfreys Renfro Renfrow Rennes Rennes, Duke of Bretagne Rennes, of Brittany Rennes de Brittany Rennes of Renshaw Rensher Rentfrow Repuaires Rersson Reside Reskymer Restor Rethel Reveley Revell Reverge Reviers Rey de los Visigodos Rey De Sobrarbe Y Ribagorza ( Huesca) Reyden Reye Reyna de Francia Reynel Reynell Reynell or Reynolds Reynell Reynolds Reyner Reynes Reyniers Reynoldes Reynolds Reynolds II Reynor Reynward Rheims Rheims- Roucy Rheims-Roucy Rheims Roucy Rheinallt Rheinfeld Rheiny Rhirid Rhirid Flaidd Rhiryd Rhiwallawn Rhiwallon Rhiwallon Fychan Rhoads Rhoderick Rhodes Rhodri Rhodri "Mawr" Rhodri" Mawr" Rhodri Mawr Rhuddfedel Frych Rhun Rhydderch Rhys Rhys Goch Rhys Gryg Rhys Mechyll Rhywallon Ribemont Ribrawst Rice Rich Richard Richard, Richard \ Longford Richard ap Cadwaladr Richard de Astley Richard De Brionne I Richard I Richard I " Sans Peur" Duke of Normandy Richard Peck Richard Reeder Borden Richards Richardsdatter Princess of Normandy Countess of Burgundy Richardson Riche Richemeres Richende Richers Richeut\ Richildis\ Richardis Richilde 'Bosonid' "Consor to the Holy Roman Emperor" Provence Richilde D Arles Richmond Richomeres Rich van Leez Richvaride Richwin Rickard Ricketts Rickking Ricoara Riddan Riddel Riddell Riddelsford Riddlesdale Riddlesford Ridel Ridelesford Ridell Rider Ridge Ridgely Ridgeway Ridgley Ridgway Ridlesford Ridlesford de Lacy Ridley Ridorech Ridoredh Ridware Rie Rie Le Dapifer Rigby Rigden Riggs Riggs I Right [Wright] Righton Rigna Rigsdottir Rigsson Riguntha Franks Rikeby Riland Riley Rillieston Rimmer Ring Ringe Ringeley Ringelheim Ringen Ringerike Ringeringe Ringleheim Ringrealm Ringsson Riparia Ripley Ripley Sr Rippen Ripple Rippon Ripuaires Ripuarien Riquilda of Barcelona Rired Ririd Risby Risden Risdon Risherim Rishton Risley Ritchie Rithre Rivers Rivest Rivet Riviere Rivieri Rix Rixton Roach Roades Roads Roane Robbins Roberson Robert Robert, Robert- II Robert 1er de Flandres le frison Robert Bruce Robert de Beaumont Robert de Burgo de Mortaigne Robert de Mandeville of Essex Robert Drake Robertes Robert I Robert I de NAMEN Robertian Robert II Roberts Robertson Robert Willoughby Robert Woodward Robeson Robin Robinod Robins Robinson Robinson or Stillwell Robnette Robobertus Robson Rocaberti Roche-Tesson Rochefort Rocheserviere Rochester Rochester, Rochford Rochfort Rocket Rockforde Rocks Rockwell Rockwood Rocliffe Rodd Roddam Rodde Rodenburgh Rodenhurst Rodes Rodger Rodgers Rodobertus Rodrigues de Cabrera Rodriguez Roe Rogas Roger Rogers Roger Wright Rogier Rognvald Rognvaldsdatter Rognvaldsdatter De La Isle Rognvaldsdottir Rognvaldsson Rognvaldsson (Countess of Orkney) Rohan- Porhoet Rohese Roi de France Roise Roiz Daza Rokeby Rokeby or Robinson Rokele Rokesley Role Rolf Rolfe Rolfsdatter Rolfsson Rolinde d' de Autun Merovingian Aquitaine Rolle Rollins Rollo Rollos Rollosson Rolt Rolvsdotter Rolvsdtr Romain Roman Roman- Empire Roman Empire Rome Romille Romine Ronald Roncherolles Roncin Ronsain Rondall Ronsby Roo Roodes Rookes Rookwood Roome Roo or Row Roos Roos\Ros Roos\ Ros Root Roote Roper Ropes Roriksson Rorin Ros Ros, de Ros\ Baroness Rither Roscarrock Roscoe Rose Roseborough Rosele Roseles Rosemunde Rose Rowes Rosier Rosindal Rosoy Ros Ros Ross Rosse Rosseles Rossell Rossetter Rossiter Rostislavich Rotenhering Rotenherying Roter or Thornton Roth Rothaid or France Rothais Chrothais Rothaïde de Bobbio de Vermandois Rothchild Rotherfeld Rothwell Rotrou Rotrud Rotrude Rotz and Schwarzenburg Rouche or Ryche Roucliffe Roucy Roucy-Marle Rouen Rouerge, de Rouerge Gr Rouergue Rougeau Rougen Rough Roulowe Roumare Roundtree Rountree Rous Rouse Roussillon Rouswell Routh Row Rowe Rowell Rowen Rowgie Rowland Rowlandson Rowley Rowlles Rowntree Rowzie Roy Royal Royall Royce Roydon Royston Rozel Rrussel Rubli Ruck Rucke Rudd Rudel Rudolf Rudolf III Rudolph Rudolph I Duke Burgundy Rudolph II Rudolph II\ King\ Burgundy Rudolph III Duke of Burgundy Rudolph III\ Duke\ Burgundy Ruffin Ruffin Jr Rugie Ruiz Rukes\ Rookes Rumely Rumigny Rumilly Runacers Runchorne Runnels Runting Rupp Ruricius Rurik Rurikovich Rurikovich or Rurykowicz Rus Rusco Ruscoe Rush Rusham Ruskyn Russel Russell Russell Dillard Russia Russum Rust Rusticus Rustique Ruth Rutherford Rutland Ryall Ryan Ryder Rydnes Rye Rygden Ryil Ryksa Ryland Rylands Rylee Rys ap Gruffydd Ryse Rysse Ryther Rytkes Ryve Ryves Réchin Rötz von Schwarzenberg Røgnvaldsson Røgnvaldsson,

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Saarbrucken Sabin Sabine Sabinus Sable Sabran Sacharell Sachcrell Sache Sachen Sacherell Sacheverell Sachsen Sackett Sackville Saddler Sadler Saemingsson Saever Saffenberg Sage Sager Sai Saillsbury Saint Aubyn Saint-Clair of Rosslyn Saint- Hilary Saint- Pol Saint-Quentin Saint Albans Saint Andrew Saint Armand Saint Aubyn SaintAubyn Saint Aubyn SaintAubyn Saint Aubyn SaintAubyn Saint Aubyn SaintAubyn Saint Aubyn SaintAubyn Saint Begga Saint Beggue Saint Clair Saint Clare Saint Count of SaintElizabeth Saint Hilary SaintHilary Saint Hillary Saint James Saint John SaintJohn Saint John Saint Leger Saint Leudwinus - Leutwinus - Lievin - Liutwin, Count and Bishop of Trier - Treves Saint Liz Saint Liz Senli Saint Loe Saint Macaire Saint Maur Saint Maur&Lovel} Saint Nicholas Saint Omer Saint Owen Saint Paul Saint POl Saint Quentin Saint Quintin Saint Sauveur Saint Valerie Saint Valery Saint Walery Salart Saleby Salerne Salerno Salesbury Salic Saliens Salins Salisbury Salisbury&Durham} Salkeld Sallie Salm Salmon Salour Saltby Salter Saltingstall Saltmarshe Saltonstall Saltonstall ( Saltingstall) Saltoun Salusbury Saluzzo Salvaine Salvin Salway Salzbourg Salzburg Samborn Samell Samlesbury Sammes Sammesbury Sammon Sample Sampson Samsbury Samson Samuel Samwell Sanborn Sancha Sancha of Portugal Sanches Sanches de Gasconha Sanches De Portugal Sanchez Sanchez Count of Flanders Prince of Portugal Sanchez King Of Castile Sanchez Prince of Portugal Sanchez Prince of Portugal King of Majorca Sanchez Princess of Portugal Abbsess of Lovena Sanchez V, Sanchia Sancho Sancho IV Sandbach Sandde Sandelands Sanders Sanderson Sandford Sandford, Lord of Sandford Sandilands Sandler Sandridge Sandy Sandys Sanford Sanford (Saunfor Sanford, Governor of Newport and Portsmouth Sanseverino Sanson Sapcotes Sarah Sarah Davis Sarcerius Sarcinville Sardis Sargent Sargin Sarnsfield Saronites Sarrett Sarrewerden Sarson Sasanid Sasser Sauer Saul Saumur Saunders Saussaye Sauveur Savage Savage of Clifton Savery Saveur Savile Saville Savoie Savona Savorie Savory Savoy Savoy [ Savoyen Sawen Sawin Sawle Sawtell Sawyer Saxby Saxe Saxon Saxon, Saxons Saxony Saxony, Lord of Brunsberge by Hoxter aka le Danois Harcourt Saxony- Engern Saxton Saxônia Say Say (Saye) Saye Sayer Sayre Scales Scales, Scallorn Scammons Scampton Scandinavia Scarbarrow Scarborough Scarborowe Scarborrow Scarburgh Scargell Scargill Scarlett Scatcher Scates Scatterer Scawyn Scent Flower Scey Scheafe Scheideler Schelde Schelde Austrasia Schelde Metz Schelley Scherragau Schetzler Schiercliffe Schlüter Schmauss Schmidt Schmook Schneider Scholes Schoresworth Schraag Schragg Schreck Schuster Schwaben Schwarzenburg Schweinfurt Schweitzer Schweizer Schwizler Schwytzer Schwyzer Scofield Sconnell Scot Scotharn Scothorn Scotland Scotland, Scotland] Scotland Concubine Scott Scott or Dennison Scottow Scougal Scranton Screche Scrimegeour Scrimgeour Scriven Scrivener Scrob Scrop, Scrope Scrope, Scrymgeour Scudamore Scudamore, Scudder Scudder or Skutter Scull Sea Seager Seagrave Seal Seale Seaman Seamans (Symonds) Seamon Searfe Searles Sears Seaton Seaxburga Saxe-Anglia Seckford Sedeleuba or Chrona Sedgwick Sedle Sedley Sedwoode See Seelings Seely Segar Segor Segrave Seigneur Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury Seigneur Of Chateau Du Loir Seigneur Of Chateaugontier Seisyll Seisyllt Seisylytt Selby Selden Sele Sellivant Sellman Selwood Selwoode Semark Semmes Semon Sempill Semple Semur Senator Senator of Moselle Senator of Narbonne Senhor de Moselle Senlis SENLIS [ & Bretagne] Senlis or St Liz Senlis St Liz Sens Septamania Septimania Septimanie Serbia Serell Sergeant Sergeaux Sergio I Serjeaunt Servant Service Servington Sessions Seth Seton Settle Sevenoak Sevenoaks Severance Severence Severus Sewall Sewall II Seward Sewell Sewer Sewers Sexburga of East Anglia \ Sexton Seymore Seymour Seymour Saint Maur Seyton Shaa Shackleton Shacklett Shade Shadfred Shaefe Shaeffe Shaftesbury Shafto Shafto (Brandling) Shahrijar DAVID Shakerley Shakespeare Shallcross Shaller Shallon Shannon Shard Sharde Share Shareshull Sharland Sharon Sharp Sharpe Sharples Sharpless Shattock Shattuck Shaw Shawano Shawano Bear Shawe Shawnee Shayler Sheaf Sheafe Sheaffe Sheard Shearer Shearman Shears Sheather Sheave Shed Sheffield Sheid Sheircliffe Sheirclyffe Shelby Shelding Sheldon Shelford Shell Shelley Shelton Shenton Shepard Shephard Shepheard Shepherd Shepherd or Shepard Shepley Sheppard Sheppey Sherborne Sherbourne Sherburn Sherburne Sheriff of Essex and Hartfordshire Sheriff of Northumberland FitzROGER Sheriff of Salopshire & Stafford" L' Estrange, Templar Knight Sherley Sherman Sherrod Sherwin Sherwood Shiercliffe Shilton Shinn Shinn (Owen) Shipley Shirburne Shircliffe Shirecliff Shirecliffe Shirley Shirly Shirwood Shiverick Shoare Shockley Shooter Shore Shores Shoresworth Short Shorte Shotter Shottesbroke Shotwell Shove Shoveler Showers Shrock Shropshire Shrubury Shuckburgh Shumick Shurland Shurtleff Shute Shuttleworth Sibell Sibil Sibyl Sicambrian Sicco Sichilde of the Ardennes Sicile Sicily Sicily\ Concubine 1 Sicily\ King Of Jerusalem Siday Siddons Sidebotham Sidin Sidman Sidonio Sieur de Toeni Sieur de Tosny Sigdon Sigebert I King of Austrasia Sigehelm Sigelline Sigermerus I Sigimerus Sigrade Sigrand\ Sigramus, Sigrist Sigtryggsdatter Sigtryggsson Sigtryggur Sigtrygsson Siguadsdatter Siguard Sigulfson Sigurbjorg G Olafson Sigurddottir Sigurdsdatter Sigurdsdotter Sigurdsdottir Sigurdsdtr Sigurdsson Sigurdsson Earl of Orkney Sigurdssøn Sigursdatter Sikes Sill Silva Silvester Sim Simcock Simeon Simmons Simmons Sr. Simms Simon Simond Simon I Upper Lorraine DeAlsace Simon I, Simons Simpson Simpsone Sims Simson Sinadena Sinclair Sinclair of Herdmanston Sinclair of Roslin Sincliar Singletary Singleton Sinkler Sipman Sir Sir) Stewart Sir Edmund Sutton of Dudley Sir John Baron Harcourt of Stanton, Sir John Binn Sir John de flegg 4 Sir Talbot Sir Thomas Dedham Butler, Sir William De Hastings Hastings Fillongley Sir} Sisk Sisley Sisom Sisson Sissons Sitsyllt Sitton Siward Siward the Strong Skaff Skargell Skeate Skeene Skeffington Skelton Skepley Skeren Skerne Skiff Skiffe Skiffen Skiffe or Skeff Skiles Skillings Skinflint Skinner Skinner or Skynner Skipwith Skipwith of South Ormsby Skipworth Skjalmsen Skjolding Skogarsdotter Skoglar- Testedot Skogulsdatter Skotkonung Skrene Skrinshire Skulasen Skulasson Skull Skull or Scull Skute Skutt Skyppon Skypwith Skötkonung Skötkonung of Sweden Slade Sladehurst Slaney Slany Slater Slaughter Slawson Sleman Slider Slingeband Slingsby Slorey Slough Slye Sm... Smale Small Smalley Smart Smedley Smedleyduplicate Smethwake Smethwick Smiley Smith Smith Doane Smithe Smith Jr. Smithson Smithwick Smolensk Smynerton Smyt Smyth Smythe Smythes Snaersdater Snaersdatter Snaersdotter Snaersson Snagge Snape Snapp Sn De Beaumont sn de Esperon sn de Geneville sn de Ivri & Breval sn de Montfort Sn De Montlhery sn de Vitre Snead Sneale or Snayle Sneed Sneg Snelgar Snelgrove Snell Snelling Snider Snipes Snitterton Snodgrass Snow Snow, Jr. Snowe Snow Young Snyder Soane Soares Soares Correia Soares da Silva Sobieslaw Sobrarbe Socelyn Sodington Sogn Sogne Soiss Soissons Solart Soleio Solendine Solers Solfasson Solssons Solvarsson Somaster Somber Somer Someri Somerled Somerledasson Somers Somersby Somerset Somerset (2nd Earl of Worcester) Somerset (3rd Earl of Worcester) Somersoll Somerville Somery Somester Sommerville 3RD LORD Sommerville Somner Son Sondes son Dillon Song Songer Son Of Tegyd Soole Sophia Sorrell Sorston Sothaby Sothard Sothern Sotherne Sotherton Sothill Soule Soulter Sourdeval South Southcot Southcote Southcott Southeby Southern Southerne Southery Southgate Southill Southwark Southwell Southwick Southwike Southworth Sowell Sowthorne Spain Spalding Sparham Sparke Sparrow Sparry Sparry, Spaulding Speacot Speake Speakman Spears Speccot Speed Speed (or) Speede Speke Spellman Spelman Spen Spence Spencer Spencer [ Spencer Somerset Spens Spense Spenser Sperry Speyergau Spicer Spielman Spielmann Spiller Spillman Spilman Spiltimber Spineto Spink Spinks Spires Spitihnev Spofford Spofforth Spoleto Sponheim Spooner Spotswood Spottiswood Spottiswoode Spoure Spouse Spowell Sprague Sprencheaux Sprigg Sprigg, Sprigge Spring Springer Squerry Squier Squire Squirer Squires Squirry Sr. st._ Hilary St._ Quintin St. Alfgifu St. Andrews St. Aubyn St. Begga St. Beggue St. Clair St. Clere St. Clotilde St. Elena St. Elgiva St. George St. Gertrude St. Hillary St. Hungary St. John St. Lawrence St. Lawrence, 3rd Baron Howth St. Leger St. Lievin St. Lievin\ Leutwinus, St. Lis St. Lis, de St. Liz St. Maur St. Maur&Lovel} St. Omer St. Philibert St. Quentin St. Quintin St. Quinton St. Valeri St. Valerie St. Valery St_ Riquier Stacey Stacie or Stacey STACKHOUSE Stackpole Stacy Stade Stafford Stafford (Countess of Huntingdon) Stafford, Staffordshire Stagard Staineridge Stalham Stamar Stanaland, Stanard Stanbury Standage Standedge Standiford Standisfield Standish Standish (De Malton) Standish de (of) Standish Standishe Standley St Andrews Stanfield Stanford Stanhope Staniforth Stanlegh Stanley Stanley ( Bishop of Ely ) Stanley) Stanmore Stannage Stannard Stansbury Stansbye Stansfeld Stansfield Stanton Stanwidge Stapeleton Stapelton Staple Staplehill Stapler Staples Stapleton Staploe Star Starbuck Stark Starke Starkey Starkweather Starkweather, I Starky St Arnaud Starr State Statford Stathum Staunton Stavely Staverton Stawell St Beggue St Beqque St Clair St Clare St Clere Steadman Steam Stear Stearns Stebbens Stebbing Stebbins Stedemay Stedman Steed Steel Steele Steelley Steill (Steel) Steinarsson Steinburg Steines Steinsson StElizabeth Stemmons Stenning Stentin Stepenson Stephani Stephen Stephen II Stephens Stephenson Stepney Sterling Stern Stetson Steven Stevens Stevenson Steward Steward) Steward of Mar Stewart Stewart ( Stuart) Stewart, Stewart, (Robert III), earl of Carrick Stewart, Lord of Fife Stewart 6th HIGH STEWARD OF SCOTLAND Stewart Baron of Innermeath Stewart I Stewart l Stewart Mrs Stewart of Ardgowan Stewart of Bonkyl Stewart of Bonkyll Stewart of Dundonald, Stewart of Innermeath Steyle Steynings Steyr St Hilaire Stiant Aubrie Stickland Stickney Stidston Stighull Stiker Stiles Stilicho Still Stille Stilley (born Stille) Stillwell Stilwell Stimson Stint (Stinc) Stirling Stith Stith or Steth St John StJohn St John StJohn St John St John} St Leger StLeutwinus St Lievin St Lis St Liz St Liz or Senlis St Liz Senlis St Loe St Luitvin St Martin St Maur St Michael Stockbridge Stocker Stockett Stocking Stocklen Stockport Stockton Stoddard Stodlegh Stoford Stoikes\Stokes Stoker Stokes Stokesly Stokes or Stookes St Omer Stonar Stone Stoner Jr. Stones Stonor Storrade Storrer Storrs Story Storye Stoughton Stourton Stouye Stovald Stovall Stovall Sr. Stovall (Stovold) Stovey Stovie Stovye Stowe Stowell St Pierre St Pol StPol St Quentin St Quintin St Quinton Strabolgi Strachan Strading Stradling Strahm Straiton Strange Strangeman Strange Strange Strangeways Strange} Stratford Strathbogie Strathearn Straton Stratoun Stratton Straughn Stream Streame Strebbing Street Streeter Strein Streit Streona Stretle Stretton Strickland Strikynbold Stringer St Riquier Stroade Strode Strong Strong" Strong"\ Margrave Of Steyr Strong\Strang Strongbow Stronge Strother Stroud Stroude Stroughton Strout Strowbie Strowde Strughill Struthers Strutt St Sauveur St Sauveurs St Sawieur Stuard Stuart Stubbs Stucely Stucki Stucley Studd Studdell Studly Stugg Stukeley Stukely Sturgis Sturman Sturry Sturry, Sturton Stuteville Stuydolf St Valerie St Valery St Walery Stwart Styche Stydolfe Styenings Styles Styrbjorn Styrbjornsson Styrbjornsson Sprakling Styrie Suabia- Hohensataufen Sualafeld Sudbury Sudduth Sudeley Sudell Sudley Suess Sueve Alemanni Suevi Suevia Suevic Suevics Suffix Suffolk Suger Sugg Suggett Suiter Suiters Sulien Sulley Sully Sulyard Sulzbach Sumarlidasson Summer Summerfield Summers Sumner Sumpter Sunderland sur Aube Surrett Surrey Surtees Surtus Susan Susanna Sutherland Suthery Sutten Sutterer Sutton Sutton ( Dudley) Sutton_( Dudley) Sutton Dudley Sutton of Dudley Sutton Or Dudley Svarti Ivarsson Svegdasson Svegdasson or Sveigdirson Sveidasson Sveigdesson King of Uppsala Svendsdatter Svensson Sverdhjaitsson Sverdhjaltsson Sverige Sviatoslavich Sviedasson Svyatoslav Swabia Swaffer Swafford Swain Swainston Swallow Swann Swanner Swansey Swanson Swanzey Swasey Swayne Sweatt Swedem Queen of the Franks Sweden Sweden {Roskilde] Swedes Sweet Swell Swellington Sweno Eriksson of Sweden Swensson Swepson Swepston Swetehnam Swetenham Sweynsdotter Sweynsson Swietoslava Swift Swillington Swinburne Swingcoe Swinnock Swinton Swparham Swynbanke Swyndall Swynerton Swynfen Swynford Swynnerton Sybil Sybthorpe Sydenam Sydenham Sydney Sykes Sylvester Syme Symes Symes of Charde Symmes Symmies Symmons Symond Symonds Symons Sympson Symson Symsone Synadena Synadenos Synam Synes Synett Synge Systal Systyl Sánchez

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Tabb Tabellaria Taber Tabler Tabley Tabor Tagall or Teagle Taidg Tailbois Tailboys Tailefer Taillebois Taillefer Taillefer Count Taillefer Iii Taillefer of Angouleme Taillefero II Taillefers Tailleffer Taillerer Taillerfer Taillfer, Taillifer Tainter Talbot Talbot, Talbot, First Viscount Lisle Talbott Talcott Talemache Taliaferro Tallant Tallefer Tallibois Talmadge Talon & Arques Talvace Talvance Talvas Talvas de Belleme Talves Of Belleme And Alencon De Belleme Talvoice Tame Tamworth Tancarville Tancred Guiscard Baron Of Normandy, Tancred of Bari Tanderinge Tanfield Tangno Tangwystl Tankerville Tankred ( Tanered) Tanner Tanscoyst Tansley Tanton Tapley Tapp Taranto Tarbell Tarleton Tarver Tasker Tassana Tate Tateshal Tateshale Tateshall Tatnall Tatters Tattershall Tatum Tauney Taverner Tawbot Taye Tayer Taylboys Tayler Taylor Taylor Jr. Taylot Tayman Tead Teano Tedbury Teel Tefft Tegeingl Tegjande Tegwared Tegwared Y Bais Wen Tegyd Teithrach Tekon Tellieres Telvase Tempe Tempes Tempest Temple Tengling Tennant Tenney Teobaldo Teodorus Tepper Terrell Terry Tertulle Tesce Tesdale Tessington Tesson Test Tettlowe Teuton Teutonicus Tew Tewdwr Tewdwr Mawr Tewe Teye Teyes Thacher Thacker Thackwray Thake Thatcher Thawytes Thaxter Thayer Thaytes The The 2nd Plantagenet, The_ Theater the Bald the Black Prince The Blind The Dane The Earl The Elder The Fearless the Felming, The First The Ganger" Prince Of Norway & Saint De Normandie "Count Of Rouen" Ragnvaldsson the German The GERMANS The Giant The Great The Great Comte De Bourgogne& the Great Forrester of Denmark The Hunchback Theiler Theirs The King of England the Lion Thelwal Thelwall Theobald Theobalde Theobald III Theodebald Theoderata Theoderic Thierry Makhir de Autun Theodogotho Theodon Theodoreda ( Theodrate) Theodoric Franks Theodoric I "Thierry" de Autun Theodosiolus The Pious the Pious King of France Therin The Saint The Saxon The Senator of the Moselle The Short King The Treasurer" De Autunois Theuderic Theuderic Thierry Von Gellon Autun Theweles The West Thewles Theydon the Younger" De Prince of Brittany Thibaut I King of Navarre Thickeld Thickpenny Thiecort Thiere Thiern Thiers Thierstein Thimbleby Thimbley Thimerais Thirburne Thirkell Thirkland Thirning Thirton Thomas Thomas Borden Thomas Garrett Thomas Herbert Thomasin Thomas Le Lord Thomassin Thomasson Thomaston Thomas Wood Thomond Thomplinson Thompson Thomsdatter Thomson Thoradsdottir Thoresby Thorfinndatter Thorfinnsdatter Thorfinnsson Thorfinnsson Earl of Caithness Thorfinsson Thorgerdardottir Thorgrimsdottir Thorgrimsson Thorigny Thorland Thorleifsson Thorley Thorn Thornberry Thornbury Thorne Thornex Thornex( Thorney) Thorney Thornholme Thornton Thorogood Thorold Torulf Audermar Thoroughgood Thorouhgood Thorowgood Thorp Thorpe Thorrasson Thorsteinsdotter Thorton Thorvid Thouars Thouars (Tours) Thour Thours Thoxandrie Thrall Thrand Thrandsdotter Thrandsdottir Threlkeld Thrift Throckmartin Throckmorton Throckmorton ^ Throgmorton Thrond Throndsen Throndsson Thronsson Throop Throope Thurgau Thurgood Thuringa Thuringe Thuringia Thurkettl Thurlo Thurman Thurmon Thurmond Thurmond Sr Thursby Thurstan Thurstansson Thurston Thurston (Toustain) de Bastembourg Thwaite Thwaites Thwaits Thwate Thweng Thwenge Thwenge, Thwenge Constable Thwing Thynne Thyre Thérouanne Tibbals Tibbetts Tibbs Tibetot Tichilda Tickner Tidd Tiddeman Tidderman Tiderleigh Tidesley Tidmarsh Tiffany til Danp Rigsson Tilden Tildesley Tiler Till Tillet Tillett Tilley Tilli Tillotson Tilney Tilney, Tiloson Tilson Tilton Timberlake Timperley Tincom Tingay Tingry Tinker Tinkham Tinsey Tipping Tiptoff Tiptoft Tiptoft, Tirrell Tisdale Tishborne Tishurst Tison Titherleigh Titherton Titley Titmouse Tittle Tittmouse Titus Tixtott Tobey Tobye Tocker Tocketts Todd Todeni Todereis Toeni TOENI, De Toeni Conches Toeni de Conches Toenry Toffey Toggenburg Tolderbury or Toldervey Tolderby Toledo Tollemache Tolson Tolthorpe Tomes Tomkin Tomkins ( Tompkins) Tomlins Tomlyn Tompkins Tompkyns TOMSON Tonantius Tonatius Tonbridge Tonge Toni Tonortius Tony Tony Toeni Toogood Tooke Tooker Tooley Tooly Toothaker TOPP Topping Toppingend Torasdotter Torf Tori- Einarsdotti Toriton Torleivsdatter Torner Tornvel Tornvell Torond Torrence Torrey Torrington Toscana Tosny Toste Totenais Tothill Totleworth Totnais Totty Touchet Touchet d'Audley Toulouse Toulouse & Albi Toulouse-Autun Toulouse [ Toulouse\ [ Duke Toulouse de Laon Toulouse Iii Tounsend Tour Touris Tourmignies Tourner Tourney TouroudeThorold Tours Tours & Paris Tours ( Alsace) Tovey Towers Towle Town Towne Towneley Townend Townhende Townley Townsed Townsell Townsend Townshend Towse Toxandrie Toxandrie, Tozer Trabue Tracey Tracy Trafford Traficke Trahaearn Trahaern Trahaiarn Traille Trailli Traine Tranquilina Tranter Trapes Trappes Trask Trava Travers Traves Travillion Travis Travis or Traves Traweek Trawick Treadwell Treat Treathone Trebartha Treffery Trefusis Tregarrach Tregarthin Tregemynyon Tregian Tregodeck Tregost Tregoz Tregoz ( de Ewyas) Tregoz, Treitherne Treithorne Trelaske Tremayle Tremayne Tremoille Trencavel Trenchard Trenholme Trenouth Trenowith or Trenouth Trent Trentham Tresham Trethurfe Trethurffe Treunwith Treusch Trevanian Trevanion Trevarthian Trevelyan ( Trevilian) Trevelyan (Trevilian) Treverbyn Treves Trevilian Trewledick Tribelhorn Trient Trier Ardennes Triers Trietherne Triller Tringall Tripe Tripp Tripp I Trivett Troghford Trompnell Trondheim Troter Trott Trotter Troutbeck Troutbek Trowbridge Troyes Truax Trueman Trull Truman Trumbell Trumble Trumbull Trussebut Trussel Trussell Trye Tryggvasson Tryggvesdoittir Trygveson Tryon Tuberville Tuck Tucker Tucker, Tucker St. Clair Tuckey Tudenham Tudor Tudor Mawr Tudor Trevor Tudur Tudwal Tudway Tue Tuerck Tuitt Tuke Tuley Tull Tulloch Tunison Tunstall Tupper Turberville Turbie Turenne Turin Turing Turkey Turley Turman Turnberry Turnbull Turner Turney Turnham Turpin Turqueville Turrenne Turstain Turstan Turtam Turtezendes - Galindes - Turuile Turvile Turvill Turville Tuscany Tutbury Tutt Tuttle Twaights Twell Twiford Twig Twigg Twining Twite Twitty Twna Twyford Twyne Tybotot Tydwall Tyes Tyeys Tygon Tylden Tyldesley Tyler Tylid ap Eiludd Tylney Tylye Tympanie Tyndal Tynes Tyree Tyrell Tyres Tyrrell Tyrrell of Gipping Tyrwhit Tyrwhitt Tyson Tyte Tytherleigh Tytley

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U Ua Briain Ua Briain or O'Brian Ua Chaelluide Ua Conchobuir UA Eagra UA Fallamain Ua Tuathail Uchtred Northumberland Dunbar Uchtred of Galloway Udey Udward( Edward) Ufford Ufgau Ulfcytel Ulfhilde Ulfsdatter Ulfsson Ulrumnand Ulster Ulten Umfravil Umfravill Umfraville Umfresville Umfreville Umphreville Unarchen Unavailable Unbekannt Underhill UnderKing of Trondheim Underwood Ungoe unk unknow Unknown Unknown---- UNKNOWN Elstrude Unknown IV Unknown Mistress Unknown Mistress(es) Unmarried Unready Unruoching Unter- Elsass Unthank Unton Upcher Upham Upper Alsace Upper Lorraine Uppsale Upshaw Upson Upton Urach Urgel Urgel, Urgel, I Urot Urquhart Urraca Urswich Urswick Urswicke Use # 9Z8W-FY1 Use # LCWK-8ZF Usher Ussell Usselton Ussher Utilo ( Odilon), Duke Utter Uí Ímair

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V v. Gwenwynwyn of Powys V. Maredydd V11 Vabres Vachell Vadoc Vadon Vaen Vagena Valaanderen Valdarsson Valdarssson Valdemarsdottir Valdemarsson Valdes Valence Valenciennes Valentine Valentinois Valerie Valery Valesdatter Vallence Valletort Valognes Valoignes Valoines Valois Valtrude Vana van Acquitanië Graaf Van Poitou Vanaheim van Alamannia van Atholl van Austasia van Austrasie der Merovingen Van Autan van Bar van Beaujeu Van Bebber van Beieren van Beieren Schweinfurt Van Berg van Billung van Bohemen van Botenstein Beieren Van Boulogne van Bourgondie van Bourgondië van Bourgondië Chalon Van Brabant Vance van Cleef Dinslaken Wassenberg Durbuy van Clermont Van Cleve van Courtneay van Dammartin Ponthieu van Dampierre Bourbon Vlaanderen van de Elzas Van Den Yssel van der Mark Van Dudley Sutton Van Dyke van Elzas van Frankrijk van Gent van Gleiberg van Guelders van Halicz. van Henegouwen van Hesbaye Van Holland van Holland Zeeland Van Horn van I Van Italie Van Italië van Keulen Vanlandasson Vanlandasson Princess Of Finland Vanlandsson van Langelaar Van Lens van Leuven van Leuven Brabant Perweys Ruusbroeck van Limburg van Limburg (van Arlon) van Limburg Luxemburg VanLoon van Lotharingen VanMatre Westerley van Montfaucon Van Namen van Namur van Narbonnes van Navarra van Neder-Lotharingen van Neuenburg- Aarberg Van Normandie van Normandië van Normandië Engeland van Orleans van Orleans in de Lahgau Van Ovrel Van Oyrel Van Oyrle van Parijs van Poitiers van Preum van Rieneck Van Saffenberg van Saksen Van Saksen- Billung van Schotland van Schotland Huntingdon Northumberland van Schwartzenburg van Schweinfurt van Semur Vanspanje Van Spanje verch Honorius Theodosius van Sponheim - Graaf van Vianden van Sponheim Vianden Grimbergen RUMST Hoboken Ekeren van Thuringen van Toulouse van Toxandrie Van Trier van Valois Koning van Frankrijk Van Varmland(Uppland) Van Vaudemont Van Verdun Van Vermandois van Vlaanderen van Walbeck van Wessex van West Francia Van West- Francie van West- Francië van Zutphen van Zwaben Varcher Varley Varmland Varnell Varney Varnum Vassi Vassy Vatnarrsson Vatnarsson Vaudemont Vaudrémont Vauggus Vaugh Vaugham Vaughan Vaughn Vaux Vavasour V Dyfnwal Veale Vech Rhiwallon Veidekonge Veinor Velho Velle Velley Velly Velly or Velle Velly or Vellie Venable Venables Venaissin Venato Venderheyden Vendil Vendome Veneables Venegas Venoix Venoix, Venti Venuz Verch verch Aaron verch adda Verch Ap Ieuan Verch Aron Verch Brochwell Verch Cadell verch Cadifor Verch Cadwaladr verch Cadwaladr ap Gruffdd Verch Cadwallon Verch Cadwgan Verch Cillin verch Cynan de Gwynedd verch Cynyllyn verch David ap Gwillym Morgan verch Deicws Verch Dyfnwal verch Dynwal verch Dyvet Gwyn Verch Ednyfed verch Edwyn Verch Einion Verch Elidir verch Elidir Marchog Verch Evan Verch Fitzansculf Verch Frechfias Verch Gilbert III verch Goronwy Verch Gorowny verch Graff Verch Griffith verch Grono verch Gronwy verch Gruff verch Gruffudd verch Gruffudd ap Cynan verch Gruffydd verch Gruffydd Goch verch Gwerfyl Verch Gwerystan Verch Gwrgan verch Henry verch Howel Verch Ieuan Ap Ieuan Verch Iorwerth verch John verch John ap Thomas Verch Lewelyn verch Lewis verch Llandilo Verch Llewarch Verch Llewelyn verch Llewelyn Fawr Verch Llewrlyn Verch Lluddicia verch Lluddoccaf verch Llwch-Llawen Verch Llywarch Verch Llywelyn Fawr verch Madoc verch Madog Verch Maelgwn verch Maredudd verch Maredydd Verch Meurig Verch Meurig ap Dyfnwallon Verch Meyrick Verch Morgan Verch Owain Verch Owain Fawr Verch Rhiwallon Verch Rhoderick Verch Rhodri Verch Rhodri Mawr Verch Rhydderch ap Rhys Verch Rhys Verch Thomas Verch Thomas ap Lewis Verch Trevor Verch Tudor Trevor Verch Verch Cynfelyn Verch William Thomas Verch Ynyr Verch Yr Argl Rhys Verch Yr Arglwydd Rhys Verdon Verdum Verdun Vere Vere, 4th Earl of Oxford Verea Verezelini Ver Goose Verleth Vermaland Vermandis Vermandois Vermandois [ Vermandois Countess of Senlis Vermandois deSenlis Vermundarsson Vermundsson Vernabdois Vernai Verney Vernon Vernon de Redvers Vernon de Reviers Vernon VI Verona Verplank Very Verzelina Vesci Vescy Vesey Vespasian Vespont Vessy Vestal Vestall Vestfold Vestmar Vestmare Vestmark Veteripont Veteriponti Vexin Vianlandassani (Visburon) Vibrock Vicarage Vicars Vichanor Fychan Vick Vicke Vicomte de Rasez Vicomte du Maine Vicount Of Chartres Victor Vidaure Vidonis Viebrock Viegas de Azevedo Vieilles Viell Vielles Vienne Viennois Vieseandess Vieuxpont Vifilsson VI Flore VII DeLommois VIII Earl of Huntingdon VIII Rei de Castela Vii Of England Vikarsson Viking Vikingsdottir Vikingsson Viletrude de Bavaria Villars-Valbert Villehardouin Villers Villiers Vilpotan Vincent Vincent Of Bernake Vincenza Vines Viney Vinggau Vining Vinsgau Vinson Vintzau Vinzgau Vinzgau D`Allemagne Vion Vipoint Vipont Vipount Visburrson Visbursson Viscomte de St. Sauveur Viscount Viscount D'Aunay Viscount of Chartres Viscount Of Chateaudun Viscount Of Narbonne Visgoths Visigoten Visigoth Visigoths Vitao Vitinska Vitre Vitres Vitrie Vivonne Vladimirovich Vladimirovna VLADIMIROWITSCH KIEV Vladimir Volynsk Vlaidd V Lion Saxony (von Sachsen) V Llewelyn V Maredudd vom Bidgau vom Elsaß von (Botenstein) Pottenstein Von Abensberg von Alemannien, von Alencon von Allemania von Altdorf von Altdorf, Duke of Bavaria von Anglachgau von Angstgau von Anjou Von Arenthal Von Arneburg Von Austrasia von Austrasien von Auvergne von Babenberg von Babenburg von Baugency von Bavaria von Bayem von Bayern von Berg von Betuwe von Bliescastel von Blois Von Bohemia von Boulogne von Braunschweig von Braunschweig ( Brunswick) von Brteuil Von Brunswick von Bunswick von Burgund von Burgun´d, von Lothringen von Capua von Carcassonne von Cham von Chartres von Chatenois von Clare von Coligny Von Colongne- de Salian von Cuyk-Arnsberg von Dagsburg von Danmark Von De Betuwe Von DeHolland De Holand Holland Countess of Holland Von Dentumoger Von Dentumoger) Von Der Linzgau VON DER MARK BABENGERG von der Ostmark Von Dillingen Von Donime von Dreux von Duke Von Egesheim von Egisheim von Eifelgau VON ELSAAS (METZ) Von Engern Von Eppenstein Von Eritgau von Flandern von Francien Von Franconia von Franken von Frankreich von Friaul von Friesland von Friuli Von Frohberg Von Frohburg von Geldern von Genf Von Gepides von Glane von Gleiberg von Gleiberg, von Goseck von Gournay -en-Bray von Habsburg von Hainaut Von Haldensleben von Hamalant Von Hammerstein von Hapsburg Von Haspengau 0665---0717 von Haspengau? von Hennegau Von Heristal Von Herzog v. Niederlothringen von Hesbaye von Hohenburg vonHohenstaufen Von Hohenstaufen VonHohenstaufen Von Hohenstaufen vonHohenstauffen Von Hohnenstaufen von Holland von Holte von Homberg von Hornbach von Hornbach Dijon von I von Italien von Jülich von Kastl von Koeln von Koenigin von Koln von Köln Von Landen von Laon Von Laufenburg von Lauffen von Lechsmund von Lenzdorf von Limburg von Limburg Isenberg-Altena von Limburg Maaß von Lobdengau von Loos von Lothringen von Lowen von Luxembourg von Löwen von Maasgau VonMaine von Maurienne von Maurienne Savoyen von Merseburg von Metz von Montferrat von Mullenark von Navarra von Neuerburg Von Nordgau von Norge von Northeim Von Nullenburg von Oberlothringen von Oehningen VON OEREN Von Ohningen von Orleans VonOrtenburg Von Paris Von Pfirt von Pierrefitte-Reynel von Polen von Ponthieu- Montreuil von Provonce von Reynel Von Rheinfelden von Rimacourt-Reynel Von Ringelheim Von Ringleheim von Roucy Von Rugan Von Rugen Von Saarbrucken von Saarbrücken von Sachesen Saxony Billung von Sachsen von Sachsen, von Saffenberg Von Saffenburg- Nörvenich von Saffenburg- Raergau von Saint Pol Von Saxe von Saxony von Schannis von Schelde Von Schelde of Moselle von Schwaben von Schwaben von Räthien and Thurgau von SCHWABIA Von Schwarzenberg Von Schweinfur Graf von Schweinfurt von Schweinfurth von Schännis von Spoleto von Sponheim Von Stade Von Stade Graf von Staufen von Steyr von Stubenskorn von Sueben Von Suevics Eastern Franks Von Sulichgau von Sulichgau-Friaul von Svergie VonSwabia von Swabia von Talvas von Ponthieu von Thurgau von Thuring Von THURINGA von Thuringen Von Thuringia VonThuringia VON THÜRINGEN von Thürgau von Thüringen von Tours von Troyes von Urach von Valois von Vermandois von Vexin Von Vinschgau Von Vinzau Von Vinzgau von Vohburg von Wasseburg von Wassenburg und Geldern von Welsch- Neuenburg Vonwenden von Wenden von Werl von Westfriesland von Wetterau von Wettin von Wickerode Von Wormsgau Von Zahringen von Zaringen von Zollern von Zurichgau von Zähringen von Zähringen (von Teck) Vorbet Vore Vortigern Voss Vouvant Vratislav V Rhys Vsevolod Vukanović Vultrogothe Vunter Vyall or Ryall Vychan Vynall Vémundardóttir Vífilsson

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W.B. W. Friesland Wa... Wacchon Wadda Waddington Waddy Wade Wadeton Wadleigh Wadlow Wadsworth Waelti Wafre Wagger Wagstaff Wagster Wagstoff Wahull Waiet Wait Waite Waitt Wake Wakefield Wakehurst Wakelee Wakeman Wakerell Walbeck Walbeoff Walbieffe Walchiville Walcot Walcote Walcott Waldegrave Waldemar Walden Waldengrave Waldgrave Waldove Waldrada Waldron Waldymirovitch Waleran Walerand Wales Wales, Paris Wales Aquitaine Walesborough Wales North Wales Powys Waleton Walework Walia Walker Walkington Wall Wallace Wallace or Wallis Wallensis or Gardeus Waller Walley Walleys Walleys Wallis Wallis Walram Walrond Walsele Walsh Walsheer Walsingham Walsyngham Walter Walters Walthall Waltham Walthe Waltheof Waltheof I Walther Walthers Walt Lydan Walton Walton, Walton-Herberger Walwayn Walwyn Walwyn Lord van Bickerton Wambert Wammack Wampanag Wampanag Dugunia Wanton Warbarton Warberton Warbrick Warburton Warcop Ward Warde Wardell Warden Wardlaw Wardley Wardwell Ware Wareham Warenne Warenne, Knight Warfield Warham Waring Warkworth Warmall Warner Warr Warre Warrell Warren Warren Yonges Warrene Warrenne Warren Or Waller Warren Yonges Warricke Warriner Warringer Warrington le Boteler Warry Warryn Warsford Warwick Washburn Washington Wasseburg Wassenberg Wassenburg Wassum Wasteneys Waterbury Waterhouse Waterman Watermore Waters Watersfield Waterson Waterville Wateville Watham Watkin Watkins Watkyn Watling Watson Watson Flowers Watson Furthe Watson Marten or Videl Watson Mrs - Watt or Wade Watts Waugh Waurin Waverton Wavrin Way Waye Wayne Wayte Waytt Weam Weare Weatherpone Weathers Weaver Webb Webbe Webbe (Randolph) Webber Webb Sr. Webster Weden Wedge Wedon Weeden Weedon Weekes Weeks Weese Weesel or Wesse Weir Weiss Welborn Welbury Welby Welch Weld Weldebof Weldelphus Weldon Welf Welk Well Wellar Weller Welles Welles (8th Lord Welles & Willoughby) Wellington Wells Welsch Welsch of Ayre Welsh Welshe Welton Wemme Wenbourne Wendell Wends Wengenroth Wenne Wensley Wenthworth Wentworth Wentworth Danby Wenwynwyn Wepham Wer Werbuga Wermode Werner Weroance Wescott Wesley Wesse Wessel Wessex Wessex and Kent Wessex the Anglo Saxons Wessington Wesson Wesson or Weston West West- Friesland Westacot Westby Westbye Westcote Westcott Westfold West Franks Westfriesland Westgate West III Westofer Weston Westover Westphalia Westrow West Saxon West Saxons Westwick Westwood Wetenhall Wether Wetherden Wethering Wettenhall Wetterau Wettin Wever Weverham Weyland Wgan Whale Whalley Wharley Wharton Wharwood Whatlock Whatman Whatton Whatton or Wathon Wheaten Wheatleigh Wheatley Wheatly Wheaton Wheeler Wheellock Wheelock Wheelwright Wheldon Wheldrake Wheler Whellan Whelock Whetenhall Whetman Whetmore Whetson Whettem Whipple Whitaker Whitbread Whitby Whitchester Whitcomb White White, Winslow Whitebread Whitechurch Whitefield Whitehall Whitehead Whitehouse Whiteman Whiteway Whiteword Whitfeld Whitfield Whithead Whiting Whitlaw Whitleigh Whitley Whitloe Whitlow Whitman Whitmarsh Whitmore Whitney Whiton Whitsitt Whittaker Whittakers Whittemore Whittesley WHITTING Whittingham Whittington Whittle Whityate Whorlton Whorton Wickersham Wickham Widdifield Widdoes Widdows Widdrington Wideville Widikind Widmore Widnille Wierchoslawa Piast Wife

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'Wife of Aubrey Devere I'

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Wigg Wiggins Wigglesworth Wight Wightman Wignal Wignall Wignol Wigson Wikeman Wikes Wilabraham, Wilberforce Wilberham Wilbore Wilborforce Wilborne, Mr. Wilbour Wilbow Wilbraham Wilbram Wilbriham Wilbuiga Wilburga Wilburgham Wilcock Wilcocke Wilcox Wilcoxson Wild Wilder Wildi Wilds Wile Wiles Wiley Wilford Wilford, Wilfred Wilkenson Wilkerson Wilkes Wilkin Wilkins Wilkinson Wilks Willa Willard Willeford Willes Willet Willets Willett Willetts Willey William William Clarke William De Morley William de Say William DeMobberley William Hardy William I William II William Iii William III ( Guillaume) William Lord Wendover Fiennes William Q. Fuller Williams Williams, William Scott Williams III Williamson William Stewart Willie Willie Or Wylie Willigarde De Baviere Willilams Willingham Willis Williston Williswint Willliams Willon Willoughby Willoughby de Broke Willoughby de Freville Willowby Wills Willson Wilmer Wilmot Wilsford Wilsforde Wilsmith Wilson Wilsone Wilsonn Wilton Wiltshire Wimark Winbish Winch Winche Winchell Winchester Winch Jr. Wincoll Windham Windsor Winfree Wing Wingfield Winnington Winsett Winship Winsley Winslow Winsonocock Winsor Winstead Winter Winters Wintershull Wintherop Winthrop Wiriot Wirley Wirrall Wiscowe Wise Wiseheart Wiseman Wisewall Wisigothie Wisigoths Wiswall Witchingham Wither Witherbey Witherell Witherington Witherly Withers Witherspone Witherspoon Withington Withwick Witt Wittelsbach Wodell Wodhull Wofford Wogan Wolcott Wolfenden Wolf or Rumph Wolphendon Wolstead Wolston Wolterton Wolvedon Wolvey Womack Wombell Wombwell Wood Wood [Sandy Wood] Wood" WOODALL Woodan Woodas Woodbridge Woodbury Woodcock WOODCOTE Woodde Woode Woodeville Woodfield Woodford Woodhall Woodhouse Woodin Wooding Woodlief Woodman Woodmansey Woodroffe Woodrouffe Woodrove Woodrow Woodruff Woodruffe Woods Woodson Woodstock Woodstock, Woodthorp Woodthorpe Woodville Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers Woodward Woodwell Woodworth Woody Wookey Woolas Woolcott Wooley Woollas Woollett Woolley Woollis Woolnough Woolpit Woolsey Woolson Woolton Wooster Wooten Worcester Wordell Worden Worden, Worden Newton Workington Worley Wormall Wormegay Wormeley Worms Wormsgau Wormwell Wornall Worrilow Worsell Worsford Worsham Worsley WORTH Worthe Worthen Worthe of Worth, Knighton Worthinghan Worthington WORTLEY Wotton Wratislav II Wreicht Wren Wrenn Wrentford Wright Wright, Esq, Wrigley Write Wrokeshale Wroughton Wryttel Wulfhild Wulgrim Ii Wyat Wyatt Wyatt {AKA The Younger} Wyatt, Wyberg Wyborn WYCAERT Wyche Wycht Wyckaert Wydevill Wydeville Wydville Wyelly Wyeth Wyeth Wise Wygott Wykeham Wykes Wykley Wykys Wylde Wylie Wylley Wylley ( Willie) Wyllyams Wylton Wyman Wymarche Wymer Wymon Wyn Wynanc WYNCELOWE Wyndesor Wyndesore Wyndham Wyndsore Wynethorpe Wynn Wynne Wynne, Wynnington Wynslowe Wynter Wynthrop Wyrall Wyrdrop Wyrley Wyse Wythe Wyvill

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X Ximena

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Yale Yancy Yardley Yarnall Yaroslavich Yaroslavna Yaroslavna, Yaroslavna of Kiev Yate Yates Yeardley Yearington Yearwood Yeate Yeates Yehuda Yei Yell Yelland Yelverton Yelverton, 2nd Baronet of Rougham Yeo Yeoman Yeovilton Yngling Yngvasdotter Yngvasson Yngvi-Freysson Yngvi- Freysson Yngvi-Freysson Yngvisson Ynyr Ynyr " Vychan" Ynyr Fychan Ynyr Vychan Yoakley Yocum Yolent Yonge Yonges Yonges OR Youngs Yonne York Youell Young Younge Younger Younges Young King Youngman Young or Yonge Youngs Youngs or Yongs Ysgythrog Ystrwyth Yy

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