Notes: "Thus the issue of Walter LEAK and Judith MASK, his wife, as given in h is will are as follows: "1. Josiah LEAK; 2. John LEAK; 3. William LEAK; 4. Mask LEAK; 5. Elisha L EAK; 6. Mary LEAK_CHRISTIAN; 7. Christine LEAK_JOHNSTON; 8. Judith LEAK ; 9. Elizabeth LEAK_COLEMAN; 10. Samuel LEAK is given as son by other a uthorities. While he is mentioned in Walter LEAKE's will, he is not men tione as "son"." "Now please refer back to the children of James COLEMAN (of Albemarle C o. VA) and his wife Elizabeth as mentioned in James' will. There was a J udith and Elizabeth COLEMAN's mother was Judith MASK. There was a daugh ter Maskey. Elizabeth COLEMAN's mother's maiden name was MASK. There wa s a daughter Mary and Elizabeth COLEMAN's grandmother was Mary BOSTICK. O n the COLEMAN side ther was Samuel, named for James COLEMAN's father Sa muel. A daughter, Ann BUNNFIELD (or BRUNFIELD) named for her grandmothe r Ann COLEMAN." "There were many, many james and Samuel COLEMANs of this period and it i s often a puzzle to unravel their relationships. But in this case where a ll known dates fit and there seem to be no conflicting statements, the p icture is complete."